: LUSENET : Elevator Problem Discussion : One Thread |
Anybody knows something about sambiem, I mean, Iīm thinking to acept a bulding that have this elevator, but I donīt know if Iīm going to gain a big problem, because of te spart parts, wiring diagrams, etc. Please if you know where I can find informatiion or the company addres, phone, web site or email, let me know.Thanks alot
-- Paula Bencomo (, November 25, 2001
Hola Paola, no se si entiendes espaņol, yo no escribo bien el ingles, pero tengo informacion de ascensores Sabiem, si aun necesitas informacion estoy a tu disposicion. Florentino De Pasquale
-- Florentino De Pasquale (, March 17, 2002.