It's not possible to "disable" new : LUSENET : Poole's Roost II : One Thread |
I doubt this will keep the morons away (maybe Osama Bin Reuben)Sad to see you sink into the same nazi tactics Squire and the rest fell for, Stevo.
-- Anonymous, November 26, 2001
IDIOT. You have to log on and ID yourself on the new board. As they used to say in Afghanistan when the USSR was around, Tough Shitski.
-- Anonymous, November 26, 2001
Of course you can still post if you don't mind playing with the HTML a bit ... just as it's not possible to put something on here that can't be deleted. (I've been challenged with that before, too.[g])Too bad Phil's not making any money on this forum or it would be worth his while to add a few simple safety checks on the software.
I just got tired of cleaning up messes made by children.
-- Anonymous, November 26, 2001