focussing tabs - how to build your own...on the cheap : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Please please forgive me if this is old news...After Lutz K's advice re: using a cable tie, I have found that the plastic strap tie for attaching a bicycle pump to a bike frame works as an excellent upgrade. The things come in packs of 2 and have a convenient "nipple" (that would attach to the pump) which gives excellent purchase for focussing and can even be filed down into the ergonomic shape of the real tabs. Because you tighten them up with a screwdriver you can take them on and off if you wish (I should counsel against tightening them too tight in case you damage anything!). Zefal (a french (?)cycle manufacturer) do an XL one which is big enough to accomodate my 90f2apo although so far I have been defeated as far as the 751.4 is concerned. In any case it has made a huge difference to my use of the 90 and I would like to think that it might give others equal delight.

-- stephen jones (, November 27, 2001


Stephen, I have just take Lutzīs advice on my build-in-shade summicron-M, and plastic cable tie as focusing tab is just great, I once swear over the non-tab option on this lens, but I change my mind, it is much faster with a plastic tie as tab, great idea Lutz!

100% recomendable!

-- r watson (, November 28, 2001.

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