Holiday Wishes : LUSENET : MATH Plus One : One Thread

What's at the top of YOUR wish list?

Make it anything. This is all about sugar plums dancing in your head.

-- Anonymous, November 27, 2001


Ooh! Anything? Then I wish for peace and stability -- for both sides -- in the Middle East, a G4 cube, a transfer to Atlanta, job security, vehicles that get 150 miles to the gallon, and a publishing contract.

-- Anonymous, November 27, 2001

World peace. And a new PDA.

-- Anonymous, November 27, 2001

Oh come on, y'all, don't make me feel guilty for lusting after all of

Be materialistic! The economy needs it!

-- Anonymous, November 27, 2001

'Kay, then I want a G4 cube, a PowerBook, and a Linux box for The Smoker to play with.

And a Dreamcast.

And an all-region DVD player.

But honestly? This morning I realized that between my new coat and my new boots, I spent the equivalent of the average annual salary of a good portion of the globe.

-- Anonymous, November 27, 2001

Hannah, I'm with you. In fact, I was just browsing on the Tiffany Web site a few minutes ago. In keeping with the materialistic vein (or is it vain?) here, I'm going to say the Kate Spade wallet that I've been coveting for so long. Red. Sassy. Yet completely materialistic. And while I'm at it, let's throw in a black, three quarter length jacket, these kick ass red boots and a digital camera.

Santa, are you out there?

-- Anonymous, November 27, 2001

I got a job today, so I pretty much got my holiday wish. Now, all I need are a new pair of diamond studs from Tiffany, The Kate couch from Restoration Hardware, Civilization (the computer game), and a baby. Oh, and a new watch, and a printer that I can do photos on, and a new digital camera.

I haven't even started work yet, and I have spent my first year's pay, in my head!

-- Anonymous, November 27, 2001

world peace, a ps2 (and a TON of games to go with it), books, tons of albums, tons of dvds (mostly anime), a calendar, clothes (ex: delia*s, jcrew, victoria's secret..), sheets for my bed, frames for my cels, a relationship that involves touching and kissing (I'm sick of long distance as of now!)

-- Anonymous, November 27, 2001

Yay Kristin! New Job! Wheee! way to go...

-- Anonymous, November 28, 2001

World peace, the Bush administration to quit being wacky by interrogating teenagers about posters, a digital camera

-- Anonymous, November 28, 2001

Look at Hannah, pimping for the economy. She's a real American, y'all.

I want the house on the hill. Wrap-around porch. Huge bathroom. Good kitchen cabinets. And $700 sheets.

Also, a short strand of pearls, compliments of Mikimoto.

ALSO, a private dinner party with Lucinda, Shelby and Brent Best of Slobberbone. Aw, yeah. I said "private."

ALSO, a big bag of money for The MOC, so that he can get whatever he wants in the whole world.

-- Anonymous, November 28, 2001

Ooh - Kristen, we have the Kate sofa and armchair (a purchase from C's bachelor days - seriously, between his lovely living room furniture and his fine, fine collection of Junior League cookbooks, it's a wonder he's marrying me, a woman). However, I am lusting after the new Blaine bedroom set at Restoration.

We bought our wedding bands, so those are our official Christmas gifts to each other - yes, I know that technically, a wedding band doesn't really count as a Christmas gift. What I'd really, really like, though, is a good sewing machine. So I can make toile pajamas. And curtains for our living room.

-- Anonymous, November 28, 2001

You people are giving me even more things to want this holiday season! I want a good number of the same things Kristin wants, actually - a new watch, a printer I can print digital photos on, and a baby. Heh. Not in that order, and not necessarily by Christmas (I understand the baby thing takes awhile to prepare, and really, as much as I want it NOW NOW NOW, I would also still *prefer* to be married first), but I want them!

I also want one of those big old Kitchen Aid mixers in some bright color, so I can make lots of Christmas cookies without wearing out my pathetic arm muscles from holding up the hand mixer. I want a house, not an apartment (although if our apartment was a house, it'd be a big enough one - but I'm sick of the neighbors and their evil dog), and a darkroom in it! I would like my own personal chef and personal trainer, just like Oprah, so I can eat delicious low-fat meals and have somebody cheer me on while I work out and lose 40 pounds.

Umm....oh, and a portrait lens for my camera. Ooh! And the best one, really? Santa, please pay off my student loan debt. That would be the best gift ever. That and a new bracelet, or something. Ok?

Thank you, Santa!

-- Anonymous, November 28, 2001

New job with exactly the same lack of responsibility and slack time galore, but maybe with better pay and closer parking.

If I'm going butt wild with the wishing, though, it's for Partner to get a fabulous forestry job in Asheville with high pay that allows me to become the professional student I am destined to be. And a dog. Right now, I'm lusting after a Japanese Shitzu or a Chihuahua. And a Boxer for Partner.

For those meager wishes, I would be happy to give Santa 30 of the extra pounds I've been carrying around, to facilitate that whole bowl full of jelly belly thing.

-- Anonymous, November 28, 2001

Oh! A big slobbery friendly dog -- actually, make that two -- and a big backyard for them to run around in. And a barbecue. And friends to come over and hang out while I barbecue.

-- Anonymous, November 28, 2001

Ooh, I want another dog! That's just asking for trouble, though. Dear Santa, Could you just let me keep a dog for a week or so?

Also I want a TiVo. And a Handspring. And Urban Cowboy on DVD. And that cute scarf from J. Crew. And some black boots. And a soundproof room added on to our house so I don't have to hear that infernal rock music Master V plays all day long.

And a chalet in Switzerland, Santa. I want that, too.

-- Anonymous, November 28, 2001

Jessamyn and I make it so easy for every one else - I want what she wants, and she wants what I want! And apparently, until I get what I want, I could be very happy at T's house, so it is all good for me!

-- Anonymous, November 28, 2001

I wish that Kristin would start updating again.

-- Anonymous, November 29, 2001

Dear Santa -

I would like a TiVo, a digital camera, a Palm, and lots of books, CDs and DVDs.

Oh, I also really, really want the mesh ring from Tiffany and a spa package and a trip to Las Vegas and a million dollars.

And can you send me a puppy too? Already house broken?


P.S. I was serious about wishing that Kristin would start updating again. That also goes for Shae and of COURSE

-- Anonymous, December 05, 2001

Dear Santa,

Please pay my cable bill, and my electricity bill, and if you wanted to pay my cable bill for all of next semester, that would be dope. Also, a New Yorker subscription renewal.

I would also like a pair of short black boots with just the right heel, a nice pair of black pants that fit just right, something cashmere, and new gym shoes.

And a cat.

Love, the always nice and never ever naughty, honest, Hannah

-- Anonymous, December 05, 2001

I cannot be held responsible for FTP problems.

-- Anonymous, December 05, 2001

Santa, I would like a PDA for Christmas and to be find out what the fuck my company is doing so we can decide if we are staying in MA or not. Thanks, dude!

(Um, I plan to update, I do, really. I just suck, that's all there is to it.)

-- Anonymous, December 05, 2001

Dear Santa, after you've gotten Berman, Kristin, and Shae to start updating, get T to update too. And give Omar back and restore to PG.

And then give me an iPod. And a transfer to Atlanta. And a hiz- ouse. Preferably close to Alton Brown, with a spare bedroom for fellow stalkers.

-- Anonymous, December 05, 2001

Dear Santa -

If you give WG that house in Atlanta near Alton Brown I will move in and help her pay the mortgage and stalk him so you can keep the PDA and just give us that.

Thanks, dude!

-- Anonymous, December 05, 2001

Dear Santa,

I want my cable modem hooked back up. And I want it now.

But for Christmas, you could bring me a DVD player, a surround sound amplifier, a 5 speaker surround sound system with wireless satellites and a subtitled version of "Attack the Gas Station" because WG swears it's a great movie. I also want some nice dresses I can wear to work and look sassy in.

In return, on Christmas Eve I'll leave out some homemade Tollhouse chocolate chip cookies and a glass of whole milk. You don't have a cholesterol problem, right?

Season's Greetings,


-- Anonymous, December 05, 2001

Kristin - as I was cleaning my living room this weekend, I turned our Kate ottoman from Restoration Hardware over on the chair so that it would be easier to clean the rug.

Anyway - guess what I found! The manufacturer's information! It's a company in North Carolina (where else?) and I bet cash money that you could order the furniture direct - saving piles of money. I didn't write it down, but I can - I immediately thought of you. Let me know if you're interested.

-- Anonymous, January 28, 2002

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