How to make a molotov cocktail : LUSENET : Anarchy Again : One Thread

Just kidding! =D I hope Juliebeans and JOJ come. I'd rather be here than go back to the old anarchy site; there's no stoopids in this place.

-- Tamara (, November 29, 2001


Hey, kids! How goes it? What's to keep the ding bats from coming here?


-- joj (jump@off.c), November 29, 2001.

Okie Dan's the moderator! as for Dem Trashies, They can come, but they can't stay!

-- Davey Rootbeer (, November 29, 2001.

okay here I am.

-- (, November 29, 2001.

I was in anarchy and out and in and out and then it was normal again. The dates were correct again. Then it went bad again. Going about my business.

-- (, November 29, 2001.

Well you mix equal parts of Gas and Oil in a glass bottle. The oil helps it stick. And then you take a rag and yo... hehehe!

We dont need more of this do we? Hi, peeps (still likes ppl better). Is Rita here yet? I hope so. I dont know why, but I like her. She confuses me.

-- Tator (you@cant.resist), November 29, 2001.

Y'know, I kind of like Rita, too. But she confuses the hell out of me. I'm a normal chippy cause I'm lesbian?

-- Evil Cordy (, November 29, 2001.



Well, ain't you a joy to have around. What happened? Had a bad day/life?

-- joj (, November 30, 2001.

What bug crawled up his arse and died?

-- Evil Cordy (, November 30, 2001.

I think he needs his own catagory. We can call it RACIST LOOSERS ;)!!!!!!!!!!!

-- Okie Dan (, November 30, 2001.

There we go. How's that? It's really small now. He can post all he wants, but I'll just make it small!!!! hehehehe!!!! Sound good to all???

-- Okie Dan (, November 30, 2001.

Change the color to black.

-- Tator (you@cant.resist), November 30, 2001.

So what about me? Like I almost don't exist in america.......(f a d i n g .......).........

-- Rita Hill (, November 30, 2001.

nononoonoo!...change all his posts to read "I like happy lambs, and sunshine and lollypops, and kitty-cats!!"

-- Davey Rootbeer (, November 30, 2001.

i hope that motherfucker burns in hell with hitler he better hope i dont see his ignorant white ass in public because i would fuck him up. fuck him and his trailer trash family.

-- asdfwert (, January 07, 2002.

He's no racist, he's a troller, plain and simple.

As a friend as mine would say, he is an "Equal Opprotunity Asshole".

-- Nexar (, January 08, 2002.

wow..people..please...ignorance runs rampant on this messageboard...I've got a few things to say..firstly..why argue about whether african americans..or those of anglo- saxon ancestry...are ignorant? Neither side will really win. need to talk like you're white my aren't black...don't try to be....Oh and for your hypothesis on the cause of the civil war...while it was a war over maintaining what was called the "southern way of life"(which...if i'm not mistaken..included the "peculiar institution"....which is slavery..for the uneducated folks...But it was primarily fought over two main things....the preclusion of southern economy..or lack thereof...dragging down the entire rest of the nation..which at the time was straying away from agrarian society and into a new industrial way of life...Plus..the war was also fought over states rights...but you knew that..didn't you..... Love, Luke

-- Luke (, March 03, 2002.

OK OK, no more of this racist shit, or I'll stop this thread faster than you can say 'shit through a goose'.

-- Okie (, April 03, 2002.


-- big balls finnegan (, April 05, 2002.

You are JEALOUS, MISERABLE, COWARDLY MEN. Why is it that racist white men say "I hate niggers". When black people don't care about white people are doing. You act as if you carry day to day converstations with black people and you know them well. I doubt you have. Thus you are the cowards, who will remain ignorant and prejudice. The same prejudice practiced centuries ago in Europe, enslaving Slavic and Greek people even before Africans. Constantly fighting wars. It's the same prejudice European whites brought to America. That prejudice soon was directed towards other cultures (blacks and indians). YOU RACIST DO NOT BELIEVE IN GOD. YOU RACIST PEOPLE ARE EVIL. YOU RACIST PEOPLE WILL GO TO HELL.

-- Canadian lover of blacks, jews and asians (, April 07, 2002.

I just wanted to know when the people who hate niggers, spics, gooks- the whole fucking bunch of them- started hating their inferior asses?

-- Derek (, April 11, 2002.

Most of the racist people on here are probably just acting racist to get a big reaction and piss us all off. It's unbelievably sad how ignorant they're being though. It makes me sick. In many places we create the slums for blacks and then call them undereducated. There are many, many undereducated white people too, jeez! Skin color has nothing to do with who a person is. If people can't see that they have a fucking 3-year old mentality.

American lover of all races and minorities,


-- Sarah (, April 27, 2002.

You know what's great about you English? "Octopussy". Man, I must have seen that movie twice.

-- Mr. Guy Man Person (, April 28, 2002.

Question: What is the difference between a "Nigger" and a black person?

Answer: A Black person is simply a person who happens to be black, They can't help it. So why don't all you racist go take a LONG walk off of a SHORT dock. On the other hand a "Nigger" is a person (black OR WHITE) who is one of the following: A RACIST, a Bum who sits on their fat ass all day and lives off of welfare, a person who doesn't have a job, a Loser you see sitting on his front porch at 2 in the afternoon drinking a beer. Those my friends are "Niggers" Not just black people. So to all you "racist" losers who have posted on this messgae board "LOOK IN THE MIRROR". I have given out my real email address. Please let me know what you think about my comment.

(Oh by the way for the people that are wondering I am White)

-- "Redneck" (and proud of it) (Hertage not Hate (, May 05, 2002.

46% of black fourth graders don't know how to read... is that because of sheer stupidity or white oppression? Despite there population being dramatically smaller the number of blacks in jail for violent crimes is higher than that of whites. Again whites not allowing them to excell in any other way or their nature is a violent one? Whites can't freakin dance. Naturally goofy or being scared of blacks?

I'd like your input.

-- neutral guy (i'm spanish) (, May 17, 2002.

i like chicken

-- Sr. Getsalot (, June 07, 2002.

Imagine there's no heaven It's easy if you try No hell below us Above us only sky Imagine all the people Living for today...

Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too Imagine all the people Living life in peace...

You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man Imagine all the people Sharing all the world...

You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will live as one

-- John Lennon (, June 11, 2002.

I am fucking sick and tired of these racist whites. I am not saying that I hate whites as a whole, but there are alot of fucked up white people. What pisses me off the most is that white people call us out on our problems and they have problems of their own that they need to care of first. Whites steal, drink murder,etc. Dont be trying to pin all those bad things on us only, because there are people in every race who do the fucking same thing. Even drugs that whites use blacks dont use. Things that whites do blacks dont. An example incest. That is a moral sin. There isnt a need to have sex with anyone in your family. If you need to get laid that bad, become a fucking prostitute. How many black serial killers have you ever heard of. And I also dont like it when whites tell us we need to go back to Africa, thats because EVERYONE is from Africa, life originated there, so if we need to go back everyone does. Also dont be using what happened in the past a way to hurt us (picking cotton, lynching) we have moved pass that time, and its time the prejudice community has realized that. So as far as I am concerened don't get all mad when a black rapes a white. Because whatever the white race gets today they do deserve. And also as far as I can see whites are just as bad, and ignorant even worse than any other race. If you have a problem contact ,me and kiss my ass. end of the story. point blank. period.

-- I love everyone, except racist (, June 19, 2002.

I hate people with cats, and canadians, the fucking hockey playing, bad beer making, "eh" uttering bastards. I mean, look at there fucking flag, it's a god damned leaf. the canadians are all terrorists, they bombed the oklahoma federal building, they funded the kennedy assasination (oh yeah.. castro... Canada, thick as thieves), and of course, 9/11 also reeks of cunkian influence .Canada geese are nothing but survialence devices, tracking our every move. Bryan Adams and Celine Dion: both attacks on US citizens using psychological warfare. My fellow Americans, you know what you must to, forget Saddam Hussien, forget bin Laden, and turn upon the true enemy,the white "nigger" of the north... the fucking canadian.

-- Jesus H. Malverde (, June 21, 2002.

uh.. racists r loooooosers who need to tell other people off to fell better.. poor guy.. oh, Jesus was really black :-P (I'm white)

-- Gnomo Aloprado (, July 28, 2002.

To that Arab guy acting tough...LOL! Hahaha, you can't even beat the Jews.

I still give the Arabs props though, they at least know how to keep their women in check...and that is a lot different from the emasculated, feminized, pathetically weak, American white male that submits to his bull dyke, pants wearing, domineering woman without question. You want to get mad and object? Look at your own relationship and tell me it's not true. White men used to be bad asses back in the day, but the masculitinity of the modern american white male is the laughing stock of the world and yet is practically non existent. The only way they can keep minorities from taking over is by passing laws and building fences along the border, their dicks can't produce new generations of whites.

Why are minorities taking over? The pathetically, dominated, emasculated, American white male, who will soon be wearing a thong and high heels.

-- big jim (, July 30, 2002.

Something I find strange about black people in general. They constantly complain about how they lived in a ghetto full of violence and how they were poor... yet most of them WEAR ULTRA-EXPENSIVE CLOTHING, GOLD CHAINS AND GOLD WATCHES. Are they all rich?

-- Roger Moore (, October 01, 2002.

what the hell is wrong with this thread, seriously u guys are crazy. "Kill all niggers go back to Africa" That is some pretty freaky shit. If I knew you people white or black I would kill you for being so damn crazy. Say that shit to somebody's face and find out what happens when your lying beat down on the curb by an "inferior." Message posting pussies. -Mike (who is white)

-- This thread is phucked up (, November 09, 2002.

wow you guys are morons ur just some 14 yr old losers that think your all cool cause one of your friends taught you some racist terms. wow you are all so stupid go get a life and stop saying stupid stuff that no one cares about on some gay message board. seriosuly you think your so cool since you learned some racist joke (i know every racist joke/term) and you go off and put it on the board so all your 'friends' can see it well guess what you have no friends no life and as far as i can tell i dont think anyone would care if you were dead. you dont even know what nigger means and your all gay and stupid and all that.

go to hell or stop pretending to be there.

-- someonealotcooler thanyou (youall@suck.ass), December 14, 2002.

Holy shit, what the fuck is wrong with you people. I'm black and where I live almost everyone here is black, and i don't hate a single person. The reason why you all have such stupid things to say is because your under-educated morons that are jealous because black people have bigger dicks then you. Stop crying about it and fucking shut up cause anyone the uses the word nigger in a racist way should burn in hall because I dare them to come to me and say that.

-- FUCK OFF (FUCKOFF@HOTMAIL.COM), December 17, 2002.

dumb white trash!

-- philly harvey (, February 06, 2003.

It's a shame how ignorrant and narrow minded people can get. But I alway's wondered why preduduce white people and some other's feel this way about us. The only answer I can come up with is they hate what their scared of or the unknown. See African Americans have something that no other race can bare to think of and that's why wheir hated all over the world. I wonder why? Black people have heart, soul, love, beauty, power, and grace. We lost that a long time ago when narrow minded jealous people brain washed us because they knew that if they in-slaved the black nubian kings and queens there would b hell to pay. So they killed our children infront of us and tortured us to train us like we were animals or something. But think about this if we were animals wouldn't we have the kind of hair an animal has? I wonder who has that kind of hair? Not Afican Americans because wheir the only ones with this kind of hair, but white people what of hair do you have? I'll leave that question to swim around in that narrow mind if it can fit. I'm not saying all white people are preduce but this is for the people who are. And also for the people are lost and looking for a soul. What attracts you to black people instead of worrying about your'e selves. You don't see us paying ya'll any attention because theirs nothing to pay attention to. Oops is that the truth your'e the only who would know. Well now I have something else to do because I don't have time to keep typing. I have a life wether I go thrrough hell in this country or not. P.S - Just a worning black people are coming back to their sences so try something stupid in a few more years, we will stand up. We even have preachers preaching ya'll down with no fear, Farakahn. That should show yah where our head is now there no " be quite those white people will hang you if you say something". no now it's you put a hand on me that's you're ass! Just do something and see what the results turn into. Because I know i'm not scared got dammit!!!!!!!!!

-- Nefiterie (, March 16, 2003.

Wow.. what is the actual purpose of this forum? To make yourselves look like fools? C'mon get over it, just get back to talking about how to blow things up and make explosives out of common household things.. that's much more exciting than hearing you bitch about who's the nigger in today's society. Well with that said.. I'm going to pop some pills and smoke some illegal substances.

-- Scott (, March 22, 2003.

you guys r all gay!!!!FUCK EVERYONE!!!!!


I`d like to start of by saying i am ENGLISH & WHITE & PROUD & hate every body equaly but come on nigger`s do have all the carictaristics [or however u spell the word] of gorillaz, flat nose,wirery black hair, dark skin & eyes. Put all that crap aside i just want to know how to blow shit up. by the way u sad fucks u must have spent sum fucking time righting all that shit about jesus & white trash

-- stuart pallister (, April 10, 2003.

ur all so silly hahahaa all i was lookin for was stuff about molotovs.. they are what really matters to me.. keep up the good work

-- My Full Name (, April 23, 2003.

What a shitty fucking web page. A waste of time, take it down and save yourself some money.

-- Shitty (, May 07, 2003.

what the fuck this is just racial slur people going on about jesus and african americans and some black dude who thinks he can rhyme about banging white pussy.well go back and immagrate your fucking tosser

-- yo mom (, May 07, 2003.

Hey little balls finnegan,

Remember me, it's Rabbi Schmitz, your friendly Jewish neighbor. You didn't think I would ever speak to you again but guess what! I figured out that you have no life, no girlfriend, and no high school diploma, so you must be somewhere else on the internet spewing your hate-monging garbage. I found you on (how to make a molotov cocktail) and caught you like rabbit.

Now that we are re-united, listen up. I am hooking up with my buddies from the JDF and we will trace your IP address so we can find where you live. You will be hunted down like an animal and we will skin you alive like an animal. Be afraid, be very afraid because I will catch you and I will destroy you.

You have been warned.

Rabbi Canter Ebeneezer Schmitz, your friendly Jewish neighbor.

-- Rabbi Canter Ebeneezer Schmitz, your Jewish neighbor (, May 11, 2003.

What the hell is up with all you freakin black haters----------------- to hell with you-burn-burn baby-burn

-- Tahooga Blaooga (, May 14, 2003.

who is the freak that stole my name and uses my material from the big bad chinese mamas guestbook now defunct.i am the real Big Balls Finnegan you sweaty little crotch cannibal.get your own name you unwashed butt munch.compared to the real big balls finnegan you sound like somebodys little man bitch.give up my name condom sucker.

-- Hubert Spincter (nadsaplenty@NETZERO.COM), May 22, 2003.

RABBI YOU BAGEL BENDING FORSKIN MARINATER that asshole who is calling himself big balls finnegan is some sad little jew boy wearing his hairy mothers crotchless underwear and screaming out to be may think you have talked to me again but your riding the wrong end of the pig schindler.what your talking to is a sad little freak who was obviously so impressed with the real big balls finnegan that he goes back and reads the old archieves from bbcm and comes on here to live out his fantasy of being a real man and not the lonely little frightened shut in he is.i was told by the alabaster master there was an imposter a foot here and sure enough there is.

-- Hubert Spincter (nadsaplenty@NETZERO.COM), May 22, 2003.


What is your major malfunction? Did you ride the retard bus to school? Do you know what mental mastrubation is? Well, it's somewhat like being a devil's advocate. YOu are probably a sick freak with no friends, living in your parent's basement jacking off to Asian porn on the internet, which explains how you found the BBCM website. I don't know if you really are big balls finnegan, you seem like a fake. It also seems like since you have no life, you create hate for the sake of hate, which is mental mastrubation. I guess since you and I are reunited on a different guestbook, I will continue to fuel your fantasies and I the same time, I will continue to hunt you down and kick your gentile ass!! Long live the JDL!!! JEW PRIDE WORLD WIDE!!!

-- Rabbi Schmitz, your Jewish neighbor (, June 01, 2003.

wuts really good...i jus wanna say all this atin is crazy..bviously this guy is stupid hicks because they only kno 2 words..fuck niggers...if all black people are stupid...then why are there soo many black doctors..then why do white people where baggy jeans..don't you know most country music jazz music originated froom black do you know that you don't have black in you from your genes from a slave driver daddy that was creepin wit a slave. so gp ahead..if you dn't like black people. go to harlem go to new york and say you don't like black people. then write wut don't need to curse to get your point across..thats aint no real jus sum kid lookin for a joke.. -D.

-- (, June 08, 2003.

To All: Greetings from the Oracle. The Oracle has arrived from the old BBCM guestbook to continue in His quest to whiten and enlighten the Negro race. You need not look for me there as all vestiges of My presence have been summarily erased. Suffice it to say that the Oracle will provide the truth to those who disagree with the correct point of view by using logic, reasoning, and common sense that God, in His infinite wisdom, graced the white race with. In doing so, it is the Oracle’s heartfelt desire to gently guide the reader to the only logical conclusion of the superiority of the white race. If you are earnest in your desire for truth, feel free to approach the foot of the Oracle and openly express your thirst for knowledge. Fear not, for those who have sincerely sought the face of the Oracle in the past have found Him to be benevolent. Yet those who drew near to offer their lies, hatred, and deceptions were soon publicly humiliated. The Oracle is not one to be flippant with.

The following is for Mr. Big Balls Finnegan only; ALL OTHERS AVERT YOUR EYES. It is good to read your messages again. Hope things are well. There are a few new posts on the BBCM guestbook as of 6/9/03.

-- Oracle (, June 09, 2003.

Damn i wuz lookin for molotovs but then i saw all u stupid racist fucks.i hate all of u damn racist mother fuckers and all that kkk shit.i aint white or black but i hate it when stupid white ppl say shit about blacks.blacks are cool.i wanna see one of u stupid racist fucks say some of ur racist remarks to a group of black ppl cuz im gonna be laughin when they kick ur ass and pump ur body full of lead.i cant believe this racist shit has been goin on for more than a year on this website.i hope God sends all u racist fucks to hell where u belong.

-- full mexican (, June 12, 2003.

To Full Mexican: Greetings from the Oracle. Your race aside, you have a lot of nerve to call ANY member of the white race stupid. One look at your myriad of abbreviations and misspellings should lead any unbiased reader to one conclusion. You are an inexperienced, uneducated, illiterate and crude beaner.

How noble of you and others of your ilk to show the world how confused you truly are. Allow the Oracle to begin by indicating that the only two words in your post you had capitalized were “Damn” and “God”. Quite telling if I may say so. By damning God, you obviously have little or no regard for authority. You mentioned you would be laughing after a beating or a shooting perpetrated upon someone who was merely expressing an opinion. This statement shows all how far long your dementia has progressed. The Oracle shall now discuss reasons why your “dream scenario” would not, nor could not occur, and why you need to seek psychiatric assistance. First, you assume an individual would approach a group to discuss something as controversial as race relations in America and violence would ensue. Do you actually believe any white person to be that ignorant to do this, or have you known of any white person ignorant enough to do this? No, it would not nor has not happened according to your fantasy.

Second, you stated you actually wanted to see the physical violence yourself. If you wished to witness this, you would need to be in the immediate vicinity of this action, correct? Of course! However, you must realize that in order to do so, you would be the only Mexican among a group of Negroes. Had you assumed your presence to be welcomed by the Negro? Being Mexican you are disliked more than a white as your race is taking away the Negro’s jobs and drug trafficking territories. In all likelihood you would have been physically harmed long before the white person.

Third, the fact that you would be laughing at the scene of violence, whether the situation was real or just wishful thinking on your part, is rather disturbing. The Oracle can envision no situation where laughter and good cheer are warranted after blood has been spilled. It is the opinion of the Oracle that you, Full Mexican, are a demented individual and should seek help or return to your medication.

You live in a fantasy world where it is reasonable to abhor someone for his or her opinions that are based on careful review of the facts. You despise the “white racist” so much you wish them harm and eternal damnation, yet you deny the fact that there exist Negroes who despise the white race equally; and you believe them to be in your words “cool”.

Further proof of your dementia in that you believe the common Negro to be non-racist or incapable of racism. Do you believe the term “white devil slave master” to have been originated by a white man?

-- Oracle (, June 13, 2003.

Hey, Oracle, those fuckers at the Big Bad Chinese Mama have closed down the guestbook after they saw the White man figure out a way to keep signing it! I think they are protecting the Niggers. It just looked too obvious, the inferior Coons just couldn't figure out a way to get through. LOL!!!

-- Neo-Nazi Skinhead (, June 13, 2003.

To Mr. Neo-Nazi Skinhead: Greetings from the Oracle. The Oracle has noted the problem and came here directly. The Oracle is again very disappointed with the Asian race. This is the second time those treacherous, slant-eyed, buttock deficient, mongrels have eliminated My postings and deprived the unenlightened Negro with the much needed information and guidance he needs in today’s world.

One can only hope that the controlling authority at Big Bad Chinese Mama immediately engages their best and brightest thirteen-year old computer wizard to correct the lingering problems that plague their guestbook. We shall soon see what the Asian mind means by the term, “temporarily unavailable”. In the interim, can you suggest another board on which you post that the Oracle may be welcome?

-- Oracle (, June 13, 2003.

Hey oracle, did I really say in these exact words "i hope God sends all you white racist fucks to hell"? No i didnt i said all u racist fucks. u need to pay attention more and stop correcting people because u suck at i if i make so many grammatical errors. thats the way i type so get used to it.yes i know white people arent the only racist people but theyre the ones who do it the most. i think mexicans would more likely get accepted by blacks than whites. but just in case maybe we should take a poll.heres the question.Which race do you think would more likely be accepted by blacks? you said that i despise blacks.your girlfriend is white and i have more white friends than black friends. so yeah maybe u should get out of YOUR fantasy where the white race is dominant over all. because in the real world....they dont.

-- full mexican (, June 14, 2003.

Another thing oracle when r u and your little cult gonna stop persisting in trying to prove that the white race is superior over all other races. ur probably too ignorant to notice but minorities are slowly taking over the so called "superior race". now so that u dont make any false assumtions does that mean that i hate all white people. no it doesnt. oh and that little white devil slave master thing. do u honestly think that being called that once matches up to being called a nigger or negro more than once a day every day. im like the only mexican i know thats trying to put a stop to all this prejudicness. u said im living in a fantasy.once again u have made me laugh. thinking that the white race is superior and trying to "whiten" black people now thats a fantasy.and what r u talking about enlightening blacks. you are one strange LOSER.

-- full mexican (, June 14, 2003.

To the orace: Greetings from my ass! If u havent read it already why dont you scroll up to March 4 2002 where Umm states that in the year 2080there will be more mexicans than whites. that statement proves that minorities are slowly but surely taking over the so-called superior race. i looked up the word "nigger" in the merriam webster collegiate dictionary tenth edition. one definition was a socially disadvantaged person. did it say a socially disadvantaged BLACK person? no it didnt. there are some whites who are socially disadvantaged which makes them a nigger. oh i just wanted to know why some white ppl give themselves so many names like anglo saxon aryan etc. ur just people who happen to be born with white skin. i want u to think about this. what if u were born black? i want to hear your answer and any others who want to express their "opinions".

-- full mexican (, June 14, 2003.

Hey Oracle,I hope you are paying attention to what full mexican is saying cuz he makes alot of sense. He also has a good point. What if you were born black? I know what I would be doing. I would probably be pissed off at someone who made fun of me or called me shit like nigger or Negro like you're doing. If I was black and you said that stuff to me I think I'd hunt you down and kick your ass. I'm white and proud but I don't boast about it and try to make or world a perfect white one because we aren't perfect. So Oracle you're not all that great get used to it.

-- who wants to know (, June 14, 2003.

To who wants to know: Greetings from the Oracle. Yes I am paying attention to what Full Mexican is saying. What he has to say does make alot of sense but you know what? Im jus too damn stupid and caught up in tryin to "purify" the world i cant understand his great and powerful words! I dont know why but i feel hated on by many anti- racists! Maybe i should go to Harlem and express my "opinions" about the negro race. when i come back i'll tell all you guys about it! thats if i dont get killed because of my ignorance. maybe i should listen to what full mexican is saying. it would save my life and change the way i think of minorities. i should really get out of my fantasy and view everyone as equals. well cya later i got to go express my racial slurs to someone whos not white!

-- Oracle (, June 14, 2003.

Mexicoon: shut your ignorant yapper, will you.

Oracle: All the guestbooks I used to frequent to have a good time laughing at Nigger baboonery & inferiority have all shut down. I also used to go to the "Ta-seti"(Ta-shitty) messageboard but those Coons will ban you pretty fast the very minute you start spreading the truth about their Chimpanzoid race. Those fucking Chinks from the Big Bad Chinese Mama site don't seem to have any intention of bringing back the guestbook. Let's see if I can find a suitable substitute.

-- Neo-Nazi Skinhead (, June 15, 2003. i wont shut up thank you. and what truth are you talkin about the truth that ur just a stupid cocky racist whose ignorant enough to talk about people that way. so go home litte boy take a pencil write somethin suspenseful and dont come back til somethin dope hits you. cuz all im hearin from u and the oracle is blahblah Negro blah blahblahblah Chinks blahblah blah white power blah blah. werent u payin attention to a single thing meathead? you're startin to say the same shit that he said. so why dont u and oracle go screw each other all night and dont come back til u have somethin to say thats right.

-- full mexican (, June 15, 2003.

i was reading all this ish u ugly ass people put on here, hatin on us minorities because ya'll are mad we look betta. and i got to thinkin, if yall hate us so damn much, why are u always talkin about us? its like, were the center of your lives. without us, u wouldnt have anyone to blame all the crime that were supposedly commiting, and u would have to face the fact that its mostly done by people like yourselves. people who dont have anything better to do but sit on your big fat asses at home and talk shit. and on the gawd damn computer. because u know if u went outside and tried to pull that shit, u wouldnt last 10 secounds with a black or mexican man jumpin yo ass. so next time youre about to post somethin: racist, prejudice,or something just plain rude, think about what would happen if u actually took that shit outside.---U FOO

-- KiLaLa(who is black and filipino) (, June 15, 2003.

GO SPURS!!!!! #1 WORLD CHAMPS!!!!!!!

-- full mexican (, June 16, 2003.

Well what do we have here?!? A Mexinjun and a fucking mongrel Flip! The reason we keep talking about your non-White asses is because you are gradually invading White countries and destroying White civilization; that's "why", dumbasses. Happy now? Now get your inferior asses off of the way... the White folks who used to put the Niggers in their place at Big Bad Chinese Mama's guestbook might be moving here temporarily. Start getting used to being pushed around by the superior White man(you know, like in real life)

-- Neo-Nazi Skinhead (, June 19, 2003.

ooooooh shut up and do something productive with your life. like ya know, outside off the computer, and out of all the guestbooks.

-- KiLaLa (, June 21, 2003.

this is the most silliest page that i've ever seen in the www! c23 from germany

-- c23 (, June 23, 2003.

Welcome back nazi. it took u long enough to answer my last response on the 15th. did u have fun wit ur boyfriend? that oracle fag hasnt sed anything on here since he responded to my first posting. maybe hes finally come to his senses. either that or hes dead. o well neways wuts all this crap about non-whites invading "your contry." for your information from the late 1600s-1860s white ppl BROUGHT blacks here as slaves. therefore black ppl did not "invade" they were brought here. and mexicans did not invade either. mexicans settled in the southern states before whites had a chance to. it wuz the whites who invaded in mexican and spanish territory. but we were all right about it we let u have our territory. we werent bitchin about it like u are. and does it sound like i care about "superior" white ppl coming here from bbcm? no it doesnt. ill jus point out where theyre wrong like i did u and oracle. so just bring it on im ready for yall.

-- full mexican (, June 24, 2003.

To Full Mexican: Greetings from the Oracle. Well, well! Where to begin? You have thrice responded to My posting, yet had nothing of substance to say. First, the explanation of the absence of proper rebuttal to your postings to the Oracle was due to the Oracle being away for a well-deserved and overdue, vacation. Do not think the Oracle has turned His gaze elsewhere, or you have gotten the better of the Oracle. Nothing could be further from the truth. You are to prepare yourself for a beating My illiterate piñata.

Notice: The Oracle extends His apologizes to all as the following passage contains language written by another author who is deemed by the Oracle to be a person of low moral standards and social class. The Oracle uses direct quotes and reputable links to refute those who have not yet been fully enlightened, and, at times these quoted sources may contain offensive and inappropriately foul terminology. Rest assured, the Oracle shall never use foul language Himself by sinking to level of his detractors to prove His point. Remember, the Oracle did not author the improper words you are about to read.

Mr. Full Mexican, it will be difficult for you to understand the logical progression of what you are about to read, as clarity of thought escapes you. You have either had very little education and life experiences, or your fingers are too stiff and inflamed to type with precision after a long day performing stoop labor in the fields. The Oracle shall now address your first posting to Me dated June 14, 2003 and beginning with the words, “Hey oracle, did I really say in these exact words "i hope God sends all you white racist fucks to hell"? No i didnt i said all u racist fucks…” This is in reference to a posting of yours written on June 12, 2003 where you wrote, “i hope God sends all u racist fucks to hell where u belong.” As you had not specified ANY race in your June 12, 2003 statement, it is obvious interpreted that you include racists of ALL colors in your wish. The Oracle correctly assumes you despise all racists regardless of their ethnicity. While you are correct in your claim that you had not used “these exact words” of a “white racist”, you have in fact tacitly INCLUDED the white race by your admission that ALL racists should go to Hell. To use a mathematical analogy, if you would consider “ALL racists” as being a set, then “white racists” would be a subset of the original set. That said, the Oracle was not in error when He wrote concerning you, “You despise the “white racist” so much you wish them harm and eternal damnation,”. Your writing that the Oracle had put words in your mouth can mean only one of two things. First, you had not realized you had made this error, or you were apologizing and attempting to placate the Oracle and have Him believe you do not want the white racist included in the damnation. Either you want white racists to burn in Hell or you do not. What do you want us to believe Mr. Full Mexican?

To continue with your post to Me. You said, “so i if i make so many grammatical errors. thats the way i type so get used to it.” The Oracle, nor any reader, should be required to accept second-rate workmanship. You should take more pride in yourself and deliver a better product for us to view. The Oracle adds that if you continue with your flippant attitude, you will never proceed further in life than beyond assistant to the head gardener. You need you learn humility. Also, as typical of your Mexican heritage, you are proven to be lazy. You are too lazy to utilize the shift key when you either begin a new sentence or refer to your self in the first person. You are too lazy to even insert an apostrophe where it is required. There were FIVE errors in that one sentence alone. Correct these problems at once! Your future place in white society is dependent upon it.

To continue with your post to Me. You said, “i think mexicans would more likely get accepted by blacks than whites. but just in case maybe we should take a poll.heres the question.Which race do you think would more likely be accepted by blacks?” What do you mean “just in case”? Just in case you are wrong? I am afraid you are. Allow the Oracle to be the first to weigh in on your “poll”. In case you had not opened your tequila-reddened eyes lately Mr. Full Mexican, the Negro buck male, if given the choice, prefers the psychologically damaged WHITE female to HIS OWN KIND. Sorry to inform you, but the Mexicans are usually not accepted by the Negro. In fact you admitted that, “i have more white friends than black friends.” Your statement proves one of two things. Either the Negro does not readily accept the Mexican, or you are prejudiced against the Negro and do not seek his friendship. If the latter were true that would make you a racist would it not? Be careful or you may place yourself in Hell. If your premise was correct you should have more Negroes than whites accepting you.

To continue with your post to Me. You said, “so yeah maybe u should get out of YOUR fantasy where the white race is dominant over all. because in the real world....they dont.” The Oracle responds by asking if not the white race who in fact does dominate the world? The world’s wealthiest man?…white, the world’s most powerful country economically?…governed by white men, the world’s most powerful country militarily?…governed by white men. There are people on this board who apparently think you make a lot of sense and the Oracle should heed what you say. The Oracle has offered evidence that contradicts your assertion, now, prove the Oracle wrong!

So, my brown skinned little man, the Oracle has addressed the majority of your post to Me and proved your positions and opinions to be without merit. It is My sincere hope that you have been enlightened and the Oracle’s position clarified. The Oracle takes no great pleasure in giving you a public whipping Mr. Full Mexican, but it needed to be done for your own good.

Today’s lesson, Mr. Full Mexican, concludes with an assignment for you or any of your adherents to respond to. The topic is: Justify why are you NOT a racist. MERELY HAVING THE OPINION THAT EVERYBODY IS EQUAL IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. You must provide TANGIBLE PROOF that all races are equal in all areas, physically and mentally. You are to use links to reputable sites as your evidence. Remember, the facts must show that whatever parameter being measured, there is ZERO difference among ALL races. As an example, the Oracle wants to see the evidence that the average twenty-two year old female Asian is able to run EXACTLY as fast as the average twenty-two year old female Negro. If you cannot locate the facts that support your claim of racial equality, perhaps racial equality is merely an illusion and does not exist.

-- Oracle (, June 24, 2003.

To KiLaLa: Greetings from the Oracle. You are wrong on four accounts.

One, rest assured the Oracle does not hate minorities. For too long the minorities have tried to show they are as good as a white person. They believe themselves to be equals. Nothing could be further from the truth. As long as the minorities claim to be equal, Myself and others like Me will continue to set the record straight. That should explain in the most simplistic of terms why minorities are “always talked about”.

Two, it will be disturbing for you to learn that you are not the center of My life. What brings the Oracle here is His sincere desire to draw the minority away from his errant thoughts of equality and direct them toward the correct way of thinking. The Oracle’s main concern is for the minorities to know their places in the white man’s world. This is being accomplished through re-education.

Three, as for your claim that the white people erroneously “blame all the crime that were(sic) supposedly commiting” and “its mostly done by people like yourselves” is baseless. One needs only to take an unbiased look at the racial makeup inside of the prisons to disprove your point. This link should provide you with the much-needed information. The following is taken from that link.

“A 1985 study by Langan of black-white differentials in imprisonment rates demonstrated that “even if racism exists, it might explain only a small part of the gap between the 11 percent black representation in the United States adult population and the now nearly 50 percent black representation among persons entering state prisons each year in the United States.” An otherwise typically liberal-leaning 1993 National Academy of Sciences study voiced the same basic conclusion.”

Let us, for a moment, assume you are correct in that white people commit most of the crimes shall we? With the relatively low percentage of white inmates to the percentage of whites in the general population overall, the only logical conclusion one can reach is that white people are smarter than the minority in “beating the rap”. Now that both points have been covered, which statement is true, Negroes commit more crimes, or whites are smarter? Hint: (both)

Four, in regards to your assertion that minorities would resort to physical violence if prompted by racial, prejudicial, or otherwise rude behavior made by a white man, the Oracle poses these questions. Why must any minority resort to violence merely because someone expressed a contrary opinion? Why cannot the minority think his way to a solution? These questions are not for you to answer, as they are rhetorical. Answers as to why minorities need to act uncivilized can be traced to their innate inability to behave the way they should.

In conclusion KiLaLa, try not to think again. You are not very good at it. Leave the thinking to the white man. The Oracle has again noticed the lack of correct punctuation and grammar being used by a minority. Is this a genetic learning problem, or were you absent from school that day? How one can envision himself or herself as an equal to the white man with sentence structure such as yours is unfathomable. In the future you WILL correct these problems. The Oracle feels doubly sympathetic in your plight of being a double minority. In the natural order of things, your life is difficult and if you do not immediately change your mode of thinking, your future is destined for mediocrity. However, the Oracle leaves you with this: Be of good cheer and be satisfied with your position in life performing the vital function of motel maid.

-- Oracle (, June 24, 2003.

hey, i'm new here, and i must say: a few people here*cough*neo-nazi, and oracle*cough* really need to have a spanking. and not the sexy kind. you two are so 1950. welcome to the 21st century. racism is old and played out. if you would go to a high school anywhere now and walked into a classroom, you would see people getting along with everyone. and if you heard a kid talking like you two are, be sure it would get taken care of after school. fact is, its about time to move on, and get your ass out of the past. please do so, it would be best for you and it would make the world a better place. it sickens me when i hear talk like yours, it makes people think that all white people are racists, which in most cases, except you two(obviously) isn't true at all. you seem like the people that live deep in the woods of missippi on their porch holding guns, but guys should listen to kilala and the full mexican guy. --laterz__

-- jacqueline (, June 24, 2003.

To Jacqueline: Greetings from the Oracle. My dear sweet naïve child. What has happened to the apple-cheeked white youth of today? You have all been brainwashed into believing black is white and white is black and everything is fine with the world.

First a reality check is in order. Allow the Oracle to guide you on a visit to a modern High School. Let us see if it is the wonderful human experience of peace and understanding as you claim it to be. Come along now! You know the building we are going to, do you not? It is the one with the bars over the windows and razor wire on the roof. First, upon approaching the school’s front door, a bell must be rung in order for us to gain entry. The door is unlocked for us by a security guard. Signs have been posted all around telling us: All Visitors Must Report To The Principal’s Office. We enter the office and are required to enter into a registry who we are, the reason why we are there, the time when we came in, and the time when we left. We are either given a pass to carry with us, or we are escorted along trash-strewn hallways lined with graffiti covered lockers to Jacqueline’s classroom so she can show us how wonderful life is here in the twenty-first century. One cannot believe our excitement as we open the door. Are we greeted by the sight of happy teenage Negroes well dressed in their nicest shirts, dresses and shoes quietly sitting amongst the children of successful white parents? Are the teenage Negro children behaving themselves and not disrupting the class? Are the teenage Negro children listening to their instructor and diligently learning their lessons? Sadly for the Negro, all three questions can be answered, “No”.

In truth, Jacqueline, a visit to a high school is much like a visit to a prison. Why do you think these “safety precautions” had been instituted? What precipitated their existence? Why are you so unsafe at school today, when in the bad old days of 1950, none of these safeguards were needed? The answer to these perplexing questions of the new millennium lies in a time before you were born, Jacqueline. The 1960’s brought forced integration to the schools. These laws allowed the less than savory elements of society into white suburban schools.

With the introduction of the Negro to white classrooms, all Hell broke loose. Instead of barriers being broken, they have been installed for your protection. Remember, all these locked doors, security guards, signs, escorts, bars and wire have been placed NOT to keep the people inside from getting out, but to keep the bad element on the outside from getting inside to harm you. A fair question needs to be asked at this time. Who exactly IS this outside bad element you need protection from? One possible answer might be adults who would kidnap children. Although it does occur, it is not such a constant threat so that it would necessitate the extraordinary security measures that are being taken. Another reason for security measures might be to keep white racists out of the school. Yes, I agree. Too far-fetched. The reasons you are so unsafe at school today are the Negro and minority gangs and drug dealers who, if left unchecked, would be roaming the hallways looking for their next victim.

In conclusion, My pre-pubescent Pollyanna, when one enters a High School one does not find the idyllic nirvana you propose it to be. What we do find is a war zone where the battle lines are drawn along race.

The Oracle is curious as to how many supporters of the “everyone is equal” crowd agree with your analogy that Mr. Neo-Nazi Skinhead and the Oracle “seem like the people that live deep in the woods of missippi(sic) on their porch holding guns”? Probably more than a few would agree to that. The Oracle can envision many heads nodding in unison and saying, “Yes, these two are foul, filthy, backwards, unenlightened, undereducated hicks who have nothing better to do than sit on their porch. We are better people than they.”

The problem is, Jacqueline, if you are among those who agree, without realizing it, you harbor a prejudice against some types of people. You and your ilk feel a certain superiority over these bumpkins, do you not? You are so much more enlightened and sophisticated than they. You live in a populated area, they live deep in the woods. They cannot possibly be equal to you. Can they?

In your world where everyone gets along with each other, where to be different is to be celebrated, should you not be more tolerant of those people who are different than yourselves? Should you not be more sympathetic to their cause, whatever it may be, and welcome their diversity with open arms? In your mythical world you have created for yourself the answers should be yes, but unfortunately, you are not as tolerant as you claim to be. Your crowd shuns, avoids, and even threatens violence to those who disagree with your views on race relations. How do you people justify your tolerance to differences in race, but not differences of opinion? Why the contradiction? The Oracle supposes He must add these questions to the pile of unanswered ones He as already asked. There is no one anywhere who holds your view, who is able to discuss race relations without being a hypocrite.

The Oracle awaits submission of the assignment given to you on June 24, 2003. The topic is: Justify why are you NOT a racist. MERELY HAVING THE OPINION THAT EVERYBODY IS EQUAL IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. You must provide TANGIBLE PROOF that all races are equal in all areas, physically and mentally. You are to use links to reputable sites as your evidence. Remember, the facts must show that whatever parameter being measured, there is ZERO difference among ALL races. As an example, the Oracle wants to see the evidence that the average twenty- two year old female Asian is able to run EXACTLY as fast as the average twenty-two year old female Negro. If you cannot locate the facts that support your claim of racial equality, perhaps racial equality is merely an illusion and does not exist.

The Oracle thought that everyone would jump at the opportunity to prove Him wrong. Where have all the people who believe in equality gone? YOU MUST ALREADY HAVE THIS EVIDENCE IN YOUR POSSESSION. What do you base your belief in racial equality on? Has someone told you at some point in time that the Negro is equal to the white and you blindly accepted the statement as fact?

The Oracle shall return in a future posting to address your statement, “it sickens me when i hear talk like yours, it makes people think that all white people are racists, which in most cases, except you two(obviously) isn't true at all.”

-- Oracle (, June 25, 2003.

Is this better typing oracle? Wow I didn't notice how lazy I had been. o well! who cares about my typing. u cant tell me to correct it ur not the boss of me.u stated that because of the fact that i have more white friends than black friends im racist. no u moron it appears that u were to thick headed and arrogant to think that maybe i live where there r more whites than blacks. more white ppl go to my skool than blacks. but there are no white teens in my subdivision only blacks. and im accepted by them. there is a white teen in my neighborhood who tries to act black but jus gets made fun of and beaten up frequently. u wanted me to prove u wrong? as u wish. the wealthiest man in the world is not white he is the president of saudi arabia which makes him arab. bill gates who is white comes in a close second but not close enough. also have u ever heard of colin powell? probably not. he was general during the first gulf war and was in charge of a majority of the military then. now he is secretary of state which is in the presidential cabinet. so he has a part in governing the nation. IN YOUR FACE!!! i havent finished reading the rest of ur rediculously long posting but when i do be sure to read many of my postings. i want to ask u somethin. do u think ur God or somethin? bossin ppl around puttin words in their mouths capitalizin he and my and stuff. cuz if u do u better seek some psycheatric help fast. neways get a life find a job with some non-whites thats low paying where u have a black boss and write back sometime in the meantime im gonna be readin the bullshit u put and correct u on it.

-- full mexican (, June 25, 2003.

To Jacqueline: Greetings from the Oracle. The Oracle will now respond to your statement, “it sickens me when i hear talk like yours, it makes people think that all white people are racists, which in most cases, except you two(obviously) isn't true at all.”

You are obviously under the impression that most white people are not prejudiced toward the Negro. While you may believe that Mr. Neo-Nazi Skinhead and Myself are anomalies in the white population, rest assured we are not. In fact it is those who hold YOUR point of view who are in the minority. Where is the proof you may ask? If you have the courage, follow the link provided and it shall furnish you with much-needed information. The link is from the University of Dayton Ohio site. An Ivy League quality institution.

The link brings one to a series of tables that contains information gleaned from surveys taken in 2002 that were performed to form a snapshot of people’s views on race discrimination. The tables are broken down according to the respondent’s race, age, sex, and region.

Rather than the Oracle expounding His views on every question of the survey, He shall allow you to draw your own conclusions on your interpretation of the data presented. See if you agree with the Oracle’s evaluation of some trends He has noticed. It appears the Negro views himself as a victim of white oppression and considers race discrimination to be a major factor in their lives. The white views discrimination as somewhat of a non-problem and is really not too concerned over it. The white race is more optimistic than the Negro in believing a solution to racial problems will eventually be worked out. However, the MAJORITY of BOTH races feel there will ALWAYS BE A PROBLEM.

The Oracle offers proof of His assertions. Where is yours? The facts speak for themselves.

So Miss Jacqueline, why does the Negro answer these questions differently than the white? How can two “equal” entities perceive the same set of circumstances differently? Why does the Negro view himself as a victim, and the white as oppressors, while the white does not? Are the Negroes wrong in their perception that most white people dislike them and want to keep them down? Someone is being deceptive here. Either the majority of Negroes are lying about being discriminated against and believing the majority of white people discriminate, or your little posse is wrong in believing most white people do not discriminate. You know the Oracle is again correct. That is why four out of five Negroes surveyed trust the Oracle.

-- Oracle (, June 25, 2003.

To the oracle: o my ugly and bitter naive child. wut has happened to the your brain? o thats right u never did have one. let us visit a high skool in the year 2001. walk through the front doors dont hit urse- oops too late. the name is travis cooper academy. tca its a regular public skool in the outskirts of san antonio. o look there goes 6th grader claudia sanders,shes black,escorted by her mexican mother. and there goes three other 6th graders jonathan,thats me im mexican,dionelle,hes black and my friend,and jason,hes white and hangs around wit us alot. o look there goes our good friend dionelle wit his girlfriend kelly whos white. now lets go ahead a year to the 2002-03 skool year. dionelle our good friend is gone because of racism started by our old white teacher. now at first some tall white girl was hated on cuz she started doin some racist crap and said she wuz talkin bout ice cream. oracle u stop beatin him ur he jus expressin an "opinion" i need to take him on a tour and get him out of his 1950 fantasy world. anywho there goes jay a white basketball player and his girlfriend shayla white who is black. its not nice to stare oracle. we'll have to stop here cuz i have to go but you'll be in good hands im leavin u wit demore our friendly black teacher good bye.

-- full mexican (, June 25, 2003.

To Full Mexican: Greetings from the Oracle. The Oracle had indeed noticed the improvement in your typing at the beginning of your last posting to Me. Two sentences actually began with capital letters. The Oracle is pleased with your progress and that you have decided to heed his advice. However, your attention span must be quite short, as you quickly slipped backwards to your old style of writing. Try to work on this during your summer hiatus.

Perhaps as a Mexican you were made to sit at the rear of the class and could not hear the instructor, as you are again are in possession of erroneous information. Your first feeble attempt to correct the Oracle truly exposed your ignorance. The leader of Saudi Arabia is not a President, but a King. Second, the wealth is divided among the royal family, which number in the thousands. Therefore, standing alone at the top of the economic heap stands a white man. Colin Powell, as you admitted, is only a small part of leadership of the country, NOT THE LEADER. The Oracle had thought you, as a Mexican, would have chosen Mr. Mel Martinez over a Negro. Mel who, the Oracle hears you say. Mr. Martinez is also a member of the Presidential Cabinet and is the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. You are misinformed in both areas, and you most certainly are not in my face.

In closing, the Oracle again states He is pleased with the progress you have made so far. One day you may look back upon those two capital letters as the first steps in your enlightenment.

-- Oracle (, June 25, 2003.

hey oracle, may i ask your age?

-- jacqueline (, June 25, 2003.

To Jacqueline: Greetings from the Oracle. Of all of the answers to life’s questions you feel you must ask, you approach the foot of the Oracle with this? Your question is indeed strange but not deemed unreasonable and because you had posed it very respectfully, the Oracle shall answer. I'm as old as my tongue and a little older than my teeth. The Oracle’s age, whether He is young or old, has no bearing on validity of the statements made. The statements would remain true regardless of age.

The Oracle prefers to remain unseen, yet have His presence felt. The Oracle has expounded at great length on His philosophy and has satisfactorily justified His position. This position has been reached through years of careful research and thoughtful digestion of the facts. The Oracle has responded to your query and He respectfully asks that YOU now take the time to justify YOUR beliefs.

-- Oracle (, June 25, 2003.

Whatver happened to my friend Big Balls Finnegan? 1 Did he die when his trailer tipped over and crushed him? 2 Did he get beat in to a coma when he went into an all black neighborhood chanting "WATT PAUR" theough those hillbilly teeth of his? 3 Did he get his ass kicked after walking out of the Jerry Springer studios after chanting "WATT PAUR" and "SEEK HELP" while he was a guest? 4 Did he get sent to prison for molesting children like all white gentiles do? 5 Or maybe he already is in prison and he lost his computer priveleges because he got caught looking at naked Asian boys (which is how he found the BBCM Website anyway)

WAIT A MINTUE!! I GOT IT!!! His parents GROUNDED him for using his parents computer to look at naked Asian boys.

I hope he comes back soon because I missed that inbred hillbilly piece of white trash.

BTW Neo-Nazi, instead of chanting "SEEK HELP" and "WATT PAAR" all the time, try getting a life. Maybe that will help you feel better about yourself!!

-- Rabbi Canter Ebeneezer Schmitz, your Jewish neighbor (, June 25, 2003.

To Full Mexican: Greetings from the Oracle. Your last posting was full of the incoherent ranting and raving one would expect from someone who has a Negro as an instructor. Little wonder you are incapable of clarity of thought, correct spelling and proper sentence structure. The Oracle is unsure of the point you were trying to make. Please return after your afternoon nap with a clearer explanation. If you perchance were attempting to show by example that because different races can live in harmony together that makes it permissible, you are wrong! What if the Oracle provided examples of theft? Does that make theft acceptable? Of course not! The fact that an action is occurring does not make it right. For the results of the action to be permissible, the action itself must first be the right thing to do. For a Negro to be with a white defies Nature and the accepted hierarchy of the races. So far the Oracle has been given no evidence by you or any other poster that proves the minority races to be equal to the white.

Now, be a good little puppy and fetch the Oracle the answers to His questions.

-- Oracle (, June 25, 2003.

Oracle: I have concluded that Full Mexcrements and the half-Nigger Flip are complete and total MORONS hardly worthy of my attention. Let us hope their crappy, silly "arguments" get a bit more interesting in the future.

Jacqueline seems like the typical Nigger-loving, brainwashed, clueless young woman of today. Would you like to move to Haiti or the Dominican Republic and live in a majority Nigger country so you know what it actually is like, sweety? Then you better start getting your thinking straight, missy, 'cause this country is bound to become another banana republic in a few generations if the situation continues this way. Pretty soon it's gonna be looking like Planet of the Apes in here with all the goddamn Porch Monkeys running around lose in the White man's world.

I see the stinking Kike is back too. Go back to Pissrael, you hook- nosed, bagel-munching bastard! It's a miracle a Towelhead hasn't blown you up already.

By the way, you know what I hate about this guestbook? The latest posts are at the bottom so you have to wait for all the page to load.

Those Chinkettes have not fixed the guestbook yet and it seems it's going to be that way permanently. The Niggers proved to be too dumb to be able to post again and those bitches rushed to their defense by closing the guestbook. Pathetic! I'm still laughing about it, LOL!

-- Neo-Nazi Skinhead (, June 25, 2003.

Excuse me oracle but I think u have made a mistake in correcting me. I on the other hand have made a mistake in saying that the leader of saudi arabia is a president. i screwed up we havent learned that yet but i should have known anyways. but o well. yes the wealth of the royal family there is split but it is in the billions and is split between the king and the prince the one with the most is King Fahd ibn Abdul Aziz and makes his money from oil over there. i know a lot for a 14 year old.

-- full mexican (, June 25, 2003.

To Mr. Neo-Nazi Skinhead: Greetings from the Oracle. The Oracle agrees with your assessment of the intelligence levels of Full Mexican and KiLaLa. However, you must remember they ARE minorities and therefore naturally incapable of rational thought, logical progression, and deductive reasoning. Still, the Oracle believes that ALL MINORITIES are worthy of His time and efforts to re-arrange their thought patterns and bring them back to their proper places in the white man’s world. The Oracle cannot allow a single minority to keep believing the lie of equality he has been told his entire life. Even allowing one misinformed individual to exist would be like allowing a single cancer cell loose on the body of society. It would only grow and fester.

Full Mexican is a confused person. If addition proof of this is required, you need only to re-visit his first posting to Me dated June 25, 2003 beginning with, “Is this better typing oracle?” In one sentence he says, “there are no white teens in my subdivision only blacks.” In the very next sentence he says, “there is a white teen in my neighborhood”. First there are no whites then one magically appears. He apparently is oblivious to his surroundings, and is unsure of who even lives near him. His future station in life will not require the use of his brain anyway, only his back. At least he is bright enough to realize he is a minority.

Jacqueline appears to be a young white woman who, if she is not careful, will wind up marrying a Negro. It is obvious she has considered this scenario already and it would be a shame to lose her to the dark side. The Oracle hopes she returns to her senses and keeps the gene pool clean.

The Oracle also agrees with your vision of the future. No right thinking white man would ever wish to live as the Negro does. Under Negro rule the future is not bright for any of us, Negro or white. Look at what great military and economic superpowers the Negro has built for himself in his native Africa while he was in charge. Here to this day lays a continent containing seemingly unlimited resources, yet the Negro fails to harness them. Either the Negro is too ignorant or too lethargic. Instead of exploiting this wealth, the common Negro is incapable of helping himself and is content to sit on a log while he starves to death. If in the future this board goes the way of BBCM, I will meet up with you on another of the Anarchy boards that are on this site.

-- Oracle (, June 25, 2003.

Ummm oracle in ur last posting u only asked one question and u answered it urself.

-- full mexican (, June 25, 2003.

I was typing something long to both oracle and neo-nazi shithead but I was disconnected so I'm going to deal with oracle first then I'll get back to neo whatever. Oracle you probably are sitting right in front of your computer right now reading and waiting and answering. If you are then you have noticed that my typing is very much improved in this posting. You probably think that I am trying to impress you. If you are then you are wrong. I want to prove that I am not an illiterate uneducated piece of crap you can kick around whenever you want to. Of course everyone isn't equal mentally and physically if it was the world would be boring. But everyone in this country is entitled to the same rights. If that weren't true then most of us would be arrested for saying stuff or typing stuff etcetera. Are you playing Star Wars or something. You mentioned to Jacquelyn that if she married a black guy she would go to the dark side. So dumb and yet so much you need to learn. If she did marry someone black they would eventually have a kid. He or she would then come across your postings in the future and would be confused because he is half white and half black. He or she would then try to cut himself in half and die. But if he or she is smart then he would figure out on his own that his parents are in love even though they are different by race. I don't see why just because a lot of people of difference race can get along that doesn't make it permissable. Who do we have to ask permission from? I am interested in your response.

-- full mexican (, June 25, 2003.

to nazi fag:get a life apparentely u dont have one. all u do is talk about bbcm and chinks and crap. by the way im still waiting for those guys u said were coming from bbcm.

-- full mexican (, June 25, 2003.

To Full Mexican: Greetings from the Oracle. Why do you continue to hump My leg like the ankle biting Chihuahua you are? As the Oracle possesses an inexhaustible supply of patience, He will again take up the question of the race of the world’s wealthiest person. In order for you to continue to trust the Oracle, the Oracle will provide you with the link that proves His assertion. The site is from the Atlanta Business Chronicle and dated February 2003.

Scroll to the bottom of the article for your answer. Now, trouble Me no more with your inability to confirm these facts for yourself.

For your information, the reference to the retrieval of answers to the Oracle’s questions was in allusion to all of the unanswered ones from PRIOR postings. The Oracle has answered your questions, now answer Mine. You are to submit your answers to these questions in a timely manner. Why do you believe you are equal to a white person? What justifies this belief? If you cannot come up with a clear answer, admit it. Remember, just because someone SAID you were an equal does not make it so.

-- Oracle (, June 25, 2003.

Oracle on your last posting you had stated that no right thinking white man would want to live like a black guy. I guess there aren't alot of right thinking white men because I have seen many white men trying to be like blacks in appearance and trying to challenge them in many physical activities. Many times the white guy failed at his challenge. You had also put that I am confused. I make a few mistakes in making sense and you automatically put a label on me saying that I'm some very stupid person who only knows one thing: I am a minority. You know what,I'm glad that I'm a minority. And of the many minorities out there I'm glad I'm mexican. So far you have only proven one thing that is true about mexicans: are you ready for this,we are lazy. But that still doesn't stop us from doing stuff. Not all mexicans are lazy but even the ones that are can still be trained not to be and can perform many tasks just as good as anyone else.

-- full mexican (, June 25, 2003.

umm, who gives a care your equal or not to someone. in a way isnt every person a bit more perfect or less perfect in some way to someone? i mean seriously, some of you guys spend too much time on your computer_-_-_get a hobby_-_-_

-- kelly (, June 25, 2003.

Ok oracle here I am once again let's just drop the hole wealthiest man thing as it is not that relevant. We both know that not everyone is equal by color,by language,mentality,etc....You are probably smarter than I am in some areas and the same with me. I'm smart enough to know thatjust about everyone except for arrogant people like you can get along just fine as if they were equal. As I stated before,my little weiner dog,all races in this country have equal rights. You can do all the research you want but I'm afraid that it's true. There is no law saying that a white man can vote and that a black man couldn't. There was but it changed. Why? Because somewhere out there during that time wasn't that arrogant as you. And we both know that whoever changed that law was white. So there you go in the meantime I will be waiting for another response from you so that I can throwit right back at you.

-- full mexican (, June 25, 2003.


-- catrina (, June 25, 2003.

To Full Mexican: Greetings from the Oracle. The Oracle is pleased that you have chosen to write in a more civilized manner. Had you not signed your work one could envision you to be an unenlightened white person. If you are a light skinned Mexican, perhaps one day you can get away passing yourself off as white. Although it would be a deception, it would certainly be worth your effort to try.

You had brought up an interesting point when you mentioned that individuals are not equal physically or mentally. Could your premise also be expanded to say that races are not equal physically or mentally? (Yes) If the races were equal would the world be boring? (Yes) As the world is NOT boring, therefore the races are unequal.

Another interesting point you made was, “But everyone in this country is entitled to the same rights.” The Oracle concurs that ALL INDIVIDUALS have already been given the same BASIC rights as everybody else. However, individuals are NOT entitled to have the same THINGS as everybody else. Some individuals are MORE ENTITLED THAN OTHERS. The Oracle shall stop here and allow you to have enough rope to hang yourself with.

-- Oracle (, June 25, 2003.

To Full Mexican: Greetings from the Oracle. Time to wake up and pick the coffee. Here begins another tedious day of enlightening the minorities. Tedious yes, not without its rewards. Look at the progress the Oracle has made with you. You have gone from an inexperienced, uncouth, unwashed Mexican who was educated by a Negro, to an inexperienced, uncouth, unwashed Mexican who is being educated by a white man. Great strides in only a few days. Before you incorrectly label the Oracle as being arrogant again, allow Him to explain. Look at the quality of your first few postings to Me. They were riddled with misspelled words such as “skool” and “wuz”. Capital letters and apostrophes were conspicuously absent. Your sentence structure was horrendous. Remember, you had a Negro teacher with whom you had spent ALL OF LAST YEAR. Your past postings were a direct result of a Negro being ineffective in conveying her knowledge to you. One may scoff at the notion of this, but it is true. There only two alternatives. One would be that the Negro had in fact been effective in conveying her knowledge to you. If this was the case, she must be ignorant, as she would have taught you to spell “school” and “was” the way you used to. Second, the Negro had taught you the correct spellings, but YOU were too ignorant to learn them. You have three choices: Negro ineffectiveness, Negro ignorance, or Mexican ignorance. The Oracle has given you the benefit of the doubt and, once again showing His compassion, had chosen the least offensive option. In a matter of A FEW SHORT DAYS, under the Oracle’s tutelage and following His example, you have been taught to perform a few tricks for the amusement of us all. The Oracle is well pleased in your progress.

In one of your posting to Me dated June 25,2003 beginning with “Ok oracle here I am once again” you made some interesting and revealing points. You said, “You are probably smarter than I am in some areas and the same with me. I'm smart enough to know that just about everyone except for arrogant people like you can get along just fine as if they were equal.” Your statement the Oracle is “probably smarter” than you is false, the Oracle is CERTAINLY smarter than you and in ALL areas. You cannot cite ONE SOLITARY FACT where the Oracle was wrong. On the rare occasion when you have provided a fact in one of your postings, they were ALL discovered to be FALSE. To continue: you also said, “I'm smart enough to know that just about everyone except for arrogant people like you can get along just fine as if they were equal.” Now, stop here and re-read your quote again, but this time put a little more emphasis on the words “as if”. To reiterate, you are smart enough to know that everyone can get along just fine AS IF they were equal. Without realizing what you had done, you have made the admission that the races are not equal. This is one of the most startling confessions the Oracle has seen coming from a minority. You ARE INDEED coming along nicely. Realization that the races are not equal is one of the first steps to your recovery. The Oracle does not wish to read in one of your next postings that you really did not mean what you wrote. Let us keep the progress moving forward, shall we?

Another gem in the same posting is when you wrote, “There is no law saying that a white man can vote and that a black man couldn't. There was but it changed… And we both know that whoever changed that law was white.” This fact you provided is true, however, you failed to mention that this was yet another illustration where the benevolent white man came to the aid and comfort of the Negro. The modern Negro has yet to thank the white man for all he has done for him. What an ungrateful race of people.

-- Oracle (, June 26, 2003.

hey oracle, You are in no position to say "the races are unequal". you don't judge a persons ability by their race. you need to actually know that person before you start talking about what they can or cannot do. but i do know that my mom(who is black) is smarter than you when it comes to business, thats why shes a CEO at Citi Bank. I don know that P. Diddy is smarter than you when it comes to owning a music business, thats why hes making multi-millions a year. i do know that colin powel is smarter than than you when it comes to running the military, thats why hes living in washington dc.and duh youre going to be smarter than full mexican because hes only in the 9th grade-like me- and how dare you criticize his teacher because shes black, im pretty sure your not a teacher or will ever be one. no one in their right mind would ever give a man with such a closed mind a job at all. this isnt only a white country any more, so just get used to it. have a nice day. fa sheezy

-- KiLaLa (, June 26, 2003.

Oracle I have not yet read your last posting which is very long. I haven't yet thought of some rights that not everyone is entitled to. So please why don't you go and find some for me then I will respond again.

-- full mexican (, June 26, 2003.

There is an error on your last posting I must correct. For the first time I don't blame you. I didn't tell you that my black teacher that I've had for two years taught algebra. My english teacher was an old lady who was white. I learned nothing from her in the two years I had her.

-- full mexican (, June 26, 2003.

Oracle:you gave me tree choices on who to blame for my grammatical errors on previous postings. It is neither of those. Its called laziness. I misspelled words and used no capitalization and hardly any punctuation because I didn't feel like it. So there you have it. In a way I'm kind of glad you think that I could probably pass as a white guy,but only because now I'm not treated like some dirty dog you can tie to a tree and kick around when you feel. I'm actually treated with some respect,you're actually treating me like a person. That's the way EVERYBODY should be treated,not just some.I've thought about it and have come to the sad conclusion that you have every right to speak your "opinions." But I think that you are abusing this right. Also,and I know I'm not the only one who thinks this,but I think that you're just a downright asshole.

-- full mexican (, June 26, 2003.

I misspelled three. I just wanted to corect it before you started saying that I am confused and uneducated.

-- full mexican (, June 26, 2003.

Catrina: Let me guess? You are stinking Negress, right? It figures.

-- Neo-Nazi Skinhead (, June 27, 2003.

hey how many people here like to start controlled fires, hack into government files, and make gangs and other controlled crime organizations start wars with each other? I like fire, fire is fun but i'm not an arsonist I just like fire why is that so bad? Is it because I'm 16? thats what some people say. I really like chaos, and war because we get to use bombs and missiles and freaking big guns. making bombs costs a lot for me, i get money i buy supplies i make bomb i go to El Paso and BOOM!!! sometimes I blow up cars that dont belong to people.

-- Chris Persky (, June 27, 2003.

Neo Nazi Skinhead: let me guess, youre a stupid ass, inbred, scrawny, white boy who sleeps with his sister. figures. oh well. biggie biggie bigge cant you see? sometimes your words just hypnotize me and i just love your flashy wayz guess thats why theyre all broke and your still paid *~*~*~*just hit yall up wit a claasic*~*~*~* _______pEACe________

-- catrina (, June 27, 2003.

Catrina: Thanks for confirming that you are a boot-lipped, nappy- headed, flat-nosed, feces-colored, crack-smoking, malt liquor- drinking, collard green-eating, shit for brains, welfare-parasite Negroid bitch! I already suspected as much.

-- Neo-Nazi Skinhead (, June 27, 2003.

skinhead: yeah i do love collard greens, and? i also have luscious, juicy lips. youre just mad that you dont have enough game to even get a real wish you could have this chocolate. you better hurry, its almost time for your date with the whore.

-- catrina (, June 27, 2003.

To Catrina: Greetings from the Oracle. The Oracle has two items to cover in regarding you.

First, do you consider yourself to be the Poet Laureate of the World Wide Web? That noise you were making the other day was horrendous. It shows neither talent nor good taste. Your lines did not correctly rhyme, and glorifying the use of illegal substances in front of the children who view this board indicates you have a lack of good judgment.

Second, you made a fool of yourself in taunting Mr. Neo-Nazi Skinhead. Rest assured, Ghetto Girl, he has NO DESIRE to sample your “chocolate”. At this time some fair questions need to be posed to you. Let us assume you are standing on a corner along side ANY defective white girl of the same age as you and a Negro buck male happens to walk by. Given the two choices in front of him, whom do you think the Negro male will desire more? When given the opportunity the Negro male will in fact overwhelmingly select the defective white woman over a Negress. The Negro male by in large does not want a Negress but is forced to settle for one if a defective white female cannot be located. The Oracle understands your anger. He would be angry also if even His own kind viewed Him as second best.

-- Oracle (, June 28, 2003.

hey oracle, why dont you leave thier business alone, and comment on full mexican's comment. and i still dont see your answer to mine.

-- KiLaLa (, June 28, 2003.

To KiLaLa: Greetings from the Oracle: My, My you are a fine one! You tell the Oracle to stay out of other people’s business and IMMEDIATELY stick your Negro nose into the business between Full Mexican and Myself. Why do you fail to heed your own advice? When will you “non-racists” realize your hypocrisy?

If you have a question for the Oracle, you are to ask it. You had not posed a question to the Oracle, so how could He answer? Remember, ANSWERS are for questions and RESPONSES are for comments.

-- Oracle (, June 28, 2003.

1.i comment on your posts to full mexican, because he is a friend of mine.2. you need to just respond to my post already

-- KiLaLa (, June 28, 2003.

oracle, first off i wasnt even talkin to you anymore. secondly, i didnt write that those were hit songs by scarface and 50cent, but i guess you wouldnt know that. and its obvious you have female friends, because your conversation skills with women are impeccable.:note the sarcasm:but anywho, who would want a scumbag like you anywayz. next time you think black women arent beautiful, think of tyra banks, vannessa williams, naomi cambell, vivica a fox, beyonce knowels, eve, stacey dash, if you dont know these ladies maybe you should do some research. i think youll be pleasantly suprised.but next time just mind ya own business,mmkay?good dog. p.s.if those names werent enough proof that the african american woman isnt beautiful, ill be happy to provide you with a never-ending list of names.

-- catrina (, June 28, 2003.

Catrina: 99% of Black women(including yourself) are barfing material. The only ones that MIGHT look moderately attractive to SOME White guys are the Mulatto ones heavily mixed with White blood. The pure blooded Negress is basically an ape(look at yourself in the mirror and you will see that "uncle Neo" does not lie!)

-- Neo-Nazi Skinhead (, June 28, 2003.

first off, you dont even know me. i go out with a lot of white boys, the ones who actually have sense. and mostly all black people do have some white blood in them, because the slavemasters found us irresistable, so there.

-- catrina (, June 28, 2003.

To Catrina: Greetings from the Oracle. What sort of “people” are you? Follow the link provided.

It is from a reputable source. The Illinois Institute of Technology. My, who is that example of Nubian attractiveness at the top of the page? Miss Brenda Wall sure is a cutie! (Takes ten men to hug her, and a boxcar to lug her) It does not end there. Scroll down halfway down the page for more examples of natural black beauty. This link provides additional entertainment for the reader. The text at the top of the page states that the Massai tribe believes it is “okay to steal from other tribes”. Now we know where you folks have acquired that trait. The article continues, “ The Massai worship cattle because it is their main source of economic survival as opposed to EDUCATION.” Such a marvelous group of Negroes. No wonder the continent of Africa was full of splendid inventions and discoveries. The items the Oracle enjoys the most are Activities #3 and #5. In activity #3 the student must add, subtract, multiply and divide single and multi-digit whole numbers… The student is the ordered to complete a simple addition and subtraction activity. In activity #5 the student is asked to draw pictures of two African animals and label five body parts like head, feet and tail. The Oracle laughs. The Oracle must stop here and more than likely explain something to you. The site you are looking at IS from an institute of higher learning. The site you are viewing IS from a “Black Studies” curriculum. The typical racial composition of these college black studies courses is nearly ONE-HUNDRED PERCENT NEGRO. White students avoid these classes as they wish to learn something of substance. What makes the Oracle laugh is the fact that the Negro COLLEGE STUDENT is given the assignment to add and subtract single-digit whole numbers as part of his grade in this class. And people go around today and say the Negro is stupid! ADDING SINGLE-DIGIT NUMBERS TOGETHER IS BEING TAUGHT AT THE COLLEGE LEVEL TO NEGROES. Also, the Negro college student is asked to get out his crayons (or someone else’s crayons, remember it is okay to steal) and color pictures. Now we know the quality education the Negro receives and how they became deep thinkers. Once again the Oracle has provided links to information that proves His point. His sources are always from reputable sources and cannot be disputed.

In closing, you made the statement to Mr. Neo-Nazi Skinhead that mostly all Negroes have white blood in them because slave masters found them irresistible. That must have been a powerful lot of race mixing going on. The Oracle believes your assumption to be illogical. Tell me Catrina, how can you believe that the white man desired the Negro in the good old days of slavery; when the Negro was (as it should be) considered TOTALLY unacceptable, and today, when the Negro is at his highest acceptance level with some whites, there are not MORE cases of race mixing? All this time our races should have been mixing and mixing and mixing until the modern Negro became so light skinned he would appear to only have a suntan. That has not happened, so you are incorrect again Catrina.

-- Oracle (, June 29, 2003.

still waiting oracle...

-- KiLaLa (, June 29, 2003.

To KiLaLa: Greetings from the Oracle. It appears you will not leave the Oracle alone until He responds to one of your postings. Still, it is good that you crave the Oracle’s wisdom. As you had not referenced WHICH posting you wish the Oracle should respond to, the Oracle takes it upon Himself to respond to your posting to Me dated June 26, 2003.

“hey oracle, You are in no position to say "the races are unequal". you don't judge a persons ability by their race. you need to actually know that person before you start talking about what they can or cannot do. but i do know that my mom(who is black) is smarter than you when it comes to business, thats why shes a CEO at Citi Bank. I don know that P. Diddy is smarter than you when it comes to owning a music business, thats why hes making multi-millions a year. i do know that colin powel is smarter than than you when it comes to running the military, thats why hes living in washington dc.and duh youre going to be smarter than full mexican because hes only in the 9th grade-like me- and how dare you criticize his teacher because shes black, im pretty sure your not a teacher or will ever be one. no one in their right mind would ever give a man with such a closed mind a job at all. this isnt only a white country any more, so just get used to it. have a nice day. fa sheezy”

Once again your ignorance and hypocrisy shine through. The Oracle is MOST DEFINITELY in the position to state that the races are unequal. There exists a myriad of scientific evidence that proves the Oracle’s point of view. One may ask the opposing question to you. Are you in the position to say the races ARE equal? If so, please offer SCIENTIFIC proof, not merely the BELIEF you are equal.

As for the examples you provided that supposedly indicate the equality of the Negro to the white, remember this. You can visit a circus and see trained a chimpanzee dressed in human clothing pushing a baby carriage. One may marvel at the animal’s ability to APPEAR human. But does the ACT of performing this seemingly human task make the chimpanzee a human? Of course not! At the end of the day it is still a chimpanzee. The same analogy applies to your mother and the remainder of the illustrations you provided. At the end of the day, after your mother is finished shining up the white man’s pennies, she is still a Negro. (Incidentally, who owns the institution your mother works for?) As for P. Diddy, do not blame the Oracle for the amount of money he has stolen from the ghetto children who listen to his tripe. (Incidentally, does Mr. Diddy own the largest music business?) He owns a mom and pop operation compared to the white man. Colin Powell, well he is yet another Negro who has gained national attention riding the coattails of the white man.

If you agree that the Oracle is smarter than either you or Full Mexican, why do you not listen and agree with Him? You should be taking advantage of the Oracle’s wisdom. Should one BLINDLY AGREE with one’s teacher simply because she is black? No, of course not! As to your statement that this is no longer a white country anymore, the Oracle begs to differ. Again, who controls everything, Negro or white?

As for fa sheezy, the Oracle extends a belated but sincere Gesundheit!

-- Oracle (, June 29, 2003.

A nice American bless you would be better but since no one sneezed then I guess you don't have to say anything. To make a long posting short:I don't agree with you on just about anything.

-- full mexican (, June 29, 2003.

Hey skinhead! Have you taken my advice on getting a life? Obviously not. If you had a girlfriend you wouldn't waste time posting your garbage here.

-- Rabbi Schmitz, your Jewish neighbor (, July 02, 2003.

To Catrina, Full Mexican, KiLaLa, et. al.: Greetings from the Oracle. The Oracle trusts that the absence of posting from any of you means that you are busy with the assignment the Oracle had given you. Why the delay in submission? Surely it cannot be too difficult to come up with words to justify your position that the races are equal. Remember, saying the races are equal does not make them so. The deed of enacting laws does not make the races equal. (It just makes it illegal to discriminate) The Oracle awaits your essays.

The Oracle has answered your questions, why will you not answer Mine. Obviously the Oracle is the more honorable person in this small group. That is why four out of five Negroes surveyed, trust the Oracle.

-- Oracle (, July 07, 2003.

Don't forget skinhead, I KICKED Finnegan's ass already! That is why we haven't heard from him in cyberspace. YOu better shut your mouth if you want to avoid me kicking YOUR ass in cyberspace.

Hey Oracle, stop judging your racial background and grow up!!

-- Rabbi Schmitz, your friendly Jewish neighbor (, July 07, 2003.

To Rabbi Schmitz: Greetings from the Oracle. Do not delude yourself into believing that the few blurbs you uttered his way was cause for his voluntary absence from this board. You know Mr. Big Balls Finnegan better than that.

You should also know that Mr. Neo-Nazi Skinhead is as fearless as Mr. Finnegan. If the Oracle were of the Jewish persuasion (and thankfully He is not) He would not be provoking an encounter with a Nazi. Not that the Oracle is a coward, but any unbiased observer should remember and take heed the lessons learned at the outcome of the last meeting between the Jews and the Nazis some sixty years prior.

Rabbi, you are a man of God. You have spent many years in the seminary. Stay with God. Concern yourself with God and His promises. But leave racial matters to the professionals and do not seek trouble for yourself. The Oracle shall do likewise and not encroach into your area of expertise. The Oracle is concerned for your safety.

For the record, Rabbi Schmitz, the Oracle is not judging His racial background. Rather, He is proud of His heritage, and is glad to share this heritage with others. By doing exactly as the Negro does every February, He cites examples where members of His race have excelled in certain fields of endeavor. We are both doing the same thing are we not? We are both telling others of our heroes. Yet the Oracle is labeled a racist, while the Negro is labeled a champion of human rights. The Oracle is labeled a racist simply because the BEST one race can come up with is peanut butter. If you believe the Negro race to be equal to the white, you are welcome to do so. However, the Oracle will remain to put everything into context.

As this is My first conversation with you, Rabbi, the Oracle has a question that has burned within Him for a while. You, as a religious leader, are qualified to answer. It concerns religion, not race. The question is, “Do Rabbis molest young boys as often as Catholic priests do?” Forgive the Oracle for asking, and He means no disrespect, but one would easily come to that conclusion as Rabbis regularly come in contact with male genetalia during foreskin removal. Possibly in your religion it is acceptable and do not view the act as molestation when you give the penis an extra tug when the parents are not looking.

-- Oracle (, July 08, 2003.

Oracle, rabbis DO NOT molest children for one reason: Rabbis are NOT celebant, we can marry.

About racial matters, it seems as if you are putting down black people when your mother is black. These white supremisists see you as black. You have to be pure white if you want these bastards to respect you, they don't because they see you as black.

I am not at all intimidated by Neo-Nazi Skinhead or Big Balls Finnegan. A spark plug can conduct more energy than all of their brain cells put together. They do NOT have the educational background that I have. I have a masters' degree in theology from the University of Jerusalem so they can NOT touch me. I say THIS to Neo-Nazi, Big Balls Finnegan, Wake UP, Angry White Male, and IDGAFAA: DO NOT MATCH WITS WITH ME!! I WILL BURY ALL OF YOU IN THE GROUND NEVER TO BE SEEN AGAIN UNTIL GOD JUDGES YOU!!!

-- Rabbi Schmitz, your Jewish neighbor (, July 08, 2003.

To Rabbi Schmitz: Greetings from the Oracle. In your last post to Me you stated, “Oracle, rabbis DO NOT molest children for one reason: Rabbis are NOT celebant, we can marry.” The Oracle assumes that you had meant “celibate”. Had you continued your education and attended the doctorial program at UJ, you no doubt would have learned this. Regardless that Rabbis can marry, the sad fact is that Rabbis touch, grab, or otherwise fondle the male genetalia of other people’s children. Another sad fact is that the parents actually PAY the Rabbi to do this. In most areas of the world this behavior constitutes molestation. By the way, concerning the Jewish culture, what is so magical about a boy who is thirteen years old?

The Oracle must STRONGLY urge you to cease spreading your aspersions concerning the woman who bore the Oracle. For the record, She is white, fair of face, lithe of limb, and loved deeply by all who gather around Her. The Oracle does not know where you received your erroneous information concerning His pedigree, but suffice it to say, the pure-white lineage of the Oracle cannot be disputed. Apparently you are the only person who perceives Me as a Negro.

Your posting has given the Oracle a point to ponder. What IF the Oracle had a family tree with “monkeys” hanging from the branches. Would the Oracle be putting Negroes down? The answer would be YES. Even though the Oracle would have tainted blood coursing through His veins, He would still have to tell the truth about the Negro no matter how deeply it hurt Him to do so.

Those who know the Oracle also know He is not fond of abbreviations, acronyms, or contractions. To use these grammatical devices is an indication of laziness and sloth. However, in the following case, the Oracle deems it necessary to deviate from His normal practice. Rabbi, the Oracle must again STRONGLY urge you not to invoke the name “IDGAFAA”. The man is a lunatic and better off left alone wherever he is.

-- Oracle (, July 08, 2003.

To All: Greetings from the Oracle. Apologies for the length of the post, but the Oracle deems this too important.

Today in the news we find this interesting tidbit:

Posted 7/7/2003 11:52 PM Updated 7/8/2003 2:50 AM

Baker stands by heat comments By Chuck Johnson, USA TODAY

Chicago Cubs manager Dusty Baker, (a Negro) dismissing suggestions he made a racist assertion when speaking with reporters about day baseball, stands by his comments that black and Hispanic players are better suited to playing in the sun and heat than white players.

I'm not playing the race card. I'm telling it like it is," Baker said by telephone Monday.

"What I meant is that blacks and Latins take the heat better than most whites, and whites take the cold better than most blacks and Latins. That's it, pure and simple. Nothing deeper than that."

Harry Edwards, a (Negro) sports sociologist who served on the faculty at the University of California-Berkeley for 30 years, called the comments "unfortunate and not totally informed" but said they weren't malicious.

"Dusty and I go back a long way, and Dusty by no means is enamored with ethnic or racial stereotypes," Edwards said. "If we didn't have a race issue in this country, that statement would have little or no consequence. But we do have a race issue."

Baker, whose Cubs play a majority of their home games in the daytime, made his comments Saturday.

"It's easier for most Latin guys and it's easier for most minority people because most of us come from heat," Baker said. "You don't find too many brothers in New Hampshire and Maine and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. ... We were brought over here for the heat, right? Isn't that history? Weren't we brought over because we could take the heat?"

Tony Bernazard, a former major leaguer from Puerto Rico who is special assistant for the players union, didn't think anything was wrong with the comments.

"It's somebody's opinion," Bernazard said. "I don't think anybody can accuse Dusty Baker of being a racist because Dusty Baker is not a racist."

Baker's comments were ripe fodder for the talk shows Monday. Some charged that a white manager would be under fire if he made similar statements.

"If a white manager made those statements, there's no question he would find himself in a group that includes Al Campanis and Jimmy 'The Greek' Snyder," Edwards said.

Baker, one of four African-Americans among seven minority managers in the major leagues, agrees. "But as a black manager, I can say things about blacks that a white manager can't say, and whites can say things about whites that blacks can't say."

Baker said he won't address the issue any further. "People have accused me of being sensitive, but maybe they're too sensitive," he said. "I'm not elaborating on it any more. End of topic. I said what I mean."

Once again we see the hypocrisy of the Negro. The Negro in question even AGREES that he should lose his position, but adds the caveat because he is black he should be excused from punishment. So much for equality of the races. The so-called sports sociologist, Harry Edwards, who served on the faculty at the University of California- Berkeley, is not without prejudice. According to the link provided he is also an “equal rights advocate” who will do or say anything to keep a fellow Negro out of trouble. He is not interested in doing the right thing; he is interested in doing the “black thing”.

The Oracle finds it interesting that Negro and Hispanic minorities did not find anything wrong with the comments. Let us reverse the situation shall we. A white manager says the Negro ballplayer can handle higher temperatures and that is historically why they were brought here. Question: how many HOURS would elapse before he would be out of a job? You know the answer as well as I. He would immediately be labeled a racist and be sent packing. The Negro would then smirk and whisper to a fellow Negro that “they got another one labeled a racist”.

Negroes of America! The white race is tired of your hypocrisy. If you demand equality, then the white man demands equality in this situation also. We want to see this man vilified. Will we see it? Sadly, no. Understand dear reader, that apparently racism and punishment for racism exists only with the white race, not the Negro.

The Oracle agrees with the following statement, ‘"It's somebody's opinion," Bernazard (a Hispanic) said. "I don't think anybody can accuse Dusty Baker (a Negro) of being a racist because Dusty Baker is not a racist."’ Agreed the man should not be punished for having an opinion. Yet how many minorities have either read or even posted threats here on this board that were directed at someone who had an opinion contrary to theirs? How often has the Oracle stated that his positions are merely an opinion? And how often has the Oracle been labeled a racist? Yet, in this instance, you minorities are eager to justify the Negro manager’s statements and forgive his transgressions.

However, the consideration of calling Mr. Baker’s statement an opinion is not germane to the point being made. The point is whether or not Mr. Baker will lose his job as a white manager would. Ah, if we only had equality it would be so

-- Oracle (, July 08, 2003.

Hey oracle did you ever consider the thought that maybe some of us have been on vacation? No,I didn't think so. Well I have hence my long absence. You'll never get the better of me so don't try. I still don't think you're an honorable person. You're just some cocky extremist who wants some attention. You're pathetic. Not because you're an attention seeker,but because you have to insult people. You haven't really asked us a good question to answer. I have a question for you though. I have asked this before and you never did answer, maybe you were afraid of the truth. What if you weren't born white?

-- full mexican (, July 09, 2003.

Rabbi Schmitz: Did I miss something or what? When did you ever "kick Finnegan's ass", you stupid Hymie? As far as I can remember you were just one more of the whiny little punks we slapped around at BBCM's guestbook.

-- Neo-Nazi Skinhead (, July 09, 2003.

To Full Mexican: Greetings from the Oracle. The Oracle is sincerely pleased that you and your family had the opportunity to take a most enjoyable vacation before the harvest season begins. While it is true that SOME of you dear readers may have been away on vacation, certainly not ALL were absent and continued lurking on this board. Therefore, my question need not have been answered by you, but could have been by someone else. As it is YOU who has popped his little brown head out of the prairie dog hole first, you shall answer My question.

The Oracle SHALL NOT ANSWER YOUR QUESTION UNTIL SUCH TIME WHEN YOU APPROACH THE ORACLE WITH MORE RESPECT AND HUMILITY. Do not show your irreverence to the Oracle and say He is afraid of the truth. The Oracle Is the truth. Please note the civility that Miss Jacqueline used when posing her question on June 25, 2003, then restate your question. The Oracle will then answer your query.

Do you recall this earlier posting of yours? It is being placed here in its entirety and not taken out of context.

“Oracle on your last posting you had stated that no right thinking white man would want to live like a black guy. I guess there aren't alot of right thinking white men because I have seen many white men trying to be like blacks in appearance and trying to challenge them in many physical activities. Many times the white guy failed at his challenge. You had also put that I am confused. I make a few mistakes in making sense and you automatically put a label on me saying that I'm some very stupid person who only knows one thing: I am a minority. You know what,I'm glad that I'm a minority. And of the many minorities out there I'm glad I'm mexican. So far you have only proven one thing that is true about mexicans: are you ready for this,we are lazy. But that still doesn't stop us from doing stuff. Not all mexicans are lazy but even the ones that are can still be trained not to be and can perform many tasks just as good as anyone else.

-- full mexican (, June 25, 2003.”

Concerning your sentences: “Oracle on your last posting you had stated that no right thinking white man would want to live like a black guy. I guess there aren't alot of right thinking white men because I have seen many white men trying to be like blacks in appearance and trying to challenge them in many physical activities. Many times the white guy failed at his challenge.” The Oracle stands by His assertion. The key words here are “right thinking”. True there are some white “men” trying to dress and act as if they were Negroes, but, as you agreed, they are not right thinking whites. Ask of yourself, if you have been witness to whites over the age of twenty-five acting like a Negro. How many thirty, forty, fifty, or sixty-year old white men have you seen with their baseball caps on backwards and “jiving” to hip-hop music? The answer, of course, is none. A ridiculous vision is it not? Only irresponsible, immature YOUNG white males indulge themselves the “Negro Experience”. They soon grow out of that stage in life and realize too late the error of their ways. Why does the Oracle say they realize their error too late? None of them, after they come to their senses, will ever amount to anything in life because the dark side psychologically damaged them during their rebellious teens. They all become white again, but it is too late; the damage has been done. So, Full Mexican, that is why no RIGHT THINKING white person would want to live as a Negro. Right thinking individuals would not do anything that would harm them or their futures.

Concerning your sentences: “You had also put that I am confused. I make a few mistakes in making sense and you automatically put a label on me saying that I'm some very stupid person who only knows one thing” The Oracle reasserts that you are indeed a confused individual. Anyone who makes “mistakes in making sense” can only be labeled as such. The Oracle apologizes if He has “insulted” you with the truth.

Concerning your sentences: “I am a minority. You know what,I'm glad that I'm a minority. And of the many minorities out there I'm glad I'm mexican.” These statements indicate you, Full Mexican, are a RACIST. First, the Oracle is also glad you are a minority. Remember, it is no sin to be a minority. Someone has to be a member of a minority, and it is better that you are one and not the Oracle The Oracle would not wish someone as yourself to be part of the “white man’s club”. Second, the Oracle is curious as to why you, a so-called equal rights advocate, would choose being a Mexican over another minority. Would being a Negro not be good enough for you? Are Mexicans now better than Negroes? As you have FREELY chosen one race over another and declared that Hispanics are better than Negroes, the Oracle has no choice but to label you a RACIST.

Concerning your sentences: “So far you have only proven one thing that is true about mexicans: are you ready for this,we are lazy. But that still doesn't stop us from doing stuff. Not all mexicans are lazy but even the ones that are can still be trained not to be and can perform many tasks just as good as anyone else.” My, My stereotyping Mexicans as lazy. Again, how RACIST of you to paint such a picture. And again, you confirm the label of a confused individual by stating that being lazy does not stop the Mexican from doing stuff. To correct you, if someone is lazy they are Not doing stuff. To continue, how do you train someone who is lazy, not to be? Why should the white man waste his valuable time in order to train a lazy Mexican to perform tasks as well as he could. It is much more efficient use of time for the white man to perform these tasks himself. If the Mexican needs to be trained, does that not indicate he is inferior to the white that is ALREADY capable of handling the task? You, in your confusion, have validated the Oracle’s position where any minority who is screaming for equality must FIRST be trained to “get up to speed” with the white man. Again, the only conclusion one can reach is that the minorities are naturally unequal to the white. You are indeed coming along nicely with your re- education Full Mexican.

-- Oracle (, July 10, 2003.

Oracle: I did not read thoroughly your last posting for two reasons. was too long. really didn't have a point. You're kind of funny you know that? You say that you're the truth. Yeah right. Also you got tricked into thinking that catrina and jacquelyn were real people and that jacquelyn was white. For your information those two were made up by none other than kilala. I don't think that she will be back here though therefore jacquelyn and catrina cease to exist. But don't think that I'm the only one left. I have told some of my friends about this place and they said they would check it out. By the way some of these people are white. So just get ready to see some more postings in the future. I'm sure you'll show them the "truth".

-- full mexican (, July 10, 2003.

To Full Mexican: Greetings from the Oracle. The Oracle apologizes for the length of his postings and MAY attempt to shorten future postings to accommodate your short attention span. However, you are undoubtedly too ignorant to realize that you do not have to read all of My words in the same sitting. You obviously have never read a book or you would know this already.

If what you say is true about Miss KiLaLa having multiple personas on this board, then that is further proof that minorities are of a nature to be dishonest and cannot be trusted. The Oracle hopes that the permanent absence of Miss KiLaLa is due to His instruction and she has been whitened and enlightened enough to proceed through life without His further assistance. Farewell, Miss KiLaLa, farewell and enjoy your life knowing your place in the white man’s world. The Oracle is glad He could help.

The Oracle is well pleased that you are sharing your learning experience with your friends. They will be able to see first hand how the Oracle reshapes and remolds you into a suitable member of the Hispanic community. Any friend of yours can be considered a friend of the Oracle. The Oracle is certain that your white friends will live up to their end of the bargain and read these postings, but the Oracle is not sure whether your minority friends will be so honest and visit for a while. Feel free to discuss your views on racial equality among yourselves. Ask each other if they agree with the Oracle or not.

You appear reticent to the idea the Oracle does not speak the truth. Tell Me amigo, where has the Oracle lied to you in the past? You cannot find ONE INSTANCE in any of His lengthy postings where the Oracle has told you anything other than the truth. If the Oracle is full of lies then certainly you could cite multiple examples of this in all of His many statements. The Oracle has certainly has found many mistruths in yours. While the Oracle has been open and honest in His dealings with the readers of this board, the minorities have done nothing but deceive the Oracle with their activities. Do not fear the truth, accept it.

Here is a question for you, Full Mexican. The answer requires only one word, either yes or no.


Think carefully before you answer. However, if you do not wish to be misinterpreted you should add an explanation of your response.

Remember, the Oracle has been straightforward and honest in His dealings with you and has answered your questions. Now you WILL answer Mine. Do not force the Oracle to include your name to the list of those who have disappointed Him. The Oracle will understand if you choose not to reply. After all, you now have an audience of your peers to impress (or be humiliated in front of). They and the Oracle are watching your next move. What will you do? Run for the border, so to speak, or make a stand on the issue.

-- Oracle (, July 10, 2003.

Actually miss kilala is back and did not leave because of your instruction.

-- full mexican (, July 10, 2003.

Your question is impossible to answer with either yes or no. My answer is everyone is different from everyone. White people are different from other races and even different from other white people. Same applies to all races. So there you go. Pinche gringo.

-- full mexican (, July 10, 2003.

To Full Mexican: Greetings from the Oracle. You say that Miss KiLaLa has returned, yet we have not seen her. Why are you minorities so adept at speaking lies? First you tell the Oracle she had gone and will not return, and then you state she is back yet we cannot see her. As the Oracle has stated in many earlier postings concerning you, you are a confused individual.

When asked the question, ARE MINORITIES DIFFERENT THAN WHITE PEOPLE, you replied: “Your question is impossible to answer with either yes or no. My answer is everyone is different from everyone. White people are different from other races and even different from other white people.”

Look carefully at your answer. “White people are different from other races”. You have successfully answered My question to the satisfaction of the Oracle. The Oracle shall stop here as He notices your attention span slipping away again. If you care to expand on what you meant in the above quotation of white people being different from other races, feel free to do so.

-- Oracle (, July 11, 2003.

Kilala told me recently that she would not come back to this message board. But last night she told me that she saw all the crap you put down after I had posted that she would not return. So she did return to the message board but did not post anything therefore I did not lie and is not confused. I have already explained why everyone is different from everyone. So have you. So why don't you stop being lazy and scroll up to some recent postings and look for it.

-- full mexican (, July 11, 2003.

I think you all should just suck a fatty, cuz you all talk about some stupid shit, Niggers should die, thats right, niggers are thieves, murderers, and funkin NIGGERS!! THATS THE END OF IT. JUST LEAVE IT THE WAY IT IS, you insulent fuckin bastards, how fuckin dumb can you people be?!

-- Yall aregay (, July 13, 2003.

Yes master!! I agree in full, you shall be a great one!! You know the way of the KKK, WE ARE THE KKK, BEAT THEM NIGGERS TO PULP ALL DAY!!!

-- KKK minion (, July 13, 2003.

Well you know what? I'm not a nigger so fuck yall. All of yall. If yall don't like me blow me. Yall gonna turn me into the old me. Nowadays everybody wanna talk like they got somethin to say,but nothin comes out when they move their lips just a bunch of jibberish. And I say motherfuck the KKK.

-- full mexican (, July 13, 2003.

To Full Mexican: Greetings from the Oracle. First, calm down and cool off by taking a deep breath, nobody is accusing you of being a Negro. Second, do not call something “jibberish” just because you are too ignorant to understand what people are saying to you. Your ignorance is one of the reasons why you are destined to be considered a second- class citizen.

As for your statement regarding your “gonna turn me into the old me”, how many personalities are in possession of your brown body? The Oracle has long declared you were confused, and now we know the reason for it. Multiple Personalities.

To continue with our earlier conversation of July 10-11, where you stated, “White people are different from other races”, the Oracle agrees. Here the Oracle shall use logic and deductive reasoning to show to you how YOUR OWN WORDS will prove the races to be unequal. Now, if people are DIFFERENT, how can they be the SAME? They obviously cannot. Your statement can now be read, using the same meaning, as, “White people are not the same as other races”. If they are NOT the SAME they cannot be EQUAL. Your original statement can now be read, using the same meaning, as, “White people are not equal to other races”. This leaves us with two logical alternatives. Either the white man is LESS THAN EQUAL to other races, or the white man is MORE THAN EQUAL to other races. The correct choice should be easy for one to discern when one objectively looks at the world today. Prove the Oracle incorrect in this.

As for your statements concerning the Ku Klux Klan, that is merely sour grapes as that is yet another organization the white man will not allow you to join. Even your earlier statements concerning Mexican superiority over the Negro will not gain you entry.

-- Oracle (, July 14, 2003.


Thank you for correcting my spelling. You're right it should be "celibate". I am not a great typer nor did I win awards for my spelling. I am dyslexic and there is nothing I can do about this mental condition, just be the best and brightest human being I can be.

I noticed that you put an insurmountable amount of effort into your postings and this leads me to ask the following questions:

1. Do you have a "life?" 2. If you do, what accomplishments have you made. 3. Are you productive in your life, meaning are you going to college if you haven't graduated, do you volunteer in your local church, help feed the homeless, or help pick up trash along the beaches to make them cleaner or anything like that? 4. Do you have any goals or ambitions in your life? Or are you just living in your parents' basement playing Dungeons and Dragons or Everquest? 5. Do you plan to climb the corporate ladder of success one day and become the CEO of a Fortune 500 corporation or do you just walk around in a black trenchcoat carrying around Magick cards and watching Japanese cartoons. (because you enjoy the action of course and CERTAINLY not because you enjoy female cartoon characters with oversized ample breasts)

Oracle, I have some advice for you. You need to live a more productive life. You say that you DEMAND respect? Why? Respect is something you EARN! What have you done in your life to earn respect? Also, most of us (Full Mexican, Kilala, and others) would all agree with me that you probably don't have a girlfriend. You seem to pride yourself for some reason by these overzealous postings of yours referring to yourself in the third person. I would think that you would want your DNA and linage to continue for generations to come and I don't think that there are any women out there that would want to bear the seed of some computer geek who names himself after a Matrix character. The name Mrs. Oracle does not seem to appeasing to a lot of women, which was why you were on the BBCM website in the first place, to find the easiest Asian woman out there.

I hope you give my advice some thought and good luck with it.

-- Rabbi Ebeneezer Schmitz, your Jewish neighbor (, July 14, 2003.

Hey Neo-Nazi skinhead. Are you scared yet? You better be because the JDL WILL track down your IP and WE WILL find you. When I find you, I WILL remove your testicles personally and I WILL set them on fire and YOU WILL WATCH as you are bleeding to death. I will get my revenge for what your people did to my people in Auschwitz. YOU WILL DIE!!!!! THIS IS NOT A TREAT THIS IS A PROMISE!!!!!!!!

-- Rabbi C. Ebeneezer Schmitz, your Jewish neighbor (, July 14, 2003.

To Rabbi Ebeneezer Schmitz: Greetings from the Oracle. When one speaks ill of another person placing “an insurmountable amount of effort” into His postings, the same person must also remember to do the same. You needed to have only posed the first question, as questions two through five are subsets of the first question.

You feel if all of your questions posed to Me were answered then you could get a glimpse of the Man under the robe. Any answer given would be immediately be suspected as false by you and your ilk. So why bother? As the Oracle has stated so eloquently in a prior posting to Miss Jacqueline dated June 25, 2003, “The Oracle prefers to remain unseen, yet have His presence felt.” Therefore the Oracle shall NOT answer ANY of your questions.

The Oracle is unsure what point you were trying to arrive at when you ask if the Oracle is feeding the homeless. The Oracle would not waste His valuable time in feeding the homeless when food is not their immediate need. You see Rabbi, they already have food, just no home. If they had no food they would be considered HUNGRY not HOMELESS. Also, the Oracle has no need to bend at the waist and “help pick up trash along the beaches to make them cleaner”. That is a function for a member of a minority race to perform. They are the ones who littered the place up to begin with.

You have the audacity to state the Oracle needs to live a more productive life, when it is YOU who needs to learn priorities. You are obviously too preoccupied with seeking the whereabouts of Mr. Neo- Nazi Skinhead. You are too upset by him to even type correctly. Next time insert the letter “H” into the word TREAT to better convey your true meaning. Once again you state your Jewish craving to touch male genetalia when you expressed your desire to remove his testicles personally. The Oracle is repulsed by homosexuality except when consenting women are involved.

To correct you again Rabbi, the Oracle has NEVER demanded respect. In a posting to Full Mexican the Oracle has stated: “The Oracle SHALL NOT ANSWER YOUR QUESTION UNTIL SUCH TIME WHEN YOU APPROACH THE ORACLE WITH MORE RESPECT AND HUMILITY. Do not show your irreverence to the Oracle and say He is afraid of the truth. The Oracle Is the truth. Please note the civility that Miss Jacqueline used when posing her question on June 25, 2003, then restate your question. The Oracle will then answer your query.” Here the Oracle NEVER demanded Full Mexican be respectful to Him. All the Oracle asks of ANYONE is to have a civil tongue and not approach with a flippant attitude. For anyone to learn from the Oracle one must come near with the mind and eyes open and the mouth closed.

The Oracle has indeed given your advice some thought. It is the Oracle’s sincere hope that you are not dispensing similar low-quality advice while practicing as a Rabbi. Is it common for a Rabbi to offer accusations and negative comments and then say they were bits of advice? You are not very good at your chosen profession are you? In closing, dear friend, the Oracle does not need your advice. You forget who is the teacher here.

-- Oracle (, July 14, 2003.

Umm oracle I was just rapping(note that it rhymed). But you wouldn't know that. I know that they weren' accusing me. So I'm not ignorant or confused get that through your thick head. And I already knew that the KKK wouldn't allow me in.

-- full mexican (, July 14, 2003.

Also, why the hell would I want to join the KKK? It's just some faggish organization who are very cruel to minorities. Members and wannabe members of the KKK need a good beating and need to learn how to be more civilized. Did you ever once wonder why God created minorities? He sure didn't intend them to be tormented,murdered,and be insulted by some white people. That is why I thank God very much that there are some white people that accept us as PEOPLE.

-- full mexican (, July 15, 2003.

To Full Mexican: Greetings from the Oracle. My, My why the bitter attitude today? Has Claudette forced another day of idleness upon you? Another day at home and not in the fields?

Once again you advocate violence over someone’s opinion. How remarkably honorable of you. You need not resort to aggression to “convince” another to your point of view. That is the role of a tyrant. The white man will NEVER use those tactics, unless they are warranted. The white man is benevolent and kind to those who are under their care. Those who willingly follow the guidence of the white man prosper accordingly.

It is the opinion of the Oracle that a Higher Being created other races of humans to serve the white man. If you think about it, Full Mexican, the white man IS a minority in numbers when compared to the population of the world. Yet the white man prospers, invents, and controls this planet. As for your statement that this Higher Being had not intended for the white man to be less than compassionate towards the other races, the Oracle is curious as to how you know the mind of this Higher Being. What makes you privy to His thoughts?

In closing, it will come as a shock to you but all white men accept the minorities as people. Lesser people, but still people. Yes there are a handful of white men who treat the minority as if they were equal. But the reason they do that is because they were shamed into believing it. They fell for the tricks the minorities played on them. “Poor Negro was a great-great-grandson of a slave. Let us give him everything he wants so our consciences will be clear.” Again the minorities EXPLOITED the overwhelming amount of compassion the white man possesses and made him feel guilty for something he personally had not done.

The Oracle is curious on your thoughts why a Higher Being created minorities. The Oracle hopes you will state he created them in order that we live together in peace and harmony. These things can be achieved IF the minorities LEARN and ACCEPT their lot in life as servants to the white man.

-- Oracle (, July 15, 2003.

Yes Claudette has made me stay at home for the past two days,but if it didn't I certainly would not be in the fields dumbass. Mexicans didn't work for white people in the fields. We had our own fields in Mexico and Texas. Then white people started coming over to Texas because they were curious of the land. The Mexicans let them stay and treated them as neighbors. But then some of the white people got greedy and wanted Texas all to themselves. So the U.S. provoked a war and the Mexicans lost and gave it to them.

-- full mexican (, July 16, 2003.

Your opinion that God created all other races to serve the white men is stupid. Why then are black people the only race that has ever served the white man? I think God wanted them to be slaves in order to make them stonger. That is my opinion. Close your eyes. Don't roll them close them. I've had to read your crap now you do this one thing for me. Imagine yourself has a black slave in the 1850s in the state of Mississippi. What are you doing? You're in a line each slave is connected by the neck with a cuff type link. Feel your back. Does it sting? That is where you were branded then beaten with a whip. What is going through your mind right now? Oh look another slave being hanged just because he wanted to get out of this living hell. I want you to just imagine all this for right now and then post something once you've become more civilized.

-- full mexican (, July 16, 2003.

Rabbi Schmitz: I was going to point out your blatant homosexuality but the Oracle beat me to it. Stick to molesting kids, which is what you Jews do best.

Full Mexican: You don't even know shit about your own people and the country they came from. For quite a time your Indian ancestors were controlled by both Spanish and French ruling minorities. Even today the Mexican elites are predominantly of European descent and they still rule over most Indian and Mestizo(mixed-race) Mexicans. Get a fucking clue before you open your big ignorant yapper. Mexicans have been a subjugated people for more than 500 years now.

-- Neo-Nazi Skinhead (, July 16, 2003.

To Full Mexican: Greetings from the Oracle. Let Me see if the Oracle understands you correctly. You believe the Negro was created by a Higher Being to be a slave of the white man. Their servitude would somehow make them stronger. Here the Oracle correctly assumes you to mean strong of character rather than strong of body.

Without realizing it you, Full Mexican, have admitted to all that when the Negro was created by a Higher Being, he was PURPOSEFULLY MADE TO BE INFERIOR. You believe the Negro was created “weak” and that his tenure as a slave would make him strong. Stop here now and think about that. The Negro was created weak so that slavery would make him strong. That is the essence of your argument.

Also, if your assumption was correct, the Negro would be exhibiting strong character in their daily lives. Instead we find the Negro to be without morals, ethics, motivation, or personal hygiene. What have these “strong people” accomplished?

The Oracle has taken your advice and pretended He was a Negro slave in 1850 Mississippi. He opens his eyes to see a new world opened up to Him. A world so much different than the one He came from. This new world is so full of promise and opportunity to learn new tasks and acquire new skills. A wide variety of nutritious and healthy foods are made readily available and the Oracle needs not have to scavenge for it. The Oracle has a sturdy roof over His head instead of having to sleep in the trees. The Oracle has been exposed to a new language, religion, and a new way of life. A more prosperous was of life. As for whippings, the Oracle does not need them. He is willing to do as He is told by His benevolent white master. Only those who disobey are punished. As for shackles, the Oracle does not need them. Only those who cannot see how much improved their lives have become and have not assimilated into their place in the world need them. And what horrendous price must the Oracle pay for the vast improvement in His life? All that was asked of Him was to work the same as any white man had to do in order to survive during that time.

Remember, those punishments were meted out to change the mindset of the Negro. You advocate violence on those whose mindset you want to change. (Remember your Ku Klux Klan statement?) So you see, Full Mexican, your solution to “attitude adjustment” is not ANY DIFFERENT from that of a Nineteenth Century slaveholder.

Twice in this posting, Mierda Pequena, the Oracle has proven you to harbor racist feelings. First, when you declared the Negro was created as an inferior. Second, when you agree with the mind control tactics of the slaveholder. You are coming along quite nicely. You exhibit racist tendencies, yet you deny them. Accept the truth.

-- Oracle (, July 16, 2003.


Thank you for correcting my spelling. Like I said, I am dyslexic, I can not control my mental condition.

Anyway, I am not saying you are obligated to do any of that stuff. If you are not compassionate about the homeless, that is fine, or if you are not concerned with the trash on the beach that is fine also. I was wondering if you had any hobbies or any kind of a life outside this guestbook. Maybe you might be interested in volunteering in your community. Have you ever gone to the YMCA? Have you ever been involved in church? Or are you interested in getting involved in global issues such as pollution, endangered animals, or a lack of trees in the rainforest? Are you even REMOTELY interested in helping out your fellow man just because you have the heart to?

-- Rabbi Schmitz, your Jewish neighbor (, July 17, 2003.

Nazi fag: just shut up because you don't know what the hell your talking about and I'm sick of you. Oracle: I'm not a racist you little shit. What you didn't think I knew what you typed in Spanish? Pinche gringo. Anyways,I'm not a damn racist. If I were a racist I would be saying that a particular race is superior over all others. So far I have not. It kind of pains me to say that you are correct in some of your statements. Yes most of the slaves were treated good by their masters,but there were some slavemasters who were just downright cruel. Did you know that owners were payed for whipping their slaves? Imagine how many slaves were whipped for no reason just so his owner could get money. Most slaves were beaten just for intimidation. And to prevent the wounds from becoming infected they put salt water on it which just makes the pain intensify greatly. But yes alot of slaves were lucky to have slave masters who didn't treat them so. Many slaves were educated by their masters. But some like Frederick Douglas taught themselves.

-- full mexican (, July 17, 2003.

To Rabbi Schmitz: Greetings from the Oracle. The Oracle again dismisses your questions to Him. Although the Oracle is curious what you meant by “a lack of trees in the rainforest”. By definition, a rainforest has trees and does not lack them.

The Oracle shall answer this particular question of yours, “Are you even REMOTELY interested in helping out your fellow man just because you have the heart to?”

The answer is all over this board. Possibly you, and others, have forgotten the Creed of the Oracle. The Oracle is here to whiten and enlighten the minorities. In His first posting on this board the Oracle wrote:

“To All: Greetings from the Oracle. The Oracle has arrived from the old BBCM guestbook to continue in His quest to whiten and enlighten the Negro race. You need not look for me there as all vestiges of My presence have been summarily erased. Suffice it to say that the Oracle will provide the truth to those who disagree with the correct point of view by using logic, reasoning, and common sense that God, in His infinite wisdom, graced the white race with. In doing so, it is the Oracle’s heartfelt desire to gently guide the reader to the only logical conclusion of the superiority of the white race. If you are earnest in your desire for truth, feel free to approach the foot of the Oracle and openly express your thirst for knowledge. Fear not, for those who have sincerely sought the face of the Oracle in the past have found Him to be benevolent. Yet those who drew near to offer their lies, hatred, and deceptions were soon publicly humiliated. The Oracle is not one to be flippant with.

The following is for Mr. Big Balls Finnegan only; ALL OTHERS AVERT YOUR EYES. It is good to read your messages again. Hope things are well. There are a few new posts on the BBCM guestbook as of 6/9/03.

-- Oracle (, June 09, 2003.”

On many occasions the Oracle has humbly mentioned His compassion toward the lesser races. The Oracle has maintained His course and has not deviated from this mission statement one iota.

In closing, Rabbi, the Oracle takes leave with these parting words for you and you alone. That is, unless Mr. Full Mexican understands Hebrew as well as Spanish. Take heart in them and believe them to be true. These are words you should strive to live up to.

Misken. Lekh taaseh amidat yadaim al hagag, vetekhavan et hazain layareah

-- Oracle (, July 17, 2003.

Hey oracle: Go stand on your head on the roof and point your dick at the moon.

-- full mexican (, July 18, 2003.

To Full Mexican: Greetings from the Oracle. My, My you are an amazingly unique individual. Imagine a small Mexican boy able to converse fluently in Yiddish. What are the odds on that? Either you are multi-talented or had visited a foreign language translation site for your retort. The Oracle correctly assumes the latter. He cannot imagine a Torah lying next to your family’s gardening tools. While this may not point toward a high level of intelligence on your part, it does however, indicate resourcefulness. Your future look a little brighter as it appears when you come of age you will be able to pick fruit with both hands.

In a posting of yours that appeared on the board yesterday you said, “Did you know that owners were payed (sic) for whipping their slaves? Imagine how many slaves were whipped for no reason just so his owner could get money.” The Oracle must ask you to provide a link to prove your assertion. The Oracle is curious as to the source of funding for these whippings. Did money magically materialize out of the air? You continued with the statement, “Most slaves were beaten just for intimidation.” That is blatantly wrong! As explained earlier by the Oracle, these punishments were meted out because the Negro did not do as he was told, not because the slaveholder felt like drawing blood that day. You next mentioned, “And to prevent the wounds from becoming infected they put salt water on it which just makes the pain intensify greatly.” The Oracle will assume you are correct in your assumption but would like to point out to you that the purpose of the salt water was to prevent the wound from becoming infected, not to inflict pain. Even with modern medical advances sometimes the cure is as bad as the malady. Case in point: Chemotherapy. As today’s medical staffs treat the problem as best as they are able, so too had the Eighteenth Century slaveholder. The Oracle has not heard you complain about present medical practices, why do you complain about methods used when antibiotics were not yet invented? They were only doing what they thought was in the best interest of the Negro.

The Oracle has again set the record straight and has shown you where you are in error. The Oracle speaks the truth. Truth is absolute. Accept the truth.

-- Oracle (, July 18, 2003.

As for the Yiddish I used a website to translate but I can understand alot of Spanish and know all Spanish insults hijo de puta. I am multi-talented and have a high intelligence for someone my age. Just so you know I'm getting used to typing like this. Anyways my source for the facts about how slaves were treated was not from the internet. Its from a book about the Civil War. Oh and about that comment that when I become of age I'll be able to pick fruits with both hands. Yes I will. Then I'll put them in my shopping cart and drive home. Kabron.

-- full mexican (, July 18, 2003.

To Full Mexican: Greetings from the Oracle. For future reference, the correct and universally approved slur is: Hijo de la gran puta. Even in insult the Mother of the Oracle must be superior to all others.

The Oracle finds it curious that you failed to mention about paying for your items you placed in your shopping cart before you drove them to your home. Was that an error of omission, or, as typical of your heritage, had you INTENDED not to pay?

The source you cited as “proof” of your statement is not good enough. Merely stating you found evidence in some unnamed book is not proof. The Oracle correctly assumes the author was not present during the actual events. The author must have had his sources, had he not? Many of these sources can be found on the Internet. You WILL find this evidence and offer it to the Oracle for His examination. The Oracle GUARANTEES He will view and comment upon the documents you present to Him. By the way, have YOU visited the links the Oracle had provided in His prior postings, or were you too lazy to do that? The Oracle is willing to listen to your side of the argument. You should supply the same effort and listen to His.

The Oracle is proud that you had the courage to step forward with your admission of your use of a language translator. (You must admit the mental image of Rabbi Schmitz standing on his head on some rooftop pointing toward the moon without using his hands is QUITE HUMOROUS.) Again the Oracle was correct in His assumption. The Oracle also salutes your courage in facing Him. What has happened to all the others? Where are the friends you invited? Where have they gone? The Oracle KNOWS they are still here lurking. They need not fear the Oracle if they approach with civility. It is of little consequence they no longer post here because the Oracle knows that as long as they are lurking they are learning.

-- Oracle (, July 18, 2003.

Don't flatter yourself so much, boy. You are an ignorant & annoying little prick who doesn't know shit about pretty much anything.

-- Neo-Nazi Skinhead (, July 18, 2003.

The book is called Brother against Brother by William C. Davis and the editors of Time-Life. Look it up yourself and stop being lazy because I will not take orders from you like a slve because I'm not one. Yes I did intend paying for it. Nazi fag stay out of this joto. Oh and Oracle the correct slang term is hijo de puta.

-- full mexican (, July 18, 2003.

To Full Mexican: Greetings from the Oracle. The Oracle thanks you for making a feeble attempt in supplying the source of your information. Providing a book’s title, author and publisher offers no substance to your argument. You supplied NO direct quotes, nor had you provided the author’s source of his information. The only way the Oracle could be able to correctly ascertain the validity of the information when taken in context would be if He had the book in His hands. It was YOU who had made unsubstantiated claims. It is up to you to provide your proof to Me. It is not up to Me to do your research of your unfounded assertions. Certainly that Time-Life book cited the answer to the Oracle’s question of the source of the money paid to slaveholders who whipped their charges. Who paid good money to have someone else’s slaves whipped? It is a legitimate question that demands an answer. You WILL answer Me. Has anyone other than Full Mexican ever heard of such a thing? Do any of you spineless lurkers, who have been “taught” equality and tolerance, have anything to add? Slave owners paid by some phantom individual or organization to beat slaves. The idea is not only preposterous but also illogical. The Oracle is nearly certain you are making things up in an attempt to bolster the weak position of your argument.

As for your assertion that you were planning to pay for the groceries, you offered the same explanation to the Oracle, as any other shoplifter would tell the authorities when caught by them. They have heard that line numerous times. You will need to come up with a more convincing story to tell the police.

In summation, Full Mexican, in future debate you WILL supply verifiable links to your assertions. The Oracle has on many occasions supplied you with site addresses that can be easily cut and pasted into your browser. The Oracle cannot make it any simpler for you to verify His information. When you find the information to be correct and true, let the Oracle know of your enlightenment. When you are wrong, be man enough to admit it. The Oracle has never lied to you, nor shall He ever.

A note of caution for you, Full Mexican. It is not wise to anger Mr. Neo-Nazi Skinhead. The gentleman is a well of information concerning world history and race relations. You may not agree with his attitude and demeanor, but his facts are indisputable.

-- Oracle (, July 18, 2003.

In 1855 the Commonwealth of Kentucky payed a slave breaker $4.00 for beating 8 slaves. Thats 50 cents per slave. Thats not a lot of money now but it was enough back then. I guess us minorities aren't trustworthy enough to believe. I believe some of your stuff you should do the same for me. As for neo nazi,whocares if he's some history teacher he doesn't know crap and needs to keep his yapper shut.

-- full mexican (, July 19, 2003.

To Full Mexican: Greetings from the Oracle. You most certainly know how to settle an argument with the truth. Twice in your last posting you provided facts the readers of this forum cannot deny.

Do you recall the following statement made by you on July 17, 2003? “Did you know that owners were payed(sic) for whipping their slaves? Imagine how many slaves were whipped for no reason just so his owner could get money.”

Do you recall the Oracle disbelieving your assertion that slave owners received money from some unknown source to whip his slaves? Do you recall the Oracle ordering you to provide the source as proof of your statement? Do you recall your answer? Allow the Oracle to refresh your memory. “In 1855 the Commonwealth of Kentucky payed(sic) a slave breaker $4.00 for beating 8 slaves. Thats 50 cents per slave.” Do you know what the difference is between a slave OWNER and a slave BREAKER? Obviously you do not. The money was paid to an individual whose function was to punish slaves, not the slave owner. The slave breaker was much akin to the government hiring an executioner. Even at fifty cents per slave, the slave breaker had to use a tremendous amount of energy to have the desired effect on the thick Negro skull. The man most certainly earned his money.

The Oracle again wins the argument as your assertion was based on the slave OWNER receiving money for whipping slaves, when in truth it was a hired employee of the state. You may have been confused (there is that word again) as owner and breaker both end in “er”.

Incidentally, does your source also mention WHY the slaves were beaten? Obviously not as you assert they were “whipped for no good reason”. These eight troublemakers undoubtedly deserved their punishment. Remember, the white man was DEEPLY CONCERNED FOR THE CARE AND WELFARE OF HIS NEGROES. If you doubt the Oracle simply cut and paste this link into your web browser.

It is a reputable site owned by the State of California. Here the curious reader can locate a few names of slaves, slave owners, locations, and sometimes the slaves’ tasks have been documented as well. The important thing to notice here is the fact the white man cared enough about the Negro to insure him. And you though slave owners were heartless. Tsk. Tsk. Also interesting to note are some of the tasks the Negro was asked to perform. Here the gentle reader can discover for himself there were no tasks that some white man somewhere was performing. And you though all the Negro did was pick cotton and get beaten. Tsk. Tsk.

You second truism in your last posting to Me was, “I guess us minorities aren't trustworthy enough to believe.” Remember, this was in reference to your “proof” that the Oracle just debunked. As your proof was lacking, the Oracle has no option but to continue to believe you are attempting to deceive the gentle readers of this forum with your lies.

In closing you gave an interesting statement when you said, “I believe some of your stuff you should do the same for me.” If you believe some you must believe all. The Oracle is curious as to what statements He has made that you do not fully agree with. Possibly the Oracle has been unclear or you misunderstood Him. Allow the Oracle to clarify any misconceptions you may have.

-- Oracle (, July 19, 2003.

It is pointless to argue with that statement when all you did was correct me. Again.

-- full mexican (, July 20, 2003.

And people wonder why there is war...... How come you americans think you have all the answers? It`s clear that you have a lot of issues to solv on your own turf! Two million people i jail! Stop acting like a world police and for gods sake, get rid of these racist idiots, once and for all!!!!

-- notsoscaryspice (, July 30, 2003.

Racism is gay.We should all take a lesson from crayons, I mean come on. There are many different kinds.Some are beautiful some are plain and some have weird names, but they all have to learn to live in the same box, so why cant we all learn to live in the same world?

-- full mexican (, August 06, 2003.

yeah. because, honestly, nobody gives a fuck what people like oracle and nazi say.theyre the ones looking like complete redneck idiots.why dont yall take a step out of your little box, and see how people get along with eachother.why dont yall catch up with the rest of the world.

-- ~~Lauren~~ (, August 07, 2003.

To Full Mexican: Greetings from the Oracle. You have offered in interesting analogy with your use of crayons to describe a solution to racial harmony. Let us delve into this further, shall we?

While it is true there are many kinds of crayons, do you, Full Mexican, not have a favorite one in the packet? Of course you do. Please spare the Oracle and all gentle readers of this board from any attempt by yourself to declare that you prefer and use all of the colors equally. By your own admission you have stated that some are more beautiful than others. Your preference of one color over another therefore indicates you exhibit racist tendencies.

Yes, these various colored crayons do indeed coexist within the same box, but have you ever noticed how at times the lighter colored crayons acquire small specks of the darker ones when they come in contact with one another? For example take a white crayon and place it between a brown and a black one in the box. Allow these three crayons to remain side by side for a time. Reopen your box and find that the brown and black crayon have tainted your white crayon to the point where, if the offensive color were not immediately scraped off, it would cause the white crayon to be unusable for its original purpose, which is to make things white. If you had attempted to use the stained white crayon the color would not be true, but would be corrupted. Does this extra color make the white crayon better? No! You may feel that a little brown or black on a white crayon is of little consequence, however, you will undoubtedly find you are dissatisfied with the results of your coloring. Soon you will view that despoiled crayon with distain and no longer seek a use for it or you will relegate it to the back of the crayon box where it belongs and use it when quality of you work does not matter. Who would want to keep such a crayon? It would be best to discard it. So you see, having contact with different colors is not necessarily a good thing. It corrupts, it dilutes, and it alters the original plan.

As is typical of your Mexican heritage, the Oracle believes you have deep psychotic delusions. For some reason you believe that crayons have learned to live with one another in their box as if they were alive and possessed human intellect and ability to communicate with one another.

The Oracle again speaks the truth and Mr. Full Mexican speaks through a tequila induced neurotic haze. Full Mexican, if you wish to be taken seriously by ANYONE, your fantasies and hallucinations will have to be addressed. Instead of taking you shopping for new clothing, have you mother seek help for you before the new school year begins.

-- Oracle (, August 08, 2003.

I got it off a website for Aim away messages and thought it would be good for this forum. Did you ever once consider the fact that white is not the only color crayon that gets messed up by other colors? Oh and I have a question. I was watching Jerry Springer a few days ago. Two members of the KKK were on the show and said that Jerry Springer was not white and insulted many white people. They were threatened by their family members and much of the audience; white and non- white. But my question is, do members of the KKK actually were those faggish cones on their heads all the time? Here are some words of advice for you. Chinga tu madre.

-- full mexican (, August 09, 2003.

If we could shrink the earth's population to a town of precisely 100 people, with all the existing human ratios remaining the same, there would be 70 non-whites and 30 whites. If you dont know me, you've no right to judge me, I got a good heart, but this heart can get ugly - DMX. You don't know me and you don't know hardly any of the people in this world. So why do you judge everyone? What if a non-white person came up to you and in his heart he was going be really nice to you. Would you just shun him away without giving you a chance? Maybe there have been alot of non-whites who have done wrong things. But that doesn't give you an excuse to think that the rest are just as bad. If you were to ask God to show you the most pure person on this earth and if he showed you a non-white person what would you do? Would you not belive Him? What have I ever done to you to make you think that I'm some imperfect little twirp you can insult and throw around? What about everybody else on this earth. Have they done anything to you so bad to you that you have to hate them? You think you're so perfect. Well you know what,you're not. Nobody is. Therefore that is another thing we all have in common. "to live is to survive is to find meaning in the suffering:...DMX. You are selfish oracle. You have no love. Love is like oxygen,its a splendid thing,it lifts us up where we belong,all you need is love. You just love yourself. Therefore your just keeping it all for yourself and not letting anyone breathe. Your killing people inside. And I know your just going to keep on beating me with facts and insults and putdowns. But I'm not going to fail at this. Because even if you do beat me down I'm not a failure until I refuse to get up. In life, when you fall on your face your still moving forward. I've fallen of my face many times but I'm still persuing in my life and in this fight.

-- full mexican (, August 09, 2003.

I am full of love and I'm going to prove it. No matter how much I despise you and no matter how bad you treat people and make me upset,I cannot say that I hate you. I pray you stop living a lie and try to rid your head of untruthful thoughts. Just know that you are loved with a Christian love.

-- full mexican (, August 09, 2003.

You niggeres and nigger lovers that respond to the ones who stste that they don't like niggers and call us white trash and say we stereo type;;;;;;THEN LISTEN 2 YOUR OWN WORDS WHAT R U DOING????

-- I am SAM (I love niggers and, August 10, 2003.

To Full Mexican: Greetings from the Oracle. Your posting of August 9, 2003 beginning with the words, “If we could shrink the earth's population to a town of precisely 100 people…” has brought to the fore a few interesting topics to be discussed.

First, let the Oracle assure you He, along with most white men, has more love and caring in His heart than most members of a minority. As proof, simply left click EDIT (upper left corner of your monitor’s screen), scroll down to FIND ON THIS PAGE, and type in the word "HATE". You will find NO INSTANCE of that word within ANY of the Oracle’s writings. Yet minorities and wrong thinking folk show their wrath toward the Oracle and others who have visited this board. Have you forgotten the original purpose of the Oracle? To whiten and enlighten the minorities. Not to hate them but to educate them. Remember, Full Mexican, only those who truly care for your well being are apt to correct you and guide you. Your parents, teachers, friends, and family are a few examples. People who do not care about you will not say anything to you. They will ignore you and let you go about making the same mistakes over and over. The Oracle cares too deeply for the minorities to ignore them. He wants them to learn the truth and their proper place in the white man's world. The Oracle has spent more time and effort discussing the issues with you, Full Mexican, than with any other minority He has encountered. Before you consider yourself overly special, realize that most of the other minorities the Oracle has taught have been rehabilitated by this time. Remember what the Oracle has stated in earlier postings? Four out of five Negroes surveyed trust the Oracle. It is true. The Oracle has remediated approximately eighty percent of the Negroes He has encountered. You, on the other hand, are either too dull-witted or retarded to see the truth. But do not be offended, in either case there is still a place for you in the white man’s world.

Instead of offering an overblown analogy about condensing the world population into some mythical town of one hundred, why not make your point by simply stating that thirty percent of the world’s population is white and the remaining is non-white? The Oracle will not debate this unimportant factoid and assume you to be correct. Your scenario would then make the white race a minority would it not? Yet look around at all of the wonders and splendors the white man has created for himself. According to your own admission a white minority controls and rules the world. How can that be? What sets the white race apart from the others? How had the minority white race wrested control of the world? If they do not possess any special qualities but are equal to other races, as you proclaim, why does not another race rule? If the white race is a minority, why do other “minorities” complain that they are not being given an equal chance? Many questions that deserve serious consideration on your part. If anything these other groups have had more opportunities available to them simply due to their outnumbering of the whites.

To whatever continent the white man ventured, he has ALWAYS improved the living conditions of the native population. Once exclusively inhabited by Negro savages who lived in trees for millennia, Africa has been transformed by the white man’s presence in the span of a few short centuries. One must wonder what the plight of the poor African Negro would be if the white man had ignored them. If left alone would they have evolved on their own? Sadly, no. They would still be running around naked throwing spears at antelopes, digging up roots for their food supply and drinking muddy water fouled with their own urine and feces. If it was not the white man that improved Africa, who did? Was it the Hispanics? No. Of course not. What has YOUR race contributed to aid and comfort of the unfortunate Negro? Nothing! Yet for all he has done, it is the white man who is condemned by the Negro.

Recently the whites reluctantly relinquished control of Africa to the Negro. The Oracle says reluctantly because the whites knew what would happen and most certainly it did. The Negro is innately incapable of governing himself. Look at what is happening today in Africa. Civil war, massive hunger, and AIDS. Are the Negroes dealing with these problems themselves? No. They demand the intervention of the white man. The Negro demands that white troops are sent to control the population and they demand white money, food, medicine and humanitarian aid be sent to combat AIDS. Please notice they are not asking Mexicans for help. What could they provide anyway? Refried beans? Big hats? No sense in asking for help there. You see, Full Mexican, only after the white man built up these backward countries had these Negroes thought they could govern themselves better that the whites. The Negro has failed and the white man AGAIN must reach down and lend a helping hand. The Oracle predicts that the Negro will again slap the helping hand of the white man once these problems are addressed. The Negro is a most unappreciative race of people. The more that is freely given by the white man, the more is to be expected of him. That is why, Full Mexican, some right thinking white men do not look favorably upon the Negro.

-- Oracle (, August 11, 2003.

To I am SAM: Greetings from the Oracle. You speak the truth. However,one must remember that the Oracle is dealing with psychologically damaged individuals. They believe that a box of crayons can talk and have enough intelligence and the ability to reason so they are able to happily co-exist with one another. Some are receiving their education and learning about the world by watching “Jerry Springer”. Most are confused and have no cognitive awareness that they are being hypocritical. They have been taught to “love” everybody, yet they despise Me and others like Me. They say the Oracle is “loved with a Christian love” yet use terms “Chinga tu madre” and “Pinche gringo” though the Oracle doubts these words were ever uttered by them inside a church. They say, referring to themselves, “I am full of love and I'm going to prove it. No matter how much I despise you …”. They accuse the Oracle of hating others when the word cannot be found associated with His name.

Faced with obstacles such as these, it is of little wonder the Oracle is making small gains in their re-education. The Oracle has offered them facts that cannot be disputed; yet they have offered no proof that the races are equal. They have been taught the races are equal but the Oracle will guarantee you that at that time no empirical evidence was ever offered to them that proves it. They were merely told by someone the races were equal and they blindly accepted it as fact. Remember, to their confused mindset someone who is different than you is the same as you. That is their logic, not Mine.

Can you imagine a Hispanic believing himself to be equal in every way to a Negro? One would think a Hispanic would have more self-respect than that.

-- Oracle (, August 11, 2003.

First off I would like you to answer a few questions. You said "To whatever continent the white man ventured, he has ALWAYS improved the living conditions of the native population." Is that so? Why then when white people ventured out west they ran out the native americans who were here first? You say that they "improved" their living conditions yet they are now in a very small reservation where people go to visit them as if they were on display. Why don't you lay of the crayon analogy. I told you already that I got it off a website for aim away messages under the category "inspirational". For all we know a white person could have come up with that. And since when did this become the white mans world? Did God create the world then say, "you know what? i think im going to give this world to the white race then have them treat other races like dirt." This is Gods world and if He wanted it to be yours He would've given it to you and only make the white race. This kind of interests me though. Didn't God create the Hebrews first? I don't know if you have ever read some of the Bible,if you haven't you should. You should especially read the first book,Genesis. You know the story about Noah and the Flood. Noah had 3 sons:Shem,Japeth,and Ham. Ham became the father of all the Egyptians,Canaanites,Philitines,etc... Shem was of course the father of all the Jews. That leaves Japeth. Japeth's ancestors wandered off into what is now Asia,England,France,Spain,Italy,Germany,etc... From Asia I assume they went to Austrailia and North,Central,and South America. Most of Australias population is of Greek blood so that means that people came from over there. Now in a span of about 200 years between the 1500s-1700s the Spanish conquered Central and South America and what is now Mexico and the Caribbean. Also during that time the English arrived in North America. But also the French arrived in Canada during that time. The Mexicans got independence from Spain and claimed part of the America but the Americans were greedy and so we gave it to them. The French also claimed a large portion of America and the Americans once again became greedy so the French sold it to them. So now the Americans have what they wanted and many immigrants came yata yata yata. But before all this happened even before Christ was born the Romans ruled. And the Romans are latin. The Romans ruled just about all of Europe including England. For all we know the Romans could've screwed around with the other races which would mean that I probably have some Roman ancestors. That means that my ancestors ruled your race back then. You say that the white race is superior and that this is a white mans world yet you didn't try to stop the Romans. You're trying to teach us and help us find a place in the white mans world but in 44 B.C. to about A.D.70 you had to find a place in what seemed to be the Latin world. But what my main point was that you and me are related in a way. Japeth was the father of your race and the father of my race. How convienient. Do these words seem to come from a retarded and psycologically damaged teen? I'm looking forward to your response.

-- full mexican (, August 11, 2003.

To Full Mexican: Greetings from the Oracle. In your closing statement you wrote, “Do these words seem to come from a retarded and psychologically damaged teen? I'm looking forward to your response.” The Oracle’s response is it appears you are not the author but your mother has begun writing your messages for you. The reason is now clear as to the source of your dementia. It runs in the family. The Oracle thanks you for the unnecessary History of the World According to Full Mexican’s Mother.

The Oracle is sincerely apologetic and had not meant to hurt your sensitivities by showing you where your crayon analogy failed in its attempt to prove one of your points. If you feel the Oracle has made a “burro” out of you, then so be it. YOU were the one who decided to use that lame analogy for your argument. Not the Oracle. The Oracle hopes you will remember His side of the Great Crayon Debate whenever the feelings of racial harmony come over you.

In your last message you wrote. “And since when did this become the white mans world?” Again The Oracle responds since when is it not? It surely does not belong to the Mexicans! The white race controls the world economy. We say where the money goes and who gets it. We hold the world’s military might. We are able to obliterate ANYBODY WHO STANDS IN THE WAY OF OUR ENJOYMENT. Ask yourself, does the white man have the capability to annihilate the Middle East or South Africa and take the natural resources for himself? The answer is of course, yes. Yet the benevolent white man does not do these things. The white man cares for those beneath him as if they were his children.

You mentioned the white man pushing the Native Americans from their land. Let Me ask you, Full Mexican, have you or your parents ever moved to another town or state? Do you know of anyone who has ever relocated, someone whom you respect and who believes as you that the white man pushed the Native Americans off of their land? Chances are the answers to these questions are yes. Here we have a quandary. You believe that NOBODY should ever move away from the place of their birth because if they do they would be displacing someone who was native to that area. How absurd. You are a Mexican. You belong in Mexico. Yet you do not appear to be too upset that you have displaced a native Texan. If you were true to your beliefs you would insist that your parents pack up, head south, and leave America immediately. Are you willing to do that?

As for your assertion the white man pushed the Native Americans off of their land, remember that the Indians SOLD their land to the whites. The Indians were very happy to receive beads and trinkets for these exchanges. The Oracle will now drop a “trinket” of knowledge your way. The truth is, the Indians who sold Manhattan did not come from the tribe that actually owned it. Such treachery. Small wonder the white man distrusted the red man from that time forward.

You say the lying red man has been relegated to reservations where visitors come and gawk at them as if they were animals in a zoo. The Oracle has little sympathy for their plight. Theirs is a fate of their own choosing. The untrustworthy Indian had ample opportunity to exploit the natural resources of America BEFORE the arrival of the white man. They could have built everything you see around you. All of the resources were there already. Why did they not build great cities of concrete and glass? It is because they were incapable of doing it. They would yet be living in bark huts to this day of not for the white man’s intervention. It took the white man to bring you everything you see around you. Look at your computer screen. English. Look at your money. Faces of white men appear on one side and great stone edifices built by the white man appear on the other. The white man is all around you, yet you are reluctant to say he is in control. Your naiveté is charming but annoying.

-- Oracle (, August 12, 2003.

The Oracle thanks you for the unnecessary History of the World According to Full Mexican’s Mother. First off I'd like to say that my mom doesn't even get on the computer because shes computer stupid. My step dad whose is white is also computer stupid therefore I am the author of my last response. I just said is this response of a psychologically damaged teen because I'm sick of you saying that about me. I'm smart for my age. If I wasn't then I wouldn't have been able to remember the facts that I've learned in the course of my school years. And how dare you say stuff about my mom you fag. One thing that I've learned from typing stuff on here and seeing your response is that some things that I talk about you don't talk about them in your response. And your last response proved that deep inside of you you know that some of what I have to say is TRUE. An answer to one of your questions. Me and my family have not moved from the city that I have lived in for 14 years. You say that Mexicans need to go back to Mexico. Well if thats the case then you need to go back to England. I was born in Texas so doesn't that make me a native Texan? But of course if you are thinking about native Texans as the ones who were here first then once again you are wrong. The man who discovered Pikes Peak,Zebulon Pike,took a detour through Texas and through my hometown,San Antonio. He noted that the residents were mostly of Spanish decent and that Americans had already begun moving in the south and the west. He also noted that he was treated just as a next door neighbor during his stay there and that the Americans who were there loved it there.

The explorers who first came to Texas were just about all Spanish with the exception of one black. You should really study Texas history sometime.

Yes we speak English here and yes there are white guys on our money and yes on the back of our money there are structures built by white people. But look at many of our best automobiles. Imported from Japan,Italy,Germany,Britian,Korea. Look at most of our electronics. Imported from Japan. Look at alot of childrens toys. Sent from China or Taiwan. Look at who grew your food for a long period of time. African-American slaves. And I know you can't say you only like American food. Don't you like pizza?tacos?eggrolls?hamburgers? Pizza originated in Italy,tacos in Mexico,eggrolls in China,and hamburgers in Germany. Your will to persevere is charming but annoying.

-- full mexican (, August 12, 2003.

Racism: Biasness that results in you acting to that race worse than they act to you, and the refusal to stop workin purely of steriotypes of that race and just work on a person to person mindset.

-- Lauren (, August 12, 2003.

To Full Mexican: Greetings from the Oracle. For some little oaf who claims to be smart for his age you truly are ignorant. No matter how much you loathe the Oracle’s assessment of your mental well being, you need to accept it as fact. The Oracle has recently listed a few of your more notable, ah, shall we say, peculiar beliefs. Any unbiased reader of this board should easily come to the same conclusion.

While it may appear to your demented mind that the Oracle is not responding to the same topics as you, rest assured the Oracle IS responding to more important matters such as your mental health. Remember, the Oracle had attempted to converse with you on YOUR topic of thinking and feeling crayons, but you had gotten annoyed when He had done so, and wanted the subject dropped. The Oracle had tried His best. But you see, Full Mexican, it is extremely difficult for the Oracle to indulge in fantasy and wishful thinking. The Oracle deals with facts and reality, not flights of fancy. Also, you touch upon so many subjects in your postings that it would take the Oracle a very long time to explain His position and how it all fits properly into the white man’s world.

As further proof of Full Mexican’s lack of rational thought, the Oracle offers the following to all gentle readers of this forum. In his last posting to Me, Full Mexican stated that a Zebulon Pike discovered Pike’s Peak. How ridiculous! Had you not stated that Native Americans were here before the white man? Had not a Native American laid eyes upon that majestic mountain THOUSANDS of years before Mr. Pike arrived to “discover” it? You are so mindless you cannot even keep your own facts straight; the Oracle has to do that for you.

As further proof of the Oracle’s ability to correctly diagnose a mental problem over the Internet, the Oracle offers the following evidence. If you recall, gentle reader, the Oracle in an earlier posting stated that the mother of Full Mexican was demented. The full quote follows: “The Oracle’s response is it appears you are not the author but your mother has begun writing your messages for you. The reason is now clear as to the source of your dementia. It runs in the family.” The response of Full Mexican was swift and sure. He readily admitted to all that not only his mother, but his stepfather as well was stupid. There truly is wisdom in the old adage that the fruit does not fall far from the tree. Further into his diatribe, Full Mexican states “And how dare you say stuff about my mom”. Here the Oracle must apologize for referring to your mother as demented. You feel the Oracle is no position to do that. You obviously feel it is solely your place as her son to call her stupid or anything you like. Again, My sincerest apologies.

As further proof of the confusion that reigns in Full Mexican’s mind, the Oracle offers the following. This product of self admitted stupid parents, who is an American, calls himself a Mexican. Either he is a Mexican or he is an American. Note he does not refer to himself as a Mexican-American but as a FULL Mexican. The Oracle believes this makes as much rational sense as an Eskimo calling himself Full Norwegian.

Full Mexican, take a moment and read the disjointed ramblings you wrote in your last posting. Read this quote as quickly as you can and try to discover what you were trying to tell everybody. “I was born in Texas so doesn't that make me a native Texan? But of course if you are thinking about native Texans as the ones who were here first then once again you are wrong. The man who discovered Pikes Peak,Zebulon Pike,took a detour through Texas and through my hometown,San Antonio. He noted that the residents were mostly of Spanish decent and that Americans had already begun moving in the south and the west. He also noted that he was treated just as a next door neighbor during his stay there and that the Americans who were there loved it there.”

Again, what is your point? You ramble, ramble, and ramble yet say nothing. Small wonder you accuse the Oracle of not responding when there is nothing to respond to.

You had mentioned automobile manufacturers from Japan, Italy, Germany, Britain, and Korea. The Oracle believes you were trying to make some point concerning race. If you would look closer at YOUR examples, Italy, Germany and Britain are white countries. Japan and Korean are not. However, do you recall our conversation concerning wherever the white man went he changed things for the better? The full quote: “To whatever continent the white man ventured, he has ALWAYS improved the living conditions of the native population.” August 11, 2003. Here is another point for you to ponder and tell Me if the Oracle is incorrect. Japanese and Korean industries were re- built by the white man after wars decimated their countries. Have you never heard of Occupied Japan or that currently the Americans STILL have a military presence in Korea fifty years after hostilities ended? Of course the buttock deficient Asian is capable of building an automobile. But who invented the automobile and who taught them how to build them? The Mexicans? No, the answer is the white man.

You said, “The explorers who first came to Texas were just about all Spanish with the exception of one black.” In this you are probably correct, as the Oracle believes someone had to carry the baggage.

Until next time Full Mexican, or is it Native Texan, or Talks to Crayons, or Eggroll in China, well you know who you are. Or do you?

-- Oracle (, August 13, 2003.

To Lauren: Greetings from the Oracle. Education: What you might have received had you paid attention to the teachers while they were trying their best to instruct you so you would not have mspelled evry other wrd.

-- Oracle (, August 13, 2003.

663-0387............the number to my eye doctor because you obviously are not able to read all the words. I said that my parents are COMPUTER stupid not just stupid. In case you didn't know computer stupid means that a person doesn't know how to use a computer that much. I'm going to stop using anologies because they seem to be way beyond your understanding. You are correct on some things.Yes all I do sometimes is just talk on and on about stuff you find to be irrelevant but I would expect a smart person like you to find the point within. In the 1800s Americans went to Japan and showed them inventions that sparked Japan's success in technology a century later. Heres a question from my curiosity. What contry are your ancestor from?

-- full mexican (, August 14, 2003.

what's wrong with the world, mama? people livin like they ain't got no mamas I think the whole world's addicted to the drama only attracted to the things that'll bring the drama overseas ya we tryin to stop terrorism but we still got terrorists here livin in the U.S.A, the big C.I.A the bloods & the crips, and the KKK but if you only got love for your own race then you only leave space to discriminate and to discriminate only generates hate and when you hate, then you're bound to get irate madness is what you demonstrate and that's exactly how anger works and operates man ya gotta have love, this'll set us straight take control of your mind and meditate let your soul gravitate, to the love ya'll

-- full mexican (, August 15, 2003.

I guess you don't have anything to say oracle. Have I gotten to you?

-- full mexican (, August 18, 2003.

To Full Mexican: Greetings from the Oracle. Hardly.

-- Oracle (, August 19, 2003.

You know, I only read a little of this thing, but u know what? I'm white, and even thought there was a guy that said a lotta bad stuff about blacks, doesnt mean u gotta insult all white people too.

-- Chris (thecrustapher@netscape.netq), August 20, 2003.

I'm not insulting all white people. If I was going to do that then I wouldn't have any white friends. And oracle I think the truth has gotten to you. Still waiting.........

-- full mexican (, August 20, 2003.

To Full Mexican: Greetings from the Oracle. My diminutive greasy friend. If you are under the delusion that the Oracle has been swayed by your version of the truth, please reconsider your opinion. The Oracle has not been affected by your truth simply because you have offered none. Everything you have written to the Oracle has been your PERSONAL OPINION. NOT FACT. You have never offered ONE FACT that supports your claim that the races are equal. If you believe ALL races are equal in ALL things, you are insane.

Full Mexican, you wish to see a color-blind society where one does not notice the color of another’s skin, but one looks at the inner beauty of the individual and how that individual conducts himself. You make Me sick, you hypocrite. You keep running at the mouth about your having white friends. The fact that you have noticed your “friends” have white skin indicates that you, Full Mexican, are not as color-blind as you would have the gentle readers of this board to believe. You do not consider them as merely friends but WHITE friends. The Oracle is forced to AGAIN label you as a RACIST.

The Oracle does not know what YOU are waiting for the Oracle to do or reply on. As the Oracle has been waiting a lot longer for the answers to His question concerning racial quality from you, The Oracle sees no great urgency in answering your trivial query (whatever that may be). Now, if you cannot supply the Oracle with the factual evidence that the races are equal, quite possibly there is none. If there is no evidence the races are equal, then the races are not equal. If the races are not equal then EVERYTHING the Oracle has said is the TRUTH. Find the non-existent FACTS and present them, or dry up and blow away you racist tumbleweed. DO NOT PRESENT YOUR OPINIONS. Your opinions are worthless!! The Oracle demands to see links from reputable sources that prove the races are equal. DO IT NOW!! The Oracle has been patiently waiting this proof.

The following is copied from on of My earlier postings dated June 25, 2003:

“The Oracle awaits submission of the assignment given to you on June 24, 2003. The topic is: Justify why are you NOT a racist. MERELY HAVING THE OPINION THAT EVERYBODY IS EQUAL IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. You must provide TANGIBLE PROOF that all races are equal in all areas, physically and mentally. You are to use links to reputable sites as your evidence.”

The Oracle has indeed been waiting and extraordinarily long time for YOUR answer. You should have better spent your summer vacation researching your reply instead of wreaking havoc in your trailer court.

-- Oracle (, August 21, 2003.

Too bad I don't live in a trailer court. I live in a house you moron. I don't see how I'm a hypocrite. I simply said I have friends who are white. Thats a fact. Did you want me to say I have purple friends? I have friends who are white friends who are brown and friends who are black. So what? It just means I have a lot of friends and that they're not all the same race.You on the other hand probably have no friends at all because you're too dumb to accept other races as people. I will not take orders from you loser.

-- full mexican (, August 21, 2003.

To Full Mexican: Greetings from the Oracle. That fact that you do not see the hypocrisy in your own statements is of no surprise. It comes with the territory of being an ignorant member of a minority. Remember, YOU had mentioned that your parents were stupid. The fruit dos not fall far from the tree, does it?

Your hypocrisy lies in the fact that you believe people should be colorblind and should instead be more concerned with the person’s character. The race of people should not matter at all. Race should not be mentioned. Yet you, Full Mexican, have stated you have friends of different colors. Why does their color matter to you, you racist? You obviously notice their color, or you would not have mentioned it. The Oracle hopes He has clarified His statements regarding your hypocrisy. If you STILL do not understand, remember it is more than likely a matter of genetics, which you cannot control. You cannot help what you are; therefore the Oracle understands. Your failure to see this case of obvious hypocrisy is another reason why the minority races are inferior.

In your last massage to the Oracle you stated, “You on the other hand probably have no friends at all because you're too dumb to accept other races as people.” The Oracle in fact DOES recognize other races as people. Inferior people. On July 15, 2003 the Oracle stated, “In closing, it will come as a shock to you but all white men accept the minorities as people. Lesser people, but still people.” Have you already forgotten what the Oracle had taught you last month? You have just reconfirmed one of My earlier positions concerning your short attention span.

Full Mexican, July 10, 2003: “White people are different from other races and even different from other white people. Same applies to all races.” The Oracle asks, if the races are different , how can they be the same? Full Mexican believes the races to be unequal. If the races are unequal, logic dictates that one of those races is better than the others. Think of it as a scale from one to ten.

Full Mexican, July 16, 2003: Why then are black people the only race that has ever served the white man? I think God wanted them to be slaves in order to make them stonger(sic).” Full Mexican believes God had purposely created the Negro in a “weakened” state so that slavery would make the Negro race stronger and thereby become equal to a white man. Full Mexican believes the Negro was created as an inferior to the white man.

Full Mexican, June 25, 2003: I am a minority. “You know what, I'm glad that I'm a minority. And of the many minorities out there I'm glad I'm mexican.” And this: Full Mexican, July 17, 2003: “I'm not a racist you little shit. ….. Anyways, I'm not a damn racist. If I were a racist I would be saying that a particular race is superior.. . So far I have not.” Yet Full Mexican prefers to be a Mexican over, shall we say, a Negro. He believes it is better to be a Mexican than a Negro. He believes the Mexican to be superior to the Negro. Again, Full Mexican: “If I were a racist I would be saying that a particular race is superior… So far I have not.” Notice the dates of your statements. About three weeks earlier you stated the Mexican was superior to the Negro. Again, Full Mexican, you have proven yourself to be a liar AND a racist.

The Oracle contends that you, Full Mexican, cease being a hypocrite immediately. You need to see yourself for what you really are. No matter what you kind of a person you believe you are, you must come to grips with the deeper meanings of your own statements. Someone who is not quite a colorblind as he wishes himself to be. You need to BELIEVE IN YOUR OWN STATEMENT that the races ARE different. It is okay to do that. You are merely confirming a fact. It is okay to love your own race above all others. Remember, you did not wish to be a Negro. Even though the Negro wishes it would have happened to someone else, he still loves his race and proud of its contribution to society with the invention of mud. All you need do is accept the truth. That is all the Oracle has ever required of you.

Again, please tell the Oracle why you believe the races are equal, yet you would prefer one to another. Why do believe the Negro to be inferior to you?

-- Oracle (, August 23, 2003.

This may be my last posting because its a waste of time to type stuff when you obviously don't read the entire thing you dumb fag. You are a perfect example of what this world is coming to: a world where people think their race is the best and all others are crap. I pray that you can one day see that it doesn't matter what color a person is, you can still be able to befriend him or her. Jesus is coming again sooner than you think. I believe it'll occur in this generation. But when He does come again don't be surprised if you get left behind. You will have a world leader who will be white, but will decieve people. This man will be the antichrist.

-- full mexican (, August 24, 2003.

To Full Mexican: Greetings from the Oracle. My sincerest apologies are extended your way because of My long absence from this board. You must realize the Oracle is very busy and does not always have as much time as is necessary to spend with errant youth.

You made the statement, “You are a perfect example of what this world is coming to: a world where people think their race is the best and all others are crap.” In this you are right and wrong. First, you are correct in your impression that there exist people who truly believe the races to be equal and yet every day more and more of these people are coming to the correct conclusion that the races are not. You have finally acknowledged the fact that more and more people are becoming racists much like the Oracle has proven YOU to be one also. Deny this fact if you will, but let any unbiased reader of this board look back at your postings and the Oracle’s rebuttal and commentary of them to discover for themselves how racist you are. Second, you are wrong, the Oracle does not believe the races to be “crap”. The other races can be categorized as either slow-witted, lethargic, lying, lazy, shiftless, loosely moraled, and treacherous or a combination of the above. The other races, while lower in stature to the white man, are not dregs nor are they totally useless. Remember Full Mexican, no one is useless, as they can always serve as a bad example. As the Oracle has stated in one of His early postings, the lesser races have been placed on this planet, by a Higher Being, to be subservient to the white man. You yourself believe the Negro was created weaker than the white man so that the enslavement of them would make them stronger. Your own words from July 16, 2003 prove this: “Your opinion that God created all other races to serve the white men is stupid. Why then are black people the only race that has ever served the white man? I think God wanted them to be slaves in order to make them stonger (sic). That is my opinion.”

If you truly believe it was planned by a Higher Being to have the Negro enslaved by the white, should any man, Negro or white, have interfered with that plan? Have we as humans therefore turned our backs to this Higher Being telling Him, “Go away! We have a better plan for our lives than the one you gave us.” Have we fallen from His grace by freeing the slaves? Have a few seemingly well-meaning white people invoked the wrath of God upon all of us by falsely believing the Negro was equal to the white? Following the logic and the deeper meaning of your words you are saying that merely believing the races to be equal is therefore a sin in God’s eyes. And you believe God would Rapture a racist such as you and leave the Oracle behind?

As for your conjecture that the Antichrist would be a white man, the Oracle believes you are correct. What better way to deceive the world than by Satan putting up a front man with impeccable credentials? No one would ever suspect an ordinary mortal white man to be deceptive. Now, if Satan had decided on using a Negro as the Antichrist, well, let the Oracle assure you that no white man would ever be deceived by one. The Negro, whether he was a mortal or the Minion of Satan, would immediately be untrusted and the motives questioned.

Now that summer has fled and school has begun again in earnest, please remind your little friends about this board. Remember, you had promised they would visit here.

-- Oracle (, September 02, 2003.

Racism- a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. I am not a racist! I have pride for my race like many others have pride for their races but I don't think that my race is superior over other races. You on the other hand do believe that. So unless Mr. Webster was drunk while writing his dictionary, you are a racist. You described all other racists as lazy, etc... You really must not pay any attention whatsoever to people of the white race. many are snobby, immature, and I know some who act like dumbasses. If I ever have the pleasure to meet you in person the first thing I am going to do is spear you to the ground and your face is going to have a talk with my fist, because pesonally I'm tired of your shit you maggot. The Antichrist is going to be white not because of his whatever you said but because the Bible says he is going to be of Roman decent. The Rapture is coming soon so I advise you to prepare in case you get left behind because the events that occur after are 10x worse than hell itself.

-- full mexican (, September 02, 2003.

Oh yeah I forgot. My friends said they're not coming because they say your dumb and a gay fag. And that you have no idea what you're talking about.

-- full mexican (, September 02, 2003.

Whatever happened to that fag neo nazi?

-- full mexican (, September 02, 2003.

To Full Mexican: Greetings from the Oracle. What had gotten into you yesterday? The Oracle must now spent a great deal of time and energy in an attempt to calm you down. The Oracle has in the past treated you with more kindness than you obviously are deserving of. One hopes you are not addressing others who are trying to educate you in the same manner. Do you refer to any of your other teachers as a homosexual or ignorant? Of course you do not. Then why do you show such impertinence to Me? You should have more respect for those who are willing to use their free time to educate you. Even if you do not agree with the subject matter, you WILL listen to what the Oracle has to say and then address your comments to the Oracle in the most humble and respectful manner any member of your race can muster.

It has been the experience of the Oracle that those who are full of bluster and refer to others as homosexual usually exhibit those very same qualities themselves. They do this as a defense mechanism to throw the criticism that would normally be directed toward them on to another person. Rest assured Full Mexican, the Oracle cares not if you are one. If you wish to lie with another Hispanic boy, that is your business, not Mine. The Oracle quietly encourages this behavior in minorities, as then they cannot breed. More minority homosexuals mean fewer minorities.

The Oracle maintains His position that you, Full Mexican, are a racist. As is typical of your heritage you have a short attention span. Do you not recall your desire NOT to be a Negro? You said you are happy to be a little Mexican boy. Do you not recall your statement that if you were given the choice, you would choose to remain a Mexican? On June 25, 2003 you made these remarks concerning yourself, “…I'm some very stupid person who only knows one thing: I am a minority. You know what,I'm glad that I'm a minority. And of the many minorities out there I'm glad I'm mexican. So far you have only proven one thing that is true about mexicans: are you ready for this,we are lazy.”

Truly the Oracle cannot fault you in your choice between the two. Yet the question arises, why did you choose one over another? Remember, whenever ANYONE is offered a choice of ANYTHING whether it is between two flavors of ice cream or between choosing which of two classes to take in school, human nature is such that one involuntarily compares one with another. Depending on the desires or tastes of the individual, one will invariably make their final decision based on which of the two options will serve the purpose better. As an example, let us use mint chocolate chip and butter pecan ice cream. Assume the Oracle came to visit you in San Antonio and graciously offered to treat you to a cone of your choosing from the above examples. Which flavor would you like? Why? Does one taste better than the other? Of course! But according to you, both flavors should be considered the same. They are both ice cream. You should enjoy both ice creams equally. Yet there are subtle reasons why you have a preference of which ice cream flavor you would like to have. To the person eating the ice cream the two flavors are in fact not equal. One is clearly superior to the other. Why would anyone choose an option that is less than desirable? This same analogy applies to your choice of remaining a Mexican rather than becoming a Negro. This is why the Oracle correctly believes you are a racist. It is only natural to choose one over another. Ice cream may be ice cream, yet everyone has his or her favorite.

As further evidence that you are a racist the Oracle offer this. In virtually every instance where the Oracle has asked you for proof the races are equal, you have provided none. Therefore the Oracle correctly assumes you truly do not believe the races to be equal and some are more equal than others.

Do you recall the multitude of instances where the Oracle stated you were a confused individual? On July 17, 2003 you wrote, “Anyways, I'm not a damn racist. If I were a racist I would be saying that a particular race is superior over all others. So far I have not. It kind of pains me to say that you are correct in some of your statements.” Yet when you prefer Mexicans to Negroes you are in fact stating that Mexicans are superior to Negroes. Do you not see the conflict in your statements?

Also, we have this from August 9, 2003, “I am full of love and I'm going to prove it. No matter how much I despise you and no matter how bad you treat people and make me upset, I cannot say that I hate you. I pray you stop living a lie and try to rid your head of untruthful thoughts. Just know that you are loved with a Christian love.” Compare this statement with the one which follows approximately THREE WEEKS LATER dated September 2, 2003, “If I ever have the pleasure to meet you in person the first thing I am going to do is spear you to the ground and your face is going to have a talk with my fist, because pesonally (PESO???) I'm tired of your shit you maggot.” And the Oracle was going to buy you ice cream. The Oracle does not need to comment further on your inner conflict, turmoil, and confusion. Your statements say it all.

These are just a few of the many examples where the Oracle has pointed out your inconsistencies. Inconsistency is a positive sign of confusion and lack of clarity of thought. The Oracle has never indicated any weakness in the positions expounded upon in any of His lengthy arguments. He has never contradicted Himself, but has stayed true to His message. The Oracle’s thoughts are clear and pure.

-- Oracle (, September 03, 2003.

I'd like to start off by saying that I am NOT gay. I'm straight I like girls and right now at 14 my hormones are running wild. Did you know that most gays are white? You made me think with the statement about the ice cream, and I have to admit that you are quite correct. For instance I would choose butter pecan because I like it better than mint, but I don't hate mint. Yes, I like being a Mexican better than any other race but i don't hate other races. I acted the way I did on the two days ago because you pissed me off so there.

-- full mexican (, September 04, 2003.

To Full Mexican: Greetings from the Oracle. The Oracle accepts your humble acknowledgement that He again is correct. The Oracle always speaks the truth and He is surprised that you yet question His integrity. The Oracle also graciously accepts your heartfelt apology concerning your behavior the other day. Do not let it happen again!

Believe it or not, Full Mexican, neither of us hates other races. The Oracle correctly believes that some races are better (superior, if you prefer the term) than other races. Try the best you are able to follow the logical mind of the Oracle. You have stated in an earlier posting that the races are different from one another. The Oracle agrees with your statement. Logic dictates that because the races are different, they are not the same, or equal. Extending that logic further, some races are better than others and some are less than others. There in fact lies a hierarchy or ranking of the races. You may not like that news, Full Mexican, but it is a fact.

As an example to help clarify: Remember 2.00, 2.10, 2.20, 2.30, 2.40, and 2.49 are different numbers, and they are not equal. All of these numbers can be loosely defined as 2, can they not? When you round off (ignore some of the characteristics) you can get away with calling 2.49 a 2.

The same applies to the races. All races can be “rounded off” to include them as human beings if one takes the effort ignore some of the characteristics some races exhibit.

If one takes an OBJECTIVE and UNBIASED look at the world today, one cannot arrive at any other conclusion but that the white race is superior to all of the others. Today there is a debate in scientific circles as to the ranking of the lesser races. Most agree the Asian race falls in place behind the white race. The great argument revolves around which race is positioned at the bottom. Some believe it is the Negro, and others, the Oracle hesitates to say this, believe the Hispanics hold the bottom status. Personally, the Oracle believes Hispanics have a solid hold on third from the bottom, followed very closely by the Jew; with the Negro, not even in a Jew’s shadow, bringing up the rear.

Why does the Oracle expound on this you may ask. It is because the Oracle correctly believes the other races must first acknowledge the white man’s superiority. Only after this is done can we build a better tomorrow together. The white man was destined to lead. And what does a leader need? Followers. That is where you and the other members of any minority come in. Do as you are told, and the world will be a better place. You see, it is crystal clear the Oracle does not hate minorities; He merely wants them to know their place and what is expected of them in the white man’s world.

-- Oracle (, September 05, 2003.

Wow. LOL I can't say I agree with what the Oracle says, but then again, I do like his whole "To So-and-so: Greetings from the Oracle", what a great persona! ;-)

You know, one thing that gets me is Reverse stereotypical racism. It sickens me to know that the word "Nigger" is socially unacceptable, but the word "Cracker" is not. The same goes for "Jew", "Chink", "Wop/Dago", "Mick", and many others. Yet, the term "Yankee", often uttered by foreigners, is not frowned upon one bit.

Many people dont realize that if we degrade ourselves and give up all our rights for black (or any other minority's) people, that we ourselves (as white ppl) will become the minority. There needs to be a delicate balance between all races to prevent racism, and it just is NEVER going to happen.

All these discoveries have prompted me to take action on my stance. Thus, I choose to hate _All_ people. Black, white, yellow, brown, red, jew, christian, gays, straights, arabs, muslims, nazis, whatever. I hate them all. That way, I've safeguarded myself from getting flamed from anyone that doesn't share my view, unless of course they're incredibly dense and/or ignorant, and don't understand the concept.

Thank you for your time, and feel free to e-mail me at any time. Messages sent to the below address should eventually find their way to me, and if they dont, eh, I'm not gonna lose sleep and neither should you.

Signing off on behalf of 'all-inclusive haters' worldwide, this is r00t3d in Northern New Jersey, USA.

-- r00t3d (, September 06, 2003.

Oracle, you are a worthless faggot. Rabbi Schmitz told me about you and I just have to say that you are pathetic for the following three reasons.

1. You're probably some 14-year-old geek who has nothing better to do than to start shit. I DARE you to go to places like Oakland, East St. Louis, or New Orleans and tell the people there what your opinion on the negro race is. If there is anything left of you, you can go to East LA and tell the people there what you have been telling Full Mexican since you don't have the balls to confront Full Mexican himself.

2. You say that the white race is the dominating race. WRONG!!! The white race is a minority in this world. There are more black people than white people. I should know because I have friends who are Ethiopian Jews. (Ethiopia is the only place where you'll find black people who are Jewish) Also, if there is a dominant race, it's probably the Asians because Asians are the most intelligent people, the most educated, and the most reasonable people. They do not feel the need to persecute those that are not Asian. Don't forget the Asians created white people. The Huns came from China and settled in Germany and interbred with the red-headed caveman to create scumbags like you.

3. You need to get a life. Naming yourself after a Matrix character. That is pathetic within itself. You bitch. You couldn't come up with a better name than that? Such a stupid name.

Oracle, you are just some high school punk who has too many pimples on his face to talk to girls, probably gets made fun of because you either embarrassed yourself during high school football tryouts or you intercepted a love letter from the senior cheerleader and thought it was for you so you crashed a party just to talk to her and everyone laughed at you for not being invited. That's okay. The internet is the perfect place to let out your aggression since you're too spineless to do it in person. Everybody can't make the football team, it's okay Oracle. Maybe you should convert to homosexuality. No girl would EVER date you so maybe the gay lifestyle would be open- minded enough to let you in. (at least they should be) Just don't go around wearing black trench coats and bringing guns to school to kill the entire football team like those kids in Colorado did.

-- Levi Koresh (, September 08, 2003.

Amen to that.

-- full mexican (, September 08, 2003.


Well, I'd like to take the side of the oracle here...

Allow me to quote a few things:

1.) You said "...I should know because I have friends who are Ethiopian Jews. (Ethiopia is the only place where you'll find black people who are Jewish)..."

Ummm....I know a few black jews back here in the states!

2.) This one, I HAD to laugh at: "...Don't forget the Asians created white people. The Huns came from China and settled in Germany and interbred with the red-headed caveman to create scumbags like you."

WOW! So...let me get this straight...You're telling the all-knowing Oracle off for being a racist...and uh...yeah...'nuff said.

Post Grading: All this being said, I have to give you a low grade on that post. It was poorly thought out, horribly hypocritical, and just plain dumb!

My Reccomendations: Try thinking before you speak...or at least gathering information befgore you flame. If you can't do those simple tasks, well, let's not go there.

Final Thought: So, the Asian Race is domainant, eh? Hmmm...You sound like some little chink or gook -type girl that is easily offended...well, how about we make it three for three: SUCK MY WHITE NINE YOU CHINKY GOOK OF A BEEEEEAAATCH! Sound good? I thought so.

This is r00t3d, your local post critiquer, signing off.

Later Masturbators!

-- r00t3d (, September 08, 2003.



First off, don't stick your fucking nose where it doesn't belong BITCH!!!

Second, I have seen black Jews in America too. I live in Los Angeles and there is a small neighborhood south of Hancock Park called "Little Ethiopia" It's a neighborhood comprised of mostly black Jews who came from where? Ethiopia.

Third, if you did some reasearch, you would find that the Huns came from present-day China and Mongolia and settled in the Central European area circa 500 B.C.

So let me know the next time I have to put you in your place. I'll be more than happy to help you out.

-- Levi Koresh (, September 08, 2003.

To Levi Koresh: Greetings from the Oracle. So many issues to address to you, but first the Oracle wishes to direct His next statement toward Mr. r00t3d. Mr. r00t3d, your defense of the Oracle, while most appreciated, is nevertheless unnecessary as the Oracle is fully capable and WILL eventually get around to dealing with these miscreants and disruptors as soon as His other business has been taken care of. Remember, as white men we have the weight of the world upon our shoulders and we do get busy from time to time.

Now, Mr. Koresh, you certainly have a fertile imagination. As is typical of your Jewish race, you stick your oversized nose into business that does not concern you. One of the usual methods a Jew uses when discussing differences of opinion is what the Oracle shall term the “shotgun approach”. Without ANY facts at hand, the Jew spews forth as many accusations and invectives as his gefilte fish breathed mouth can deliver hoping that one may resonate. However, in your case, Mr. Koresh, all of your mental conjurings have fallen well short of the mark. Also, the Jew is fond of giving other people what they consider good solid advice, yet they are reluctant to follow it themselves. Case in point, you claim the Oracle is unwilling to confront Full Mexican directly. Yet, the Oracle must mention that YOU, Mr. Koresh, have not appeared at MY doorstep to confront Me. Now, where are your testicles? Were they removed along with your foreskin when you were very young? Are you now known as Levi “Empty Sacks” Koresh?

Also you offer the following, “You say that the white race is the dominating race. WRONG!!! The white race is a minority in this world.” The Oracle must inform you that you have arrived late to the party here. The Oracle has already expounded upon this topic. You need to revisit earlier conversations between Myself and My racist friend, Full Mexican.

As proof that this topic has been covered, from August 11, 2003, the Oracle stated in response to Full Mexican, “Instead of offering an overblown analogy about condensing the world population into some mythical town of one hundred, why not make your point by simply stating that thirty percent of the world’s population is white and the remaining is non-white? The Oracle will not debate this unimportant factoid and assume you to be correct. Your scenario would then make the white race a minority would it not? Yet look around at all of the wonders and splendors the white man has created for himself. According to your own admission a white minority controls and rules the world. How can that be? What sets the white race apart from the others? How had the minority white race wrested control of the world? If they do not possess any special qualities but are equal to other races, as you proclaim, why does not another race rule? If the white race is a minority, why do other “minorities” complain that they are not being given an equal chance? Many questions that deserve serious consideration on your part. If anything these other groups have had more opportunities available to them simply due to their outnumbering of the whites.” The white race does indeed “dominate”, even though he is in the minority.

Next you offer, “There are more black people than white people. I should know because I have friends who are Ethiopian Jews.” A word of advice to you Mr. Koresh…. listening to, believing, and later regurgitating what a two time loser (Negro AND a Jew) has to say certainly does not add any validity to your position. Imagine for a moment, a loser such as yourself having friends who are losers! Who would ever have thought of that?

The following statement clearly shows how ignorant you are, yet in it the Oracle sees promise in you, “Also, if there is a dominant race, it's probably the Asians because Asians are the most intelligent people, the most educated, and the most reasonable people.” The Oracle is surprised you had not added, “I should know I have friends who are Asian and they had told me so.” Your assertion the Asian race is superior to the white is laughable. You obviously have never seen an Asian male and a white male side by side. The typical Asian male is smaller of stature, weaker physically, smaller boned, and less apt to cause trouble simply because they are not physically up to the task. As for intelligence, the Oracle is curious as to what great innovations and discoveries have recently been accomplished by the Asians. There are none. Discovery and innovation is the realm of the white man. You continue with, “They do not feel the need to persecute those that are not Asian.” Please tell that to the first veteran of World War Two you meet who has spent time as a Japanese prisoner of war, the Oracle is certain they will see your point of view.

As the Oracle has stated earlier, He sees promise in your statement “Also, if there is a dominant race, it's probably the Asians...” The fact that a minority actually sees a race other than his own as being superior to his shows a great deal of potential. It is an indication that you have devoted at least a miniscule amount of your time opining about the lack of merit your Jewish race possesses and came to the obvious conclusion that the Jews are not number one, nor are they even in the running. This statement, made by you, shows either a lack of self-esteem or a carefully thought out deduction. Please tell us which of the above two choices is true.

As stated in an earlier posting, September 5, 2003 concerning the hierarchy of the races, the Oracle has stated that, “…the Oracle believes Hispanics have a solid hold on third from the bottom, followed very closely by the Jew; with the Negro, not even in a Jew’s shadow, bringing up the rear.” Why does the Oracle correctly believe the Jew and the Negro are at the bottom? The list is long. Yet both have something in common. Both races have been liberated by the white man, and both, to this day, are reticent in their gratitude toward him. The white man delivered the Jew from Nazi forces, and the white man lifted the Negro out of bondage. In both cases there were those who were betrayed to their enemies by their own people. Such noble races of human beings. The Oracle cannot abide treachery. The Oracle cannot abide ingratitude.

In closing, Mr. Koresh, please relay My regards and the following message to Rabbi Schmitz for Me the next time you pass by a mirror. Stom et ha'pe ya tachat, lech titba bemarak im krutonim.

-- Oracle (, September 09, 2003.

Oracle, I would LOVE to meet you face to face. Are you calling me out? I tell you what, I live in Los Angeles so you are more than welcome to come out here and we can discuss these "issues" face to face. The opportunity to put you in your place for good would be delightful, which should only take a couple of seconds to a 15-year- old computer geek like yourself.

You still have not responded to my statement as you why you choose NOT to confront minorities up front and why you have to hide behind a computer like the faggot you are but I'll let that slide.

I would like to divulge even more into the statement that the Asian race is dominant over the white race. It is a proven fact that Asians have a higher IQ and more educated than non-Asians. Take India for example. India built the 1st hospital AND the 1st university circa 1500 BC. In this hospital, they performed brain surgery, heart surgery, even plastic surgery (it's true, do the research!) They even had anaestetics to numb the pain. Also, they did plastic surgery. In the 1st university, they studied the stars and the constellations. This is true because the three wisemen came from the East and used that ability to find the birth of Christ (just so you know, I am a Messianic Jew, which is a Jew who believes in Jesus) Anyway, they also created the first organized language where they had letters of the alphabet and numbers. Of course, Chinese is the oldest language. All this while Germanic tribes were running around grunting and hooting like wild savages. What do you think about that. Write back so I can have another opportunity to put you in your place. I WILL SHUT YOU UP FOR GOOD ORACLE!! Maybe if you had friends, you would find more productive things to do with your time. Get a life.

-- Levi Koresh (, September 09, 2003.

To Levi Koresh: Greetings from the Oracle. The Oracle wishes to express His gratitude for your showing the gentle readers of this board how the Jewish mind “works”. Again we are subjected to additional accusations and invectives. The Oracle asserts you are as confused an individual as Full Mexican. This topic shall be dealt with later.

You accuse the Oracle of not confronting minorities directly and hiding behind a computer terminal to do so. Let the Oracle state that your accusations have again missed their mark. Although not on a daily basis, the Oracle does come in contact with Negroes. Rest assured, Mr. Koresh, the Oracle treats these creatures kindly. He is not afraid of the Negro, because He fully understands their kind.

As for “calling you out” the Oracle is not interested, however, you may take the liberty to track Me down if you so choose. Then we can sit down, rationally discuss our differences, and then part company; but not before the Oracle lops off your bologna curls and retains them as a memento of our meeting. (Much like a bullfighter removing the ears of the deceased bull)

As is typical of your race, you have difficulty with reading comprehension. You offered a list of unsubstantiated Asian achievements ranging from ancient hospitals and universities in India to Chinese being the oldest language. The Oracle orders you to re- read His posting dated September 9, 2003 where the Oracle states, “As for intelligence, the Oracle is curious as to what great innovations and discoveries have recently been accomplished by the Asians. There are none.” Your reading skills certainly have dulled over the summer break. You were ordered to provide examples of innovations and discoveries that have RECENTLY been accomplished by the Asians. You failed, although not unexpectedly, to provide this information. The Oracle was again correct when He said, “There are none.” As for your assertion that, “Of course, Chinese is the oldest language. All this while Germanic tribes were running around grunting and hooting like wild savages. What do you think about that.” Here the Oracle must correct you again. Language is communication. Language takes many forms. The spoken word, of course, is the most precise. Body language is another form of communication. When one nods his head, even though no words are spoken, it is universally known that person is tacitly saying “yes”. If someone were to look upon you now at this moment, Mr. Koresh, one would see the glazed look plastered on your face, which could only be interpreted by the casual viewer as stupidity. Sorry, but even grunting and hooting is a form of communication. You stated this was happening AT THE SAME TIME when Chinese was the oldest language. Because they happened concurrently, one could not be older than the other, could they? Your claim that Chinese is the oldest language has been proven bogus. Please, Mr. Koresh, in the future, try to apply a modicum of logic to your arguments. You leave yourself too wide open and are easily dispatched.

Now that the Oracle has effectively dealt with correcting your stupidity, He shall return, as promised, to the subject of your confusion. You claim to be a Jew (a religion that believes the Messiah’s first coming has not yet occurred ) and at the same time you believe the Messiah was already here. Which is it? Choose one, as you cannot have both at the same time. Explain how the Messiah was here but is yet to come.

You still have not answered the Oracle’s question concerning the basis of your belief that a race other than your own is superior is due to low self-esteem or a carefully thought out conclusion. An answer is required from you.

In the future, Mr. Koresh, if it is your desire to offer statistics, historical fact, or any information you expect the gentle readers of this board to read that support your absurd claims, you are to provide links to reputable unbiased sites. As the Oracle had earlier admonished Full Mexican, do not expect the Oracle to consider your side of the argument without them. Without these links the Oracle can only correctly deduce that the information you are presenting is merely YOUR OPINION, and therefore does not carry any weight.

The Oracle has indeed returned correspondence with you and is graciously giving you the opportunity you crave to put Me in My place. But before you begin your task, Mr. Koresh, please remove your dunce cap.

-- Oracle (, September 09, 2003.

Oracle you're a freakin moron. You know that alot of what he has to say is correct and even if it's not you know what he's trying to say, you're just acting stupid so you can sound smart. He's a completed Jew or a Messianic Jew whatever you want to call it. He was born a Jew naturally but has seen the truth that Jesus Christ is the Messiah and has already come and will come again.

-- full mexican (, September 10, 2003.

Remember 9-11.

-- full mexican (, September 11, 2003.

To Full Mexican: Greetings from the Oracle. A recent quote from you dated September 10, 2003, “You know that alot of what he (Levi Koresh) has to say is correct and even if it's not you know what he's trying to say..”. Either Mr. Levi Koresh is correct or he is not. He cannot be both. The Oracle reveals yet another occurrence of your confusion.

-- Oracle (, September 11, 2003.

i think you all need a shouldnt hate anyone.and if you are spending your time hating people your just a lame ass loser. and as for you all who believe that GOD is the answer you are all wrong.GOD is just as fake as sata cluse the easter bunny and harry fucking potter. give it up! we are all gonna die alone!

-- Larry J. Hatton (, September 12, 2003.

I belive in God and for that I'll die and be in heaven with him for eternity. You who doesn't believe in Him will burn in hell unless you believe in Him and have a true relationship with Him. If and when the Rapture happens before your death you will be left behind and then you ill see that He is real.

-- full mexican (, September 12, 2003.

To All: Greetings from the Oracle. It is with great sadness the Oracle reveals that He may no longer visit this particular board. He has discovered, shall we say, a more challenging venue for His talents on another greenspun bulletin board. The Oracle leaves behind many memories of His battles against racists such as Full Mexican, Rabbi Canter Ebeneezer Schmitz, and Mr. Levi Koresh, and well as His reunion with fellow white knight and battler of evil from the old Big Bad Chinese Mama guestbook, Mr. Neo-Nazi Skinhead. My only regret is not having been able to reconnect with Mr. Big Balls Finnegan who had left his indelible mark on this board on April 5, 2002. A true gentleman’s gentleman.

The Oracle is certain you shall try and succeed in finding Him. Again, another example where the white man leads, and the minority desires to follow.


-- Oracle (, September 14, 2003.

Aww how sad. We will miss you............not. although it was nice battling you.

-- full mexican (, September 14, 2003.

for all of those who fought oracle before:he has moved to a message board called I just pissed off somebody. I think its in the anarchy category im not sure. if u go to anarchy then go to new answers u will find it.

-- full mexican (, September 15, 2003.

To All: Greetings from the Oracle. Allow the Oracle to save you the time and trouble. In his overzealous eagerness to reattach himself to the Oracle’s leg, the little Mexican boy is apparently too lazy and too confused as to My exact whereabouts to provide the proper link.

Before the Oracle is accused of lying by returning to this board let the oracle remind you He stated that He MAY no longer visit this site.

-- Oracle (, September 16, 2003.

Oh yeah I'm too lazy and too confused yet I still found him before he posted the last message..........what a fag. That's why you're getting told off at the other're learning the real truth. Dumbass.

-- full mexican (, September 16, 2003.

Hurrayyy!!! Ladies and Gentlemen, I wish to make it known that the Oracle, yes, that's the Oracle has won an award from me, the forum moderator for Acheivement in Being a Racist Prick. Through his many months of posting here, the Oracle has shown us a side of human thought and compassion that is truely contemptable.

Thank you, Oracle, for showing us how low the human spirit can become in its ill-thoughts and feelings to others.

And, Ladies and Gentlemen, an appropriate end, for the Oriface has just announced that it is leaving, which of course means I woun't have to read any more of its crap. I do invite the Rabbi and Full Mexican to stay around, and even head over to the Anarchy 2 forum where you may find more stimulating conversation. Simply click on "LUSENET" at the top of the page, and scoll down to Anarchy 2.

-- Wes K (, September 21, 2003.

since the oracle has gone this page should be closed because of lack of discussion

-- full mexican (, September 26, 2003.

i believe that everone should have equal opportunities and not just for the rich. Although i live in a capitilist country (england) and also am quite patriotic in a sense, i also believe that there should be no difference in the opurtunities you have no matter where you come from. I believe that the only way for peace to come to this world, the world must unite and have a single government which would be under a communist regime. This is because under communism, everyone is equal and has equal opportuninties. Now you might be thinking that comunism doesnt work, but it does if it is governed corectly. The only way to get this utopia is by possibly through violence, but also, the opposition to capitilsm, and agretion to the worlds biggest offender - america. I am not saying that the american people are evil, it is thier corupt government. So the only way we can have true hapines and lasting peace is by destoying the american government, remember i am not saying the american people, as they may want to get wrid of thier corrupt dictators. Once america has fallen, the rest should fall easily, but remember violence is not always the best stance, you should protest and stand up to the government.

from david (activist for equal rights)

-- david (, November 15, 2003.

To Oracle: You are a pathetic fucking tool man, get a fucking life for cryin' out loud. Next time you come and post on one of these forums, just ask yourself who ignorantly stupid can you be? The people in here have fun with you. Laugh at you and use you like the tool you are. Get a life you moron.

-- Nemesis (, November 17, 2003.

Let it be known that the Oracle is really the moderator of this board and he is a pathetic little white man with no life and cannot accept the truth about himself as an inferior white man. It is widely regarded now that white people are genetically deficient because they are nothing more than mutant albinos. He closed off the "I pissed off somebody" thread on purpose because he failed to yield an intelligent discussion and debate on his inferiority and cowarded out by closing the thread. He appears to be inactive in many others he used to frequent. Perhaps the truth is starting to get to him?

-- The Teller of Truth (, January 01, 2004.

To the Teller of Truth: Greetings from the Oracle. This posting should indicate to your demented Negro mind that what you have recently written is not true. The fact that the Oracle has appeared before you should be a sign that He is alive and well, and of the same mind. The Oracle has indeed returned. Well, my dark friend, it has been, how shall we say, a coon’s age since you and the Oracle had discussed anything of import. If it is your desire, we can delve into the matters at hand and converse about the merits of the Negro race. If that is the case, the gentle readers of this forum will be treated to a one-sided conversation. You will be doing all the talking, as the Oracle cannot find any merit in your sad, sad race. That is not to say that the Negro race is useless. Nobody is useless as they can always serve as a bad example.

As stated earlier, the Negro race is not useless. In fact, the Oracle does indeed find a few of you Negroes to be very entertaining. On many occasions you and your ilk have forced laughter from His lips as has not been heard, well, again, in a coon’s age. Keep up the good work!!

As original thought escapes you, feel free to continue your cut and paste your information. The Oracle will enjoy every minute He spends exposing you and your lies. Please submit additional information concerning the good old days in Africa. We all want to read more about how successful your people were over there, but inexplicably failed miserably when you arrived in North America. Tell us more how the ancestors of the fabulous African kings and princes became porters and shoeshine boys. Fill our minds with the vision of those descendants whose hands once cut stone to build great pyramids as tribute to their leaders, now cut government surplus cheese. Viewing your race’s history is like looking at a train wreck. Try as one might, one cannot help but gaze and marvel at the devastation and carnage.

After Mr. AKOBADAGETH reamed you a new one on the other board, it is little wonder that it has taken you so long to again be able to sit in front of your computer and type your paranoia-laced messages. It is also not surprising that you have returned with your tail between your legs to this particular “inactive” board hoping that nobody would notice you. Unfortunately for you, all of your darkest fears are now upon you, Teller of Truth.

The Oracle shall provide a topic to start our discussion: If it is true that the Negro race is vastly superior to the white mutant albino race, explain how had a relatively few number of mutants had been able to conquer and enslave a continent full of superior Negroes and to this very day continue to control the lives of these superior Negroes? As a follow-up question: Please explain why these superior Negroes called the white man their “master”.

Rest assured, Teller of Truth, the Oracle shall understand if you choose not to tackle the above and decide to go off on a tangent of your own. For you to publicly address this minor flaw in your argument might be detrimental to your current state of mental health. But you need not openly discuss this. Merely keeping these thoughts churning in your head should be enough for you to see your race as little more than worker bees for the white man. Always remember, Minorities are My Priorities. It is the Oracle’s duty to gently coerce you back, not to equality with the white man, but beyond that to your rightful position at the back of the bus.

-- Oracle (, January 03, 2004.

Oracle...I mean moderator,

The questions you have posed in your response have all been answered in your other thread "I pissed off somebody", you can always go over there and view them. Why have you taken that thread off the internet? Is it that you don't want anyone to read the answers to your questions? Your remaining in denial and repeating your self over and over again is just a defense mechanism to ease your anxiety about the truth concerning yourself as a white man...a genetic aberration and freak of nature with manufactured history and accomplishments. Why don't you open the "I pissed off somebody" thread again so people can learn the truth about your freak ass....unless of course you have something to hide. As collectively, you white people always do. Go ahead and reopen the thread so the world can continue to learn the truth and learn HOW to think instead of just WHAT to think as you would have it. You have proven your inferiority and the fact that you're ashamed of it by the simple fact that you closed off that thread! We're still laughing at you...PhD from MIT, maybe, you're just a well trained excellent test taking freak of nature and genetic defect!

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-- The Teller of Truth (, January 03, 2004.

To the Teller of Truth: Greetings from the Oracle. It appears that you and the Oracle have actually agreed on at least one thing: the answers to My questions had at one time been found on the lost board. Mr. AKOBADAGETH had indeed resolved them to the satisfaction of the Oracle. The Oracle was hoping the words would come from your mouth, but He shall take this as an indication of your turn around. The Oracle is glad to hear you are now in agreement with us. Welcome to the real world.

Regarding the lost board “I Pissed Off Somebody”: while the Oracle cannot claim to have disposed of it, it is probably just as well for you that it is gone. The board’s existence would only serve as a monument to your embarrassment. While the Oracle is reluctant to speak the mind of others, He shall state that He believes that Mr. AKOBADAGETH is most likely remorseful in his public admonishment of you. The Oracle believes Mr. AKOBADAGETH to be a most honorable white knight and took you to the woodshed for your own good. You needed to be straightened out with his usage of “tough love” tactics. Obviously he cares a great deal about the minorities or else he would not have spent so much of his valuable time pointing out the blatant errors and inconsistencies in your beliefs. Remember, if he did not care about you as a person, he simply would have ignored you.

Our involvement with you is another sign of the compassionate nature of the white man. The white man is always willing to extend his hand and come to the aid of the Negro. The only time a Negro extends his hand toward the white is when a gun is in it. The Negro is always in need of help of getting out of some predicament he placed himself into. That is to be expected. Wherever Negroes go, trouble follows. How often is it heard that, if left alone, the Negro is capable of handling his life? Yet, when left to his own devices, he continues to paint himself into a corner. Whatever the social problem, whether it occurs in North America or Africa, the white man is always the first to respond to your desperate cries for help. Rare is the incidence where the Negro helps the Negro. If one thinks about it, how can one helpless individual bring aid and comfort to another helpless individual? It is equivalent to one clinging to a granite life preserver in the middle of an ocean.

Your race should be most appreciative of the efforts put forth by the white man. Yet sadly, you are not. Have you ever walked up to a white man and, avoiding eye contact, expressed your gratitude for the carefree life you now lead? Of course you have not. Showing appreciation is not part of your nature. Possibly your highly melanized skin traps your gratitude inside and prevents it from reaching the surface.

In closing, the Oracle is curious how your Kwanzaa went. Are the celebrations continuing, or are they over already? Should the Oracle feel cheated that He missed out, or is there still time to partake in the merriment? Allow the Oracle to state that He believes you let pass a golden opportunity to further educate the rest of us on the rich traditions and rituals that have been passed from the previous generation all the way down to this one. Is Kwanzaa an example where if one does not actually have a historical or cultural reason to celebrate, it is permissible to create a holiday out of thin air? One would think that at some point in time one Negro would have accomplished something important enough to provide the world with at least one VALID holiday.

-- Oracle (, January 03, 2004.


How convenient of you to dispose of the "I pissed off somebody" board and then lie and say that I have something to hide. Once again all the world who witnessed that debate KNOW who the defeated little twirp was and are laughing at you along with us. You may enjoy playing around on websites, but the revelation of the truth is something that you must live with for the rest of your life...and that is the fact that you are a freak of nature and genetic defect with no future. I know that's got to hurt. I can just sit back and relax knowing that I am a NORMAL human being genetically and don't have to worry about the inconveniences of those afflicted with YOUR genetic condition. You perpetrate a mirage on your website, but you have to be true to yourself. You are a freak as a white man, and you know it. Glad I'm not a freak! HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-- The Teller of Truth (, January 04, 2004.

To the Teller of Truth: Greetings from the Oracle. Are you still complaining over the demise of the “I Pissed Off Somebody” board? You are sounding very much like a whining toddler whose favorite toy has been placed out of reach by its mother. It is long past the time to stop crying over what is missing from your despicable life and move on to other things.

You are now here on this board. Consider this board to be a clean slate. There is no valid excuse for you not to renew your diatribe. Certainly a brilliant, superior Negro such as yourself can reconstruct your arguments on this board.

The Oracle can fully understand why your Negro mind has twisted the facts into a fantasy. Well-meaning, but woefully shortsighted, white people had decided to give the Negro equality with the white man. Acting on their emotions alone, they thought it would be a most generous thing to do. They thought they were doing the Negro a great favor by granting equality to them. We now know how wrong they were. Again, it should be noted that it was the white man and not the Negro who bestowed this undeserved equality. As is typical of your race, you thought that what was given to you was not enough. Your race always wants more than what is placed in front of them. You thought to yourself, “Why stop at equality when I can be superior? How can I accomplish this impossible task? I know! If I want to pull this off and deceive as many innocent people as possible, I’ll have to conveniently ignore all of the historical and scientific data that shows the Negro in a less than positive light. The Negro Sympathizers chose to ignore the historical and scientific data when it came to giving us equality. They will continue to ignore the data when I pronounce to the world the Negro is superior to the white man. It must work. Why bother with the multitude of details when my merely saying I am superior makes me so. It worked before and it will work again.”

The Oracle eagerly awaits you next posting. He enjoys the attempts of the court jester who very much wants to be king. The Oracle orders you to don your harlequin outfit, shiny bells and all, and return to this board to entertain us some more with your story telling skills.

-- Oracle (, January 04, 2004.


Reproduce my arguments here for what? So you can erase or close off this board as well? Your denial and demand to have the facts repeated over and over again is just a defense mechanism as I have previously stated. What you don't understand is that the information is out there for anyone to see on other websites. Your determination to hide the truth because it hurts your little inferior white ass is futile. The truth is going to come out no matter what. You can't stop progress.

As far as equality, genetically you white people will never be equal to your genetic parents, so you are wasting your time talking about equality. You must always remember, we want our rightful place as the rulers of this planet like we are supposed to be, we don't want your inferior genetic condition. Freaks of nature and genetic aberrations will only make a mess of things if left to rule and control as you have proven constantly while you existed on this planet in the context that we currently understand you. Remember all you freaks are, are inbred mutant albinos, just like white tigers and white freak doberman dogs. The ancients bred you all just like them. They are an inferior breed because when you constantly inbreed albinos they eventually reach a breeding depression in which they begin to loose their fertility. That is why you freaks have birthrates well below replacement levels. Photolysis is another reason for your inevitable extinction.

As I previously stated, why don't you bring the thread "I pissed off somebody" back that had all of the pertinent information on there so I won't have to constantly keep reconstructing my arguments, or do you have something to hide?

-- The Teller of Truth (, January 04, 2004.

To the Teller of Truth: Greetings from the Oracle. The Oracle cannot understand how you can claim that your sad race has the rightful place as rulers of this planet. You seem to have conveniently forgotten that the Negro knew nothing of the outside world until the white man discovered your kind and exposed you to civilization, culture, and clothing. Remember it was the white race that bravely ventured out into the unknown, while the Negroes huddled in small groups, picking lice from each other’s hair.

Rightful rulers of this planet? Who would listen and obey your commands? Certainly no right-thinking white man. Most Negroes would turn their backs as well. While it is universally known that the common garden variety Negro has less intelligence than the average white man, even they have enough sense not to trust one another. This indicates that while the Negro is considered stupid, he is not completely stupid. The fact that you are not completely stupid should make you feel a little better about yourself.

Rightful rulers of this planet? My dear dark friend, if that is what you truly want, then you need to acquire it by working for it. The trappings of power have to be worked for and earned. This is why the white man succeeds and the Negro fails. Do not expect the white man to hand you the reins of power as easily as he has given you everything else in your life. Remember, ALL of the world leaders, past and present have been white. You cannot name one that was a Negro.

Rightful rulers of this planet? You people cannot control the destiny of your own lives much less anyone else’s. You would trash this planet and soon have it looking like you do your own neighborhoods. The Oracle cannot envision having the images on Mount Rushmore vandalized and replaced with the likenesses of Gary Coleman, Moms Mabley, Buckwheat, and Jimmy J.J. Walker.

Rightful rulers of this planet? What makes you think that you can have command over the entire world’s populace when you are powerless to make one insignificant page on the Internet reappear? A true world leader would be able to adapt to changing conditions and not sit, pout, and whine about how the Negro once again has been outsmarted by the inferior, genetically deficient white man.

-- Oracle (, January 05, 2004.


I beg to differ. First of all with you white people's inferior genetic condition i.e. inbred mutant albinos, lack of genetic diversity and relatively recent genetic history on this earth, that known fact along with various evidence of black progenitors of civilizations, it is astoundingly hilarious that you would think that you genetic freaks created anything much less civilization.

As far as the lice comment, lice is more common among you white freaks, do you know why? They have a hard time clinging to curly hair and can only cling to straight lifeless hair with any kind of ease. So if anyone had lice in their hair it was you white freaks.

As far as your other jibberish, you make absolutely no sense as usual which brings us back to the point I've made on this board before, why don't you bring back the thread "I pissed off somebody"? Apparently you were the one pissed off and humiliated and cannot bring yourself to allow anyone to read how it was done. Indicative of a genetic freak and inferior aberration with something to hide.

The more I think about the more I'm convinced that you are a pathetic existence as a white man and thank God I'm not one of you freaks. It's just a matter of time before this is a common mentality, then what would you freaks do?

-- The Teller of Truth (, January 05, 2004.

To the Teller of Truth: Greetings from the Oracle. Your quote, “I beg to differ”. As is typical of your race you cannot stop begging for anything. Throughout history the Negro has held his hand out for food, clothing and medical care that only the white man can fully provide. The Negro makes his appeals to the white man because he knows as soon as the request is made; the goods are on their way. The Negro knows that asking another Negro for assistance is futile and no help will be forthcoming.

Do you now fancy yourself an authority on lice as well? Most likely your knowledge is derived from personal experience. However, the Oracle strongly disagrees with your conclusions. It would appear to be easier for a louse to cling to the Negro’s hair as it is very much like Velcro.

A second quote of yours, “The more I think about the more I'm convinced that you are a pathetic existence as a white man and thank God I'm not one of you freaks. It's just a matter of time before this is a common mentality…”. A few comments from the Oracle are in order here. First, to which God are you referring to? Are you referencing the sun or the moon? No, you are talking about the white man’s God. Yet another tidbit of civilization that was bestowed upon your race. Second, your statement that it is only a matter of time before your beliefs become a common mentality is very telling. Obviously your mind-set is not shared by the masses. Nor will it ever be. The Oracle has enough faith in the garden variety Negro that he has just enough common sense to know he is not the white man’s equal, much less superior to him. The only Negroes you will be able to convince that your race is superior are those who’s brains have been fried by imbibing too much malt liquor. Unfortunately for you, none of those potential converts are intelligent enough or have the means to operate a computer. Your missives are falling silently into cyberspace and are reaching nobody who will listen and believe. Your statement affirms that not only is your race in the minority, but your personal beliefs as well.

For your viewing pleasure (and to make you howl for the entertainment of us all) the Oracle shall indeed provide you with a small portion of want you have been crying for the most. Namely the return of the “I Pissed Off Somebody” board. The Oracle is GRACIOUSLY supplying you this past posting from His archived material. As you will soon see, Teller of Truth, this particular white man had the foresight to save His postings in the likely event they would be eliminated. It is unfortunate that a superior Negro such as yourself had neglected to save his material. Also unfortunately for you, the Oracle had not saved your material for you. Remember, the Oracle is not responsible for keeping your material safe from harm. More importantly, the Oracle saw no reason to keep your Negro lies and deceptions lest they contaminate His hard drive.

Again, the following is evidence that a white man had the foresight to protect Himself from those who would do Him literary harm. My material is safe and can be called upon at a moment’s notice. Yours is gone, gone, gone. The Oracle wishes He could be there to see the expression on your unsightly face as you view the Oracle’s past postings. Here the Oracle offers His sincere regret that the reposting of the material that was found on the “I Pissed Off Somebody” board is without the benefit of your or other Negro input. Unfortunately for you, the repostings shall be rather one-sided.

Again, the Oracle correctly predicts that you shall return hooting and howling about how the white man has outsmarted you yet again. The Oracle will be accused by you as being the person who is holding your lost postings hostage. The Oracle cannot prove or disprove your allegation. Nor does He want to. You are free to add your newest false accusation to the long list of delusions you currently are in possession of.

The following posting is My first posting on the “I Pissed Off Somebody” board. The original date of posting was September 13, 2003. Quite possibly you will relive your deepest fears as you re-read it.

To All: Greetings from the Oracle. The Oracle has arrived from the old BBCM guestbook and recently from another greenspun board to continue in His quest to whiten and enlighten the minority races. You need not look for me at Big Bad Chinese Mama as all vestiges of My presence have been summarily erased by treacherous Asians. Suffice it to say that the Oracle will provide the truth to those who disagree with the correct point of view by using logic, reasoning, and common sense that God, in His infinite wisdom, graced the white race with. In doing so, it is the Oracle’s heartfelt desire to gently guide the reader to the only logical conclusion of the superiority of the white race. If you are earnest in your desire for truth, feel free to approach the foot of the Oracle and openly express your thirst for knowledge. Fear not, for those who have sincerely sought the face of the Oracle in the past have found Him to be benevolent. Yet those who drew near to offer their lies, hatred, and deceptions were soon publicly humiliated. The Oracle is not one to be flippant with.

The Oracle is more than willing to devote His valuable time and effort to this cause. The minorities have been lied to by well- meaning white people who have told them they are as good as any white man. The results have been, to say the least, disastrous. The Oracle correctly believes it is time to place all minorities on a short leash, to return them to their place in the white man’s world.

If you wish to learn more of the Oracle and His beliefs, you are invited to visit the following site:

Simply cut and paste the above into your browser and begin your education. Here the gentle reader will find a treasure trove of information regarding the superiority of the white race and how the Oracle deals with minority posters who “feel” they know better. Oracle

The Oracle has saved His postings to Better Than a Cracker, Cracker Killer, White Girl, Curious Person, Full Mexican, Military Man, Q, Bob Williams, Observer, To All, Jonathan C. Katz, and of course, yourself, Teller of Truth. If you would like to read additional archived material from the Oracle’s vault, all you need to do is ask. It is doubtful you will ask for more. Who but a deluded Negro who enjoys his public whippings would? What is more likely is that the Oracle shall mete out these messages to you one at a time in order to further embarrass your race and you personally. Let your crying begin.

-- Oracle (, January 05, 2004.


You aren't fooling anyone with your retarded rantings and ravings. Is this how you get your kicks? I bet I took all the fun out of it when I blew your freak theories out of the water with facts and logic, didn't I? Perhaps I have brought on deep set depression because of this? What depresses you is the fact that as a white man, you are a genetic defect and freak of nature and we know it. Cheer up. There is nothing you can do about that. You might as well not stress yourself out about it. You defeated yourself when you refused to return the thread "I pissed off somebody" for fear that the world will read the truth about you freaks of nature and genetic defects. You are ashamed of what you are. I don't blame you. I would be ashamed to be what you are too. HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!

Post again when you are capable of more than 2nd grade jibberish. You give MIT a bad name.

-- The Teller of Truth (, January 06, 2004.

Who the hell are you people and why are you on my board?

And why do you think some guy is the moderator of this board? My name is at the top, correct? You can read correct? And why are you posting on a dead thread anyway? So many questions....

To any sane people: Oklahoma bridges photos hgave been updated. Thanksgiving 2003 pix's are up featuring truss bridges in Osage County.

-- Wes K (, January 06, 2004.

Very clever, moderator. But not clever enough. I know that is just another tactic to get me to pull up a website that will allow you to install spyware on my computer. I'm not going to let some silly freak white sissy boy trick ME so easily.

-- The Teller of Truth (, January 06, 2004.

To Mr. Wes Kinsler, Moderator of this Board: Greetings from the Oracle. My God, My good man! What is wrong with you? Do you not realize that the Negro known as Teller of Truth is deluded and quite possibly insane? You obviously are a well-meaning individual and meant no harm to him, yet you might be held responsible if the Teller of Truth jumps off of one of those bridges you just mentioned. He is a desperate man in need of desperate help. How remorseful would you feel if an inconsequential Negro met his demise because of your lack of compassion toward him? Oh. Sorry, never mind.

-- Oracle (, January 06, 2004.

To the Teller of Truth: Greetings from the Oracle: You state it is the Oracle who has been defeated. Look around you My dark friend and see who holds the power here. It most certainly is not you. It is you who is the impotent one. You want to rule the world yet cannot resuscitate a web page. While lesser men than the Oracle would laugh at your predicament, He only has double the pity and compassion for you. You are a two-time loser. A Negro and deluded.

The Oracle understands how your Negro mind works. You crave superiority, but a single roadblock stands in your way. You are not white. Unless you go through extensive medical procedures, like your man-child loving Michael Jackson, you will never pass for white. Even the self-deluded Negro knows that. No beautiful white skin, no universally accepted superiority. Not one to see this as the ultimate of insurmountable barriers to your goal, the self-deluded Negro tries an “end around” approach. Instead of actually earning the right to be called superior, the self-deluded Negro merely says he is. He concocts so-called facts that would indicate on the surface that the Negro is superior. He tells tales of Ancient Africa where the Negro built great civilizations. He informs us of how wonderful it must be to be a proud Negro. Yet, when one compares what the self-deluded Negro says with the facts, one comes to the conclusion that the Negro neither is, was, nor ever will be, superior to anybody. Accept your fate as a Negro. Admittedly, the Oracle would not like to be in your position. The Oracle envies you not. It must be difficult for you to rise every afternoon and greet the new day with little to look forward to.

As promised, and the Oracle always keeps His promises, here is another installment from the “I Pissed Off Somebody” board. Again, this comes from the archived material that the Oracle had the foresight to keep safe from elimination. The original date of posting was September 13, 2003, and directed to the poster known as Curious Person. You should be pleased to learn that you are mentioned in it, but only passing reference. Re-live with Me now, this exciting and thought provoking post.

To Curious Person: Greetings from the Oracle. You claim the evidence is out there concerning a genetic deficiency in the white race. The Oracle DEMANDS you provide proof of your allegations, or keep your fantasies to yourself. Your proof shall be links to reputable, unbiased sites. Your non-compliance with the Oracle’s request of proof can only one meaning. There was no evidence in the first place, was there, only incoherent ramblings of the Negro mind.

Instead of the name “curious” you should have used the term “confused” as it delivers a more accurate description of yourself. Anyone, and the Oracle means ANYONE, who believes the Teller of Truth’s tripe WITHOUT supporting evidence can obviously be swayed by any charlatan and must be soft of mind. You accepted his statements blindly, and at no time had he offered proof. Here the Oracle must stop and admit to an ability the Negro possesses that the white man sadly does not. Negroes can FLY!! Yes, it is true. Test this statement at your nearest five-story building and experience again the thrill of flight. As you so blindly believe the Teller of Truth’s statements regarding great Negro achievements, you should believe the Oracle also.

The Oracle can fully understand why the Negro is compelled to attempt to place himself in the most positive light he can. Imagine yourself occupying the bottom position of humanity for as long as the Negro has. Try as they might, the Negro is inherently incapable of bettering themselves. To make themselves “feel” better about their race they resort to story telling. If the only avenue left open to the Negro to feel equal to a white man is through blatant lies and fantasies, well, gentle reader, we have all been witness to one of the more, shall we say, creative ones.

In essence, it is what the Negro “feels” in any situation that dictates what their actions or beliefs should be. The white man bases his actions and beliefs on reality, not fantasy.

In closing, Curious Person, you are ORDERED to provide the Oracle with proof in the form of links to reputable, non-biased sites that support your claim. If you cannot, you are ORDERED to return QUIETLY to your seat at the back of the bus. The white man is behind the wheel, and he will tolerate NO unruly behavior.

-- Oracle (, January 06, 2004.


-- AKOBADAGETH (KOBEHQ@YAHOO.COM), January 07, 2004.


KOBEHQ@YAHOO.COM), January 07, 2004.


KOBEHQ@YAHOO.COM), January 07, 2004.

To AKOBADAGETH: Greetings from the Oracle. The Oracle has indeed previewed the recommended site. He has noticed that you have been gracious enough to post links to a few of these LUSENET forums and share with others the good times to be had over here. Unfortunately, this has caused too much disruption with the Negro Sympathizers who moderate these boards. Again, our literary property is being subject to elimination from public view. Perhaps once the Oracle has worn out His welcome on these boards, He shall indeed re-visit the Hate and Flame site and engage your problem child, Kobe SBM, in conversation. The Oracle is curious, after learning of Mr. Kobe’s pedigree, is SBM an acronym for Semi-Black Man?

-- Oracle (, January 07, 2004.

Talking to yourself again, Moderator? I figured you were just a schitzophrenic. You have to assume multiple personalities and support yourself via multiple identities. By now I'm sure most people witnessing this board have seen how truly pathetic you are. You have to live with yourself, Moderator. You poor unfortunate genetic defect you.

-- The Teller of Truth (, January 07, 2004.

This is what retarded freak white people have to do. They cannot reproduce well any more because they are suffering from a breeding depression because of their inferior genes. Normal people should not have to have genetically altered babies!

Genetically altered babies born

Mitochondria contain genes outside the cell's nucleus

By BBC News Online science editor Dr David Whitehouse Scientists have confirmed that the first genetically altered humans have been born and are healthy.

Up to 30 such children have been born - 15 of them as a result of one experimental programme at a US laboratory.

An "unwelcome" development say scientists

But the technique has been criticised as unethical by some scientists and would be illegal in many countries, including the United Kingdom.

Genetic fingerprint tests on two one-year-old children confirm that they contain a small quantity of additional genes not inherited from either parent.

The additional genes were taken from a healthy donor and used to overcome the infertility problems of the mother.

Germline modification

The additional genes that the children carry have altered their germline, or their collection of genes that they will pass on to their offspring.

Altering the germline is something that the vast majority of scientists deem unethical given the limitations of our knowledge.

It is illegal to do so in many countries and the US Government will not provide funds for any experiment that intentionally or unintentionally alters inherited genes.

There is no evidence that this technique is worth doing

Lord Winston The children were born following a technique called ooplasmic transfer. This involves taking some of the contents of a donor cell and injecting it into the egg cell of a woman with infertility problems.

The researchers, at the Institute for Reproductive Medicine and Science of St Barnabas in New Jersey, US, believed that some women were infertile because of defects in their mitochondria.

These are tiny structures containing genes that float around inside the cell away from the cell's nucleus, where the vast majority of the genes reside. There can be as many as 100,000 of them floating in the cells cytoplasm.

Two mothers

They are essential to cellular energy production and scientists suspect they have many other important, but as yet unappreciated, roles.

Mitochondrial DNA is passed down from generation to generation along the maternal line.

The US researchers wanted to supplement a woman's defective mitochondria with healthy ones from a donor.

Having just tested the children born as a result of this procedure, the scientists have confirmed that the children's cells contain mitochondria, and hence genes, from two women as well as their fathers.

Writing in the journal Human Reproduction, the researchers say that this "is the first case of human germline genetic modification resulting in normal healthy children".

'Great reservations'

British experts have severely criticised the development.

Infertility pioneer Lord Winston of the Hammersmith Hospital in London told BBC News Online that he had great reservations about it.

"Regarding the treatment of the infertile, there is no evidence that this technique is worth doing," he said. "I am very surprised that it was even carried out at this stage. It would certainly not be allowed in Britain.

"There is no evidence that this is a possible valuable treatment for infertility," he added.

Lord Winston said that, although the number of additional genes involved was tiny, it was in principle the wrong thing to do.

The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA), the body that monitors and regulates UK reproductive medical activities, told BBC News Online that it was aware of the technique but had decided not to allow it in the UK because of its uncertainties and the possible alteration of the human germline.

'Back door'

The HFEA said it was an unwelcome development that "adds additional concern" to their worries. US researchers have also criticised the production of genetically altered children.

Eric Juengst, of Case Western Reserve University, said: "It should trouble those committed to transparent public conversation about the prospect of using 'reprogenetic' technologies to shape future children."

The US Government Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee told BBC News Online that the researchers had carried out this work without government money.

The committee said that in no circumstances would it consider any request for government funds that would result in modification of the human germline.

Professor Joe Cummins, of the University of Western Ontario in Canada, told BBC News Online: "Now is not the time to bring in human germline gene therapy through the back door."

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See also:

16 Aug 00 | Health 'Cloning' to beat genetic diseases 01 Dec 99 | Sci/Tech Long road to inheritance 27 Jun 00 | Sci/Tech Genetic revolution work begins 25 Sep 00 | Sci/Tech Male-only conception 'highly speculative' Internet links:

UK's Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority Human Reproduction Journal Institute for Reproductive Medicine and Science of St Barnabas

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-- The Teller of Truth (, January 07, 2004.

To the Teller of Truth: Greetings from the Oracle. Had you gotten a little carried away with your cutting and pasting of your information? Had your undisciplined finger highlighted more than what you intended to? If that is not the case, the Oracle is curious as to why you now wish to discuss the merits of the Chinese having recently obtained wireless Internet.

The Oracle gives you a cotton bale full of kudos for locating the information in your above post. The Oracle is not quite sure why you and He are debating. We seem to agree on the fact that when any problem arises, as in this case infertility, it is the white man who seeks and ultimately finds a solution. The information you just posted is proof that the white race will not die off and we shall no longer be treated to your nonsense concerning that.

It would be wise to remember that the white man is using science to solve his sexual problems, while members of your race currently engage in the practice of having sex with infants to combat your sexual problem of AIDS. Home remedies for Homo maladies are not the solution. White doctors are the answer, not witch doctors.

Perhaps the best remedy for AIDS is abstinence. It must be difficult for a Negro male to keep his hands off of another brother. Fight your natural urges and instincts and join the Oracle in battling this devastating disease. Together, Teller of Truth, we CAN make a difference. To help you when the craving for man-sex becomes too much for you to handle, the Oracle has crafted these words especially for you to silently repeat as often as is necessary until the fit passes.

I Shall Not Take His Negro Pole, In My Puckered Bottom Hole.

-- Oracle (, January 07, 2004.


KOBEHQ@YAHOO.COM), January 07, 2004.

-- AKOBADAGETH (KOBEHQ@YAHOO.COM), January 07, 2004.

Pardon me moderator, but normal people should not have all of those fertility problems. That is an indication in and of itself that white people are freaks of nature and exist in a genetic deficiency state. Inbred mutant albino always have fertility problems regardless of what species they are. As far as AIDS is concerned, you freaks created that to depopulate people of color because as recessive freaks you can't compete other wise. AIDS is man made, not a natural phenomenon. You, like any other white man are merely a freak in denial and out of control. But you won't last for long...nature obviously didn't intend for you to.

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just think, if you had normal genes you wouldn't need fertility drugs, cloning, and countless other bullshit to preserve yourself...FREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-- The Teller of Truth (, January 08, 2004.

OK, I've taken the time to read some of this thread and can't help but feel that this is the most pointless subject to argue. Its as if I was to start attacking all people who drive Ford brand vehicals because I think Chevy' are superior.

In other words, I ain't going to get involved in this subject, even if I had a 30-foot lenght of channel.

But if you want to waste your lives hating each other, then whatever. Don't complain to me if the road you built for yourselves is bumpy.

And one last time for those who can't hear it (or read) I AM NOT THE ORACLE and I could care less about this idiotic race war.

Thank You.

-- Wes Kinsler (, January 08, 2004.


-- AKOBADAGETH (KOBEHQ@YAHOO.COM), January 08, 2004.

As I should have said, a subject for idiots to argue. (see above) Goodby morons!

-- Wes K (, January 08, 2004.

Very funny, moderator. You obviously don't want to continue to have your ass handed to you and risk closing down this thread just like you did "I pissed off somebody". So you bail out like the coward all of you freak white people are. I am not the least bit surprised. It is not hard to determine that several of you are nothing more than just the moderator. Only the webmaster (moderator) can put those fancy flashy action images on this board, the average poster cannot. All the world is seeing what a coward and freak of nature white people really are...............

HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-- The Teller of Truth (, January 08, 2004.

Oh no they finally caught me!!!!!!!

-- The Teller of Truth (, January 08, 2004.

To the Teller of Truth: Greetings from the Oracle. Those flashy flashing action images as you so quaintly called them are nothing more than examples of the white man’s magic, but they do serve a purpose.

More than likely, the moderator was trying to install spyware on your computer. It is fortunate for you that you had not viewed his posting….Oh, you must have seen it, or you would not have commented upon it. Perhaps it is too late and the spyware is reporting back to him as we speak. Allow the Oracle to assist you in removing this unwanted program from your computer.

First, select “Start” at the lower left corner of your screen.

Next, select “Shut Down” from the menu.

In the menu that appears, choose “Restart in MS-DOS Mode”.

When your computer re-boots in DOS, type “C:” (but without the quotation marks)

C: is where the spyware is placed. C is short for CIA.

At the “C:” prompt, type in the following so it looks like this: C:/format C and press the enter key. Format is a CIA acronym for the secret code words meaning: For Only Righteous Men Are True. (Also, the Oracle is not certain which direction the slash faces. You may have to experiment with it until you get it right.)

After you have pressed the enter key, the CIA will prompt you with their final appeal as to whether or not you are sure you wish to delete their spyware from your system. Selecting “No” or “Cancel” will leave their spyware active in your computer. Only by selecting “Yes” will you be sending the message to those in power that you are a superior Negro that is too wise to their tricks. Your problems with spyware will immediately cease. The Oracle virtually GUARANTEES that you will no longer be plagued with this problem ever again.

The Oracle encourages you to perform the above remedy as soon as possible before too much damage is done to your computer.

-- Oracle (, January 09, 2004.

Pardon me, moderator (Freak white man)

But who said that I personally was ever having any problems with spyware? I just know the tactics that you freaks like to use to try to track down the websites you think I get my lovely information from that confirms that you freak of nature white people are nothing more than genetic aberrations....and I know not to follow your instructions on doing anything.

-- The Teller of Truth (, January 09, 2004.


The reason that your white masters are able to do such magical voodoo as posting pictures, while you cannot. Is the same reason that they are able to travel the world and create civizaltions, innovate the technological, industrial revolution, and spaceage. While you dumbfucks in Afreaka cannot even domesticate animals, or event any weapon beyond a spear. I created a little group just for you, with illustrations so you can follow along If you are convinced it is nothing but a spyware site, I emplore you to direct your little mouse on the blue letters, you are to wise to my tricks to click it, and look above the start key and see if the link reveals what I say it does. Then you should go here if you think it is all a group of spyware to monitor you brilliant negroes.

If you look around Lusenet you will see the Lusnet Monster..I mean moderator putting images in all kinds of thread. But I can understand, as the rest of your patience white masters, how you would not be able to do such nifty things, as insert links and images. Because we know that niggers are STUPID, you are stupid! But you can try and keep that on the "downlow" NIGGER PUNK!

-- Massa Legree (masterandoverseer@unclesambo.cabins), January 09, 2004.

My, my...have I incited an inflammatory reaction out of you! Not to worry though, I understand how you freaks get violent when you cannot deceive like you are accustomed. Don't worry. I won't click on your little links because I am aware of how you freaks love to install spyware on people's computers. Always remember though, you freaks cannot be our masters as you are only our recessive genetic defects in the first place. You have no business dictating anything to us PERIOD! No wonder you freaks prefer to remain in a blissfully ignorant paradigm. It is obviously much more comfortable for you than to face the truth, facts and reality. Only one problem sure as tomorrow will come, the truth will be widespread and your silly little oxymoronic ideology will fly out the window. That would be the beginning of the end for you genetic defects, wouldn't it? Keep posting. Your hostility is the highlight of my entire day! HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-- The Teller of Truth (, January 09, 2004.

i came on this place accidentally so i read it. GET A LIFE U SAD TWAT, hahahahahahahaha oh my god u r such a sad fool, do u get regularly beaten up and have some sort of superiority complex which u cant prove in real so u bring it out here where no1 can touch u?

-- bobs your uncle (, January 12, 2004.

-- AKOBADAGETH (KOBEHQ@YAHOO.COM), January 12, 2004.

A superiority complex has nothing to do with anything. I am merely conscious of who I am and can identify you white people for the freaks of nature and genetic defects you are.

-- The Teller of Truth (, January 12, 2004.

I should have this branded on my ass because Akobadageth has handed me my ass so many times.

-- The Teller of Truth (, January 12, 2004.

Yea right, moderator. Why don't you bring back the "I pissed off somebody" thread and let the world see for themselves just who had their ass handed to them multiple times.

-- The Teller of Truth (, January 13, 2004.

The Subject is Molotov Cocktails.....Since when did The Issue of race be introduced to the Production of a Molotov cocktail.Do something useful for your country and raid and rebel against the NRA or throw a egg at your American President selected by not you but the system "By any Means Necessary" I'm not even american.

-- Malik Shabazz (I', January 13, 2004.

Genetic defects (white people) suffer from collective psychosis and are desensitized to the trauma they inflict on people of color for the sake of their own genetic survival. Not only are they trying to preserve their inferior genetic strain but the same ideological views that they strive to believe in that makes them feel like anything but the genetic defects that they are. I just enjoy hearing them squirm and moan when I tell them the truth about their genetic/psychological condition which by the way is very sad.

-- The Teller of Truth (, January 13, 2004.

To Malik Shabazz: Greetings from the Oracle: Your email states that you are home. Yet when the Oracle knocks upon your head, He finds NOBODY home.

You are a confused individual. First you berate us for not being on the topic of the proper method to construct a Molotov cocktail, then immediately offer suggestions as to what Americans can do to assist their country in their time of need. As a peace-loving individual, you obviously hold the National Rifle Association in contempt, yet are generous to the idea of having an ovoid projectile thrown in the direction of the President. You eschew violence but advocate a violent act. Again, you are a confused individual.

To correct your foreign view of American politics, there has NEVER been a President of the United States elected by the general populace. The American system of government is a republic, not a democracy. Members of the Electoral College elect the President. Each state is awarded a certain number of these members according to the total number of Senators and Representatives that state has representing them in Congress. These members may, or may not cast their vote as the general population of their state had. Historically, the vast majority of these members do indeed cast their vote according to the victor of that state’s Presidential race.

The reason for the controversy surrounding the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue were the Electoral College votes being held hostage by the Democratic Party operatives in the state of Florida. The popular vote throughout the state was very close, yet they chose to file recount petitions in only a few of the counties and districts where the Democratic Party was the strongest. Remember, they were not interested in a statewide recount, only those areas where they felt they could find enough “miscounted” votes to overturn an election. The legal drama was exciting. It was a most interesting time in American history, and the Oracle was glued to His television set. But what should be remembered the most is that WELL AFTER Mr. Bush was properly upheld as the President-Elect, numerous recounts were performed by independent agencies, and NONE of those results EVER were ever found to differ from the end result. If anyone has lingering doubts on the elections outcome, the Oracle invites you to come forward with ONE recount that would indicate that Mr. Gore had legally won the election.

Malik Shabazz, the Oracle sincerely hopes He has cleared up any misconceptions you may have had concerning our electoral process. In the future, as a non-American, you are invited to keep your third world nose out of our affairs.

-- Oracle (, January 14, 2004.

What's the matter, freak? You can't address me anymore because you're tired of having your ass handed to you? HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!

-- The Teller of Truth (, January 15, 2004.

Tell of Troth you keeping doing what you baby. And don't let them racist devils get you down. I been peeping this thread, and you are right about them not wanting us to know stuff and trien to burey it. You need to go to Google and look up 'keeping it on the down low' thin click on the top result, it's a Greenspan thred to. You crackas say you well meening to try and hide the troth from us black folks finding out about ourselves, but eventually it all gonna come out!

-- Shanique (, January 16, 2004.

To Shanique: Greetings from the Oracle. Shanique. Your Negro parents have graced you with such a beautiful name. Shanique. The Oracle’s mental picture of you is that of a Nubian princess. Stunning, fair of face, tall, youthful, desired by other Negroes. The Oracle cannot help but notice that many of your kind have beautiful and unique names as well. The Oracle has His theories as to why Negroes have the propensity to give these names to their children.

Negro parents believe that bestowing a unique name will have their child stand out from the crowd. The purpose is to set them apart from the everyday Mary’s and plain Jane’s of the world. The Negro parent believes this will at least remove their child from the background. Basically it is a “Here I am” tactic just so people will notice them.

Negro parents also believe that bestowing a beautiful name will hide the innate ugliness of the individual. It is very much like your wearing perfume. The perfume is not your real scent; you just use it to disguise your natural body odors that would otherwise offend others. Like your perfume, your beautiful name is also designed to disguise the fact that you are a less than desirable individual. Remember, you can wrap dog feces in gold foil paper. Yes it will appear to be lovely on the outside, people will be deceived and think they are beholding something of value, yet what is inside is still fecal matter.

Bestowing these names is nothing short of a marketing ploy for the white man to accept you. The Oracle looks at this much as a manufacturer who is having great difficulty selling his product. To encourage product acceptance he places his same old, same old product into a new shiny box with fancy lettering. Yes, this new packaging may entice some people to try this product, but the original non- widely accepted product is still inside. In short, no matter how you try to pretty yourselves up, you are deceiving nobody. You are a common Negro with an uncommon name, and tomorrow your situation will not have changed. The Oracle sincerely hopes this has helped you further your understanding about yourselves.

You have stated that you are monitoring this board. If you feel the Oracle is incorrect in His theories, you are invited to provide YOUR explanation. If you do not return within a reasonable timeframe, the Oracle can only assume that His theories are correct and this message shall stand as a testament to the Oracle’s wisdom and insight.

-- Oracle (, January 17, 2004.

Pardon me, Moderator, but you are accusing Shanique of the very thing you freaks have done throughout history. The truth is, you all are genetic defects and freaks of nature, however, you use the media to propagate a different image of you through the use of ignorance to make yourself more palatable to not only others in the world, but even yourselves. Remember, you all can't accept the truth that you are aberrant. That is EXACTLY the purpose of white supremacy (LOL)! So people won't see you for the inferior freak that you REALLY are, instead, you use ignorance to present yourself as something divine and desirable. You use that nonsense to hide the FACT that you are dispicable mutants. That is how the mind works, moderator. You superimpose what you dislike about yourself most of all on somebody you envy and are jealous of, and blame them for your own faults and shortcomings. Again, I say that is a pathetic existence, but the only existence you freak ass white people know. The only people you freaks can feel sorry for is yourselves. After all, you're nothing but aberrant genetic accidents, anyway.

-- The Teller of Truth (, January 17, 2004.

Did you follow Shanique's instuctions to go to that board Teller? It's really a fabulous board.

-- Little Blayne (, January 17, 2004.

No moderator, I didn't follow Shaniques' advice to follow that thread. I know it is just another ploy by you to install spyware on my computer. I know you are posing as numerous other personalities to try to trick me. Like I have said before, I'm not going to let some inferior little white freak get me. I'm better than you guys.

-- The Teller of Truth (, January 17, 2004.

Is that why you were defending her in your last reply. You know you went there, but we'll keep that on the low. Stupid shitskin punk! HA HA HA HA!!!!

-- Simon Legree (overseerandmaster@unclesambo.cabins), January 17, 2004.

Moderator (freak),

You know I never visited that site, that's why you came back with another alias to ask if I went over there, yet. I'm hip to your little schemes....freak.

-- The Teller of Truth (, January 18, 2004.

After getting a severe beating from some policeman when I was resisting arrest, for being caught in the park "keeping in on the low." I think I got some sence knocked into me, and would like to apoligize to my white masters for making a complete cunt out of myself. I did enough of that, when they made me prom queen in county.

Anyways I did not go to Shanique's thread because he instructions were not explicit enough, but after my mexican man at the library showed me the way I was there, and won't argue with a damn post on it. However after doing so, I realized "Shanique" was not who she presented herself to be, and was probably one of my fellow cook county beauty rivals.

I would also like to apoligize the homosexual wetbrain liberal moderator that hosts this bullshit little board for transference, and accusing everyone who saw the flaws in my presentation as not only being the same person, but of being him. I was shown by my Mexican man how to read other threads on this board, and sample some of Wussy I mean Wessy's writings and know he is not capable of putting forth such arguements as my white superior's the Oracle, AKOBADAGETH, and Master Legree have.

...And would like to commend Wessy for reconizing this was nothing more than a transference accusation of mine, being that my rectum was enflamed from too much jail house recreation, and deleted all my many sock puppets, such as "Cracker Killer, Curious Person, White Girl, etc. etc." I just felt it was the only way to compete with my white masters, and felt so self coinscience trying to compete in a man's world, with no one here taking a thing I say for any merit.

Now I shall correct a few things, and maybe we can be friends because I think you guys are real neat: It is true that if you dropped off a a large number of Bush-Chimp, excuse me men for example, with their light complextion in a cold sunless climate, the lack of UV rays, over generations would make their eye pigment and hair lighten, and skin tone whiten. Like wise take the same scenerio only leave them in a very sunny climate such as central Africa and their skin would very much darken to protect themselves from the warm climate, but this is about all they would need. They would need the white man's large brain to survive in a cold climate, which is what he devoloped which is why he has done so much, and is the pioneer of modern civizaltion.

Now since the Bush chimps, excuse me men, are the oldest living homo sapiens of earth, this makes a good case for the fact that the first humans were not literally "black" or "white" colored, but were "negroid," and that as everyone with any biological knowledge knows negroes are the most primitive.

Now I can't take credit for most of this, my new white man in the jail house library, "persauded" shall we say, me to copy much of what he wrote onto this message board. I just had to go under the table, "and sharpen his pencil." But remember when I get out, I always need some fresh watermelon, Miller, and chicken. And I will give you plenty of fresh biscuits and smoke your baloney poney for some Kools. And so Master Legree you are the kind of white man that could whip me into shape. Oracle I have learned much for our many exchanges on the board, if it doesn't disgust you to much maybe we can exchange what me and the brothaz have in lock up. And AKO, you have beat me bad, but I can't say it wasn't titaling. If you wonderful white mens are in town and wanna get down remember I get around. We can just keep it "on the downlow."

Now to prove we are not all like the Bushmen, at least in color. Here are some pictures of our black beautiful beings

imaged changed to link. NO PICTURES PLEASE imaged changed to link. NO PICTURES PLEASE

imaged changed to link. NO PICTURES PLEASE imaged changed to link. NO PICTURES PLEASE

-- The Teller of Truth (, January 19, 2004.

Bi da way, you folks want to know how to make yoself a Harlim cock- tail. It just a Manhaton, dat beez Burbon an swete vermooth, wit a dingle berry on da top of it. heeee heeee!

-- The Teller of Truth (, January 19, 2004.

Haven't we seen those pictures, moderator? it's about time for some others by now, isn't it? Since you cannot compete intellecutally in debate, then resort to posting pictures like a white loser. Only to be expected. HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-- The Teller of Truth (, January 19, 2004.

The 3 negores in those 3 pictures have a very striking resemblance to the 2 baboons, in the 2nd picture. Which is no coincidence at all as you know.

But I will not retract a single thing that I have said in the previous 2 and 3 posts!!!And I will not dispute a word of it with one of my sock puppets. But please let me have the last word masta. That is all this nigga punk has left!

-- The Teller of Tall Tales (, January 19, 2004.

I meant the 2nd and 3rd previous posts, now the 3rd and 4th. Aiight I admit that wit that last "Teller of Truth," post I was making a complete cunt out of myself once again. But it hard to resist when you got pubic hair on da head, labia lips in de mouth, and skin that is very close to an asshole's, like a cunt is....And it hard for dem mens in lockdown to resist me,...DON'T BEAT ME NO MO. HEEE HEEE HEEE HEEE!!!!!!!!!!!

-- The Teller of Tall Tales (, January 19, 2004.

Moderator, continue to post your psychotic drivel to hide the intense pain you feel every time the truth is posted on this forum. You know you resent any description of yourself as a genetic defect and freak of nature, but as a white man, that is exactly what you are. The world is waking up and realizing that. We are learning a lot about the deepseeded inferiority complex and self loathing you white people suffer from profusely, also we are learning much about your insecurities. Continue please...........

-- The Teller of Truth (, January 19, 2004.

I'd like to correct you moderator, when you refered to my race as cunts. Think of a black pussy is a most unpleasent thought, which is why so many of us turn on the down low. But the cunt is the inside of the pussy, and is an insulting and dismissive term for a woman, and for a man is comparing him just to one. But a cunt itself is still not a bad thing. We are a race of assholes sir. The smell, the color inside and out, the texture of our hair, what we produce for society, what we do to it, and the brains. And so please come correct. But since the term asshole is so overused these days, and is an insulting way to compare people to us, you can just call us shitskins, or just shit for short!

-- The Teller of Truth (, January 19, 2004.

Oh yes, and my new man, who appears to be a white mexican or some shit. Which is why I resent you white crackers. As in prison we dominate as was meant to be. The shame of being taken off by these mexicans and honkies. Anyways he purchased me for 1 carton, while mexicans go for 2 and white boys go for 3 (even on the inside niggers are the least desirable piece of pussy) Has pointed out that Phil Greenspun is the owner of Lusenet, but each bboard was created by an individual and does not make him moderator of each and every fucking board. He also does not teach at MIT he is just a student there and all students there receive any MIT email address. And if the moderator of this bboard intended to install spyware in my computer, he would not need me to click any funny link. As everytime I post on this board it gives detailed information about my IP address, and sends a cookie to my computer.


-- The Teller of Truth (, January 19, 2004.

This and his stupidity is a great example of why our public schools are in such a mediocre conditions, and why many colleges are what high schools used to be, and text books from a 100 years ago are far more sophiticated now, since integration. They way they hold back the learning process for more students and dumb it down. They just have a magic touch of shit. It must be in their nature, like it is in a blackholes nature to suck all the white light radiates than destroy it.

Oh yeah happy Martin Luther King day! But if you want to know one nigger that should really be put on a stamp and have streets named after him it's Wayne Williams. HA HA HA HA!!!!

-- Curious Person (, January 19, 2004.

Moderator, was the following information that you found painful and what is causing your latest attacks to lash out at me?

Scientists say African, Native, Spanish, and Indians anyone with pigment will have a complete set of Genes. Not lacking two or more as recessive people do, because of Inbreeding. Those who are mixed even if they are so light that they look Caucasian will have a complete set of Genes because of a direct link to those with pigment. The word Caucasian in the Webster’s dictionary states; Caucasians is anyone with very dark to light skin, and black to light hair, belonging to groups from North Africa, China, and India. As you can see the very word Caucasian no longer means white, pale or recessive. Scientists also say that pale skinned humans are closer related members of the same mutant gene class than previously thought. They are equal to no one and African and Natives do not want to be equal to a genetic disorder. We want to be Ourselves Not equal, genetically better! This is one of the main reasons for such high rape cases, child molestation, and serial murder in the pale human’s history. It is in their Genes, and they want to make clones of themselves? For it is the gene factor that will not let them create a long living human clone, but do not think they have not been trying for the last 20 years. If it were a black man it would in theory live normal, because our cells do not deteriorate as quickly. It was done in Africa 15 years ago. 80 percent to 88 percent of all serial killers, child molesters, serial rapist, hard drug offenders, users and pushers that are in jail are recessive. So why do Pale Americans fear African Americans? I talk about this further into the documents. Scientist and environmentalist say our color tells a story. The blacker the skin, the more environmental energy, the lighter the less. With this kind of information African Scientist put aside the idea of a European Physics, but because of the blood line they may still carry the ability and may not be able to use it fully. This is a Proven fact that America white Inc. (A.W. I ) an organization of individuals that tries to keep facts from normal or whole Americans( meaning full set of Genes).

I can easily duplicate the information you deleted from "I pissed off somebody", so that won't be any problem, you will probably end up deleting this entire website for fear of the truth being uncovered right? HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-- The Teller of Truth (, January 20, 2004.

"Scientists say African, Native, Spanish, and Indians anyone with pigment will have a complete set of Genes. Not lacking two or more as recessive people do, because of Inbreeding. Those who are mixed even if they are so light that they look Caucasian will have a complete set of Genes because of a direct link to those with pigment..."

It's very funny that I should plagerize...I mean write this because that means that according to me that Orientals, Indians, Arabs, Jews, and anyone including whites with dark hair or eyes have the "complete" package, AND are mentally superior to niggers. You see I never have, and never will dispute the claims that niggers have pea brains, and live like animals for a reason. And that full blooded whites still are far more advanced mentally. I'm not sorry at all for wasting your time, or that niggers are parasites. A sophisticated racist will tell you that skin tone is the least of it, but I am a nigger what do you expect???

-- The Teller of Truth (, January 20, 2004.

"Scientists say African, Native, Spanish, and Indians anyone with pigment will have a complete set of Genes. Not lacking two or more as recessive people do, because of Inbreeding. Those who are mixed even if they are so light that they look Caucasian will have a complete set of Genes because of a direct link to those with pigment..." It's very funny that I should plagerize...I mean write this because that means that according to me that Orientals, Indians, Arabs, Jews, and anyone including whites with dark hair or eyes have the "complete" package, AND are mentally superior to niggers. You see I never have, and never will dispute the claims that niggers have pea brains, and live like animals for this reason. And that full blooded whites still are far more advanced mentally. I'm not sorry at all for wasting your time, or that niggers are parasites. A sophisticated racist will tell you that skin tone is the least of it, but I am a nigger what do you expect???

-- The Teller of Truth (, January 20, 2004.


-- AKOBADAGETH. (KOBEHQ@YAHOO.COM), January 20, 2004.

Face it moderator, the truth is out of the bag, and there is nothing you can do about it. I will go back and repost those FACTS that you deleted from "I pissed off somebody". That is okay, everything can be replaced, I keep all of my information in a file and can refer to it at will. In the mean time, you really need to try to get over your inferiority complex and just accept the FACT that you are a freak of nature and genetic defect with manufactured history and accomplishments. HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-- The Teller of Truth (, January 21, 2004.

OK, either you guys want a place to talk about your race issues without being bothered, or you don't. Please tell me which it is going to be. If you close the thread again, I will assume you don't want it and I will delete it. OK??

-- Wes Kinsler (moderator) (, January 24, 2004.


-- AKOBADAGETH. (KOBEHQ@YAHOO.COM), January 25, 2004.

What are you doing, moderator? Talking to yourself again as an excuse to close down more threads to hide more facts from public view? You can't compete with me in a debate because established lies are still no match for logic and facts! Go ahead and close the thread, coward. That's all you white people really are!

-- The Teller of Truth (, January 26, 2004.



-- AKOBADAGETH (KOBEHQ@YAHOO.COM), January 26, 2004.

Pardon me, freak, but the answer to your question has already been implied and stated, you just choose to be deaf to it. That is the case because you are offended by the answer to your questions (the truth) and would rather remain in denial. A typical reaction from inferior genetic defective white people.

-- The Teller of Truth (, January 26, 2004.



-- AKOBADAGETH (KOBEHQ@YAHOO.COM), January 26, 2004.


-- The Teller of Truth (, January 27, 2004.


-- AKOBADAGETH (KOBEHQ@YAHOO.COM), January 27, 2004.

Moderator, anyone who has been monitoring this forum for any period of time will know who has been having their ass handed to him and it's not me. The simple fact that you deleted "I pissed off somebody" tells everyone right there, you eliminated the evidence. You know deep within your heart that you're a freak and you have to live with yourself. All of you white people. It must hurt to realize that you're a freak. Glad I'm not one.

-- The Teller of Truth (, January 27, 2004.




-- AKOBADAGETH (KOBEHQ@YAHOO.COM), January 27, 2004.

To AKOBADAGETH: Greetings from the Oracle. The Oracle correctly believes that the Teller of Truth will not answer your question, and at the same time answer your question. This opinion, on the surface, would seem to conflict. However, the Oracle shall reveal to you that both views are compatible and do in fact make sense.

AKOBADAGETH, you know as well as the Oracle that the Teller of Truth does not possess the knowledge of what is to be. He cannot tell you what great invention is to be revealed next. You have successfully called his bluff and clearly won the debate.

The Teller of Truth also knows he has lost yet another battle with a superior brain. No amount of melanin can help him out of this situation. He is stalling for time in hopes that you will forget the question you posed to him.

His will not answer your question because he cannot. And because he cannot provide an answer, he does indeed answer the question of whether or not he is a fraud and a charlatan.

It appears that you have invited a new friend to these boards. Please convey My most heartfelt welcome to “White” when you cross paths with him.

-- Oracle (, January 28, 2004.

To the Teller of Truth: Greetings from the Oracle. The following is a private message for the Teller of Truth. All Others Avert Your Eyes.

Teller, the Oracle urges you to accept your defeat with as much dignity and grace as you can muster. While the Oracle cannot comprehend your current emotional status, it should not be an unexpected nor novel feeling for a Negro to lose to the white man. There is no shame in losing after putting up a good fight. You resisted the infiltration of truth as long as your thick skull allowed. Now, the battle is over. AKOBADAGETH and the white race stand over you victorious. You know deep in your dark heart you have been broken like a stallion. Accept the white man’s bridle upon you. The white man’s bridle is not a yoke, but a means to guide you. Allow the white man to lead you to your destiny. Remember, the white man is a benevolent master. He does not want to see harm come to those he is responsible for. The white man knows what Negroes want and need in their lives and he is prepared to provide for them. In return, all that is required of you is to show obedience, servitude, respect, and gratitude toward the white man. It really is a small price to pay for the peace of mind you shall shortly enjoy.

The Oracle does not expect you to publicly humiliate yourself and announce your defeat. You are too proud of a man to do that. You are most likely a descendant of a King. By the way, which one was your father? Don, Rodney, or Martin Luther? Again, no public announcement is necessary on your part. As this is a private message, and none would dare intrude, we should have a secret signal known only to ourselves that indicates you have accepted your subjugation. The secret signal of your acknowledged defeat shall be your continued unwillingness to answer questions posed to you.

The Oracle shall now test your resolve. Answer the following question. Explain how the superior Negro race allowed themselves to be enslaved and controlled by a race of white mutants?

The Oracle is looking forward to your non-answer and tacit admission of defeat.

-- Oracle (, January 28, 2004.

Deleted another thread, huh, moderator? What happened to "The truth is finally revealed"? Too many facts revealed in that thread that exposed you white freaks for what you are? Every thread that we have debated on, and you delete, just proves who has been consistently handing whose ass to who. You know you are a freak and can't compete, the bogus white establishment is your affirmative action. Genetic defects and freaks of nature with manufactured history and accomplishments need a fucked up system like white supremacy (LOL) for their futile survival. However you are only wasting your time. I get intrinsic satisfaction knowing that you are suffering with this truthful information and take pride in knowing you white people are nothing but genetically inferior freaks of nature. I will post more information and facts on this forum and make you close down this entire website. Yours is not the only one that I visit and debate on. People are learning the truth about you freaks all over the internet!

I believe people are emailing you and telling you, that you are getting your ass handed to you....HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-- The Teller of Truth (, January 28, 2004.


Based on new and definitive scientific research by Professor  Emeritus Paddy Whacker at the University of mumblemumble,   we have devised a scientific method to create a photographic quality, computerized image of what your our own Aryan Superman, Orifice, er, Oracle, looks like!


The most astonishing thing revealed by this study is that there is approximately a 97.6% difference in how the average racist sees himself, and how he actually appears to others!


The main findings of Dr. Whacker’s study are that:

  1. The degree of self-aggrandizement is inversely proportional  to physical appearance!
  2. The degree to which a racist degrades other people is inversely proportional to actual level of self-esteem.


Dr. Whacker’s study also factors in the phases of the moon, last week’s winning lotto numbers, and the voices in his head, to create an imaging formula which predicts how any Aryan Superman sees himself, and how he actually looks, by analyzing postings, with 99.7% accuracy!


Let’s see..Orifice's, er, Oracle's postings have a self-aggrandizement quotient of 99.4, and an abusiveness quotient of 91.0, a flatulence quotient of 74.3, and self-esteem quotient of .00134.


Okay…I’m feeding the results into my supercomputer…and…We have results! Astonishing!


Click the following button to see an actual, scientific picture of how Ol' Rat Hole, er, Oracle sees himself (with plus or minus 2 ½% accuracy)


And how he actually looks (with plus or minus 7% accuracy) Our computer is so powerful, we had it produce two different versions, representing the 7% variance.

Amazing! Simply amazing!

-- Dr. Scienze (, July 22, 2004.


"People like you seriously make me sick."
-- Bella

"Seriously Oracle you must be the most boring person
-- Daniel Jones

"The Oracle definitely evolved from the shallow end of
the Gene Pool."
-- Garret Ford

"The Oracle has to have posted the most pointless
stupid, retarded, un-educated, crap I have ever
-- 14 th reincarnation of bob

"[The Oracle is] not making a very strong case for the
Negro mind being slow, or [his] being quick."

"As usual, your "points" are pointless crap. I'm not
sure if you're being disingenuous, or are really that
stupid.  "
-- Omaha Normandy

"In other words, the Oracle is a parasite with no
concept of the truth."
-- (, July 20, 2004.

“I couldn't be arsed to read all your tripe-filled responses…”
-- SoB

"Oracle, It is our great good fortune that so few
Americans are so full of such ugly thoughts as you."
-- 2nothate

"He's so arrogant that he won't be able to realise
that he is wrong. When you live a lie, truth is

" consistently have racist remarks in
your text.."
-- SoB

"i know a great doctor who can sorta out ya rss for ya
-- stevie

“Perhaps your lack of power over others in reality leads
you to this virtual God complex.”
-- SoB

"I wont even read your response if it turns out to be
one of your regular long-winded half-assed
-- The Penis in the Rye

"The Oracle's self- aggrandizing posts are nothing but
empty words and idiocy."
-- Garret Ford

" if there's much difference between Oracle, and
an anus noisily spurting feces and noxious gas.."
-- Dr. Scienze

oracle dude, do you sit at your computer all day and
type that shit?? you need to get out more often.” “
-- not telling

-- Omaha Normandy

-- Garret Ford

-- (,

"WOW, this oracle is a pretty popular guy."
-- PJ LeBlanc

-- Dr. Scienze (, July 28, 2004.

Almost forgot: "Orifice"

-- Dr. Scienze (, July 29, 2004.

We don't mind have "mutant skin." It is much is much better then having "brains" which have never mutated or evolved passed the gorilla stage, but you have their great skin tone as well.

We just need you superior beings to take over this country too (after financing you another 4 trillion to "bring you up to date") because look how great every other society turuns out once niggers take over. HA HA HA!! Fuck, you can't even understand the system of forum moderating on this web server, or what is in a link. Monkey.

-- (, August 07, 2004.

What do you get when you cross a drunken Australopithicus and a keyboard?
(see above post for answer).

-- Dr. Scienze (, August 07, 2004.

What do you get when you cross a nigger with a gorilla?

A retarded gorilla.

What do you get when you cross black with anything?


Why do niggers smell like shit?

So the blind can hate em too!

What's the difference between a nigger and dog turd?

Eventually the turd dries up, turns white, and stops smelling like shit!

-- (, August 07, 2004.

Hey Dr. your big word does not exist. Since I am sure you are one of those negroes that critique spelling over damning facts, did you mean Australopithecus? But I'm sure your error was not do to drunkeness!

Read about another true doctor

-- Witch Doctor Yacub (, August 07, 2004.

Hey, “Trailer Trash Yacub”!

You wrote:


 “Hey Dr. your big word does not exist. Since I am sure you are one of those negroes that critique spelling over damning facts, did you mean Australopithecus? But I'm sure your error was not do to drunkeness!”


No, asshole, I meant Australopithicus.


…and anyone who can’t even spell “due” has no business criticizing anyone else’s spelling!
You also misspelled “drunkenness, jackass.

-- Dr. Scienze (, August 08, 2004.

And racial slurs are "damning facts" only in a baseball-sized brain such like yours.

-- Dr. Scienze (, August 08, 2004.

You gonna chimp out on me noggy? Or just find out where I do my shopping, then stand by me in line with that ~SMELL that would be prime revenge Captain, but like all your other ramblings of niggardly wisdom, is not creative or original at all, doctor.

And that is a cute little website you have, I really like the pictures. But Australopithicus still is as much of a word as King was a doctor, or Egypt was a black cultivation. But thanks fo dropping da science, now I feelz edyoukatid, doctir! I aint a mothafucking doctor but I gots da wisdom of 100 Africas and constipation, child, so I gonna drops it now!

-- Dr, Leroya Yacub Ali Mohammad (, August 08, 2004.

And docterr, you may not know the big medical words of a certified doctor, but even you must know deep down of the typical negro coloring, ~STENCH~ and hair texture. Which would makes you look even more ignant, when you refer to ME, a white man, as an asshole

The dark mind at work. While evolution rests.

-- Dr. Yacub Mohammed Arkbor (, August 08, 2004.

No, Jackass, I did mean Australopithicus.

-- Dr. Scienz (, August 08, 2004.

 “Which would makes you look even more ignant, when you refer to ME, a white man, as an asshole”
-- Dr. Yacub Mohammed Arkbor (, August 08, 2004.


You’re making yourself look ignant.”

-- Dr. Scienz (, August 08, 2004.

You meant a primitive African species, that didn't (or hasn't) advanced since the beginning of civizatlion, recently unearthed? Can you think of living one?

You really are a sharp one, no putting one past a negro. And they say the truly important are always modest, I have not met a negro that wasn't a PhD or some impotint shit, on the net yet. I did mean Ignant Isn't that how many negroes pronounce it?

-- Dr. Yacub (, August 08, 2004.

I shouldn't forget the brain or lack thereof that they are so known to have in common with a rectum. And muh deek!

But you meant a primitive African species, that didn't (or hasn't) advanced since the beginning of civizatlion, recently unearthed? Can you think of living one?

You really are a sharp one, no putting one past a negro. And they say the truly important are always modest, I have not met a negro that wasn't a PhD or some impotint shit, on the net yet. I did mean Ignant Isn't that the ironic way many negroes pronounce it?

-- Dr. Yacub (, August 08, 2004.

Like you meant to misspell "due?"

-- Dr. Scienz (, August 08, 2004.

Like you meant to address ME as a primitive African speciman, as an insult? Why not just call me a Bushman, or Abro Ape (yes I know they are in Australia) But I love how you picked up on the ignant thing, converstations with negroes are always this stimulating. Doctor ;-)

-- Dr. Yacub (, August 08, 2004.

Wait, I misspelled specimen too. I just wish my spell check wasn't broke, now niggaz gon think I aint edikatid no mo! Golly I really do want these people to think I am an actual doctor. Oh shoot, I suppose I will go pick bugs and cow dung out of my hair, hunt a pygmy, not count beyond 2, then tell me "patients" how to cure AIDS, over a big boiling pot, the Afreakan way But first I shall write about how we black folk aint equal, but but superior WHERE MY WELFARE MOTHAFUCKA!!

-- Dr. Yacub (, August 08, 2004.

“Like you meant to address ME as a primitive African speciman, as an insult?”


Hmmmm. Interesting. You see, that’s the difference in you and I. You see everything in racist terms. Race had nothing to do with the remark! I was simply saying that you are a brutish troglodyte. And it certainly doesn’t make sense for me to try to insult you by calling you “Black,” any more than it would for you to try to insult me by calling me “White” (not that I would be, anyway). I will admit that it was an unnecessary remark for me to make, since your racial slurs prove that you are, in fact, a brutish troglodyte, far beyond my ability to demonstrate. Incidentally, Africa is the cradle of ALL humankind, you included. We ALL are descended from Lucy, whether you like it or not.

-- Dr. Scienz (, August 08, 2004.

“I did mean Ignant Isn't that the ironic way many negroes pronounce it?”

There are conventions which govern the use of such colloquial expressions. Are you not aware of them?
Writers use these conventions so they don’t sound ignant.  How’s that for irony?

-- Dr. Scienz (, August 08, 2004.

that’s the difference in you and I That isn't proper English usage Doc It's ironic how only negro would proclaim himself a doctor, on a forum such as this, without stating his area of expertice. An actual doctor would likely keep it to himself, and not need the approval of random brutes.

It's like that negro who finally agrees to a vasectomy, as a condition of his welfare. On the day of the operation, he is dressed in purple coat, and leppard pants. His girlfriend asks him "Why you dressed like that?" He says "Baby, if you gonna be impotent, you gots to look impotent!"

It isn't so important to me that I cross and dot all my I's and T's on a message board. I may have been drinking when I misspelled some of those words. It is not your fault, I mis wrote anything.

Just like it is not mine, Africa is just a gigantic chaotic shithole that mirrors most areas with a large negro population, that doesn't resemble any sort of civizatlion. Someone stating above, that while we may have decended from negroes, we are also believed to have decended further from gorillas, who originated in Africa and have black skin as well.

Yes human life may have originated in Africa, but then some decided to get their shit together, move on and move up. It is not my fault or any others that some cannot bring themselves to do so, or responibility to correct it. If some find themself childlike at adult age. Maybe a Yacub can fix the problem.

-- Dr. Yacub (, August 08, 2004.

Well, I am indeed a doctor! Didn’t you read? I studied under Professor Emeritus Paddy Whacker at the University of mumblemumble. Note to self: Brutish troglodytes are dense.

-- Dr. Scienz (, August 08, 2004.

I repeat: Your racial slurs prove that you are, in fact, a brutish troglodyte, far beyond my ability to demonstrate.

-- Dr. Scienz (, August 08, 2004.

Yes I guess I wasn't paying attention when you changed the last part of your email address to edu, a couple messages ago. Negroes do have such a great sense of humor. I will have to remember not to cuss on a distinguished board such as this one. And that those who use "racial slurs" such as cracker, honky, mothafucker, and "it beez racist," "where my welfare at bitch." are of the Brutish Troglodyte type. Along with those that commit so many hate crimes and important things like who is wearing blue, red, or the newest Nike footwear.

I have found that those of the ligther persuasion do tend to have blubber lips, feces stench, pubic hair, AIDS etc... No racial slur there. I will have to remember to put it politely the next time I am on an internet forum, you stupid shitskin yuppie wannabe. I feel my IQ decreasing just conversing with you.

Last word.

-- Brutish Troglodyte (, August 08, 2004.

I rest my case.

-- Dr. Scienze (, August 09, 2004.

Last word.

-- Dr. Yacub (, August 09, 2004.

a member of any race can be an asshole. but i agree with nigros' smell, color, and hair texture, small heads, that could help explain why so many are so likely to make such assholes of themselves.

-- dr brown (ha@he.ho), August 09, 2004.

“Hatred is the coward’s revenge for being intimidated.

—George Bernard Shaw

-- Dr. Scienze (, August 09, 2004.

"Dr Brown:"

YOU just demonstrated that one doesn't have to be a "nigro" to be an asshole!

-- Dr. Scienze (, August 09, 2004.

To Dr. Scienze: Greetings from the Oracle. You wrote:

"Dr Brown:"

YOU just demonstrated that one doesn't have to be a "nigro" to be an asshole!

But it certainly does not hurt to be one.

-- Oracle (, August 10, 2004.

To Dr. Scienz: Greetings from the Oracle. Interesting choice of words. From this board:

Well, I am indeed a doctor! Didn’t you read? I studied under Professor Emeritus Paddy Whacker at the University of mumblemumble. Note to self: Brutish troglodytes are dense.

-- Dr. Scienz (, August 08, 2004. I repeat: Your racial slurs prove that you are, in fact, a brutish troglodyte, far beyond my ability to demonstrate.

-- Dr. Scienz (, August 08, 2004.

From the board entitled “Can I Join the KKK Even Though I’m Black?”

I do have one question for you, OraKKKle:

In this most golden of all of humankind’s golden ages, in this time when all of the collected wisdom and genius of the ages is at our fingertips, how is it that anyone can still manage to be such an ignorant, hateful, backwards-ass troglodyte as you are? Omaha Normandy (, August 08, 2004. Same date, same exact esoteric word, different authors. Coincidence? The Oracle will allow the gentle readers of this board to draw their own conclusions.

-- Oracle (, August 10, 2004.

yes i guess my spelling of the niggero went over this one's head. that quote can be applied to all the negro losers that latch on to mother africa and white hatred and ridicilous doctrines of devilhood, to escape their failures, and bottom ranking on the evolutionary latter. the white race has nothing to be ashamed about. but plenty to worry about with so many children of adult age (cough cough nigros)

-- dr. brown (ha@he.ho), August 10, 2004.

yes i guess my spelling of the word niggero went over this one's head. your quote can be applied to all the negro losers that latch on to mother africa and white hatred and ridicilous doctrines of devilhood, and "godhood" for themselves to escape their failures, and bottom ranking on the evolutionary latter. the white race has nothing to be ashamed about. but plenty to worry about with having to care for so many children of adult age that have not caught up in the game of evolution (cough cough nigros)

-- dr. brown (ha@he.ho), August 10, 2004.

yes mr. oracle these niggeroes are just such swift con artists. once whitey reconizes their great ability maybe he shall reduce their damning prison percentage, and instead reward their unique "ability." maybe even give them a federal grant, instead of a federal sentence. that is if they are not satisified with their cable tv, weight room, with the "3 hots and a cot!"

but i suppose the nation of islam is testiment to the fact that only a jigaboo will believe his own voodoo!

-- dr. brown (ha@he.ho), August 10, 2004.

Hey, Yacub!

I looked the “recommended” reading material you provided in Last Word, and now I understand why you have such racist views, and why so many racist remarks come out of your mouth: Garbage in, Garbage Out.

-- Dr. Scienze (, August 10, 2004.

Re: “Same date, same exact esoteric word, different authors. Coincidence? The Oracle will allow the gentle readers of this board to draw their own conclusions.—Oracle (, August 10, 2004.”

This pathetic continuation of your weak “comeback” on the other board is beginning to bore me. You are beginning to bore me.  You can no longer address any real issues, so you come back with this stuff. Don’t even bother to address any more responses to me—Dr. Scienz, or Omaha Normandy—unless you have something to say.

-- Omaha Normandy (, August 10, 2004.

Wow, this conversation has gotten lively!!

To Dr. Science, Omaha, and SoB, I must say that I have followed you discussion with the oracle in the other bboard and I am quite impressed. Stay around as long as you like!


-- Wes Kinsler (moderator) (, August 10, 2004.

Hey, Thanks!

-- Omaha Normandy (, August 10, 2004.

To the Oracle, I invite a challenge. Demonstrate to me that one of two radio tubes in a 6 tube radio is superior to the other. Both tubes are 6SK7 tubes occupying different positions in the receiver. Both tubes are essential to the functionality of the radio. On is an RF amplifier, the other is an IF amplifier. Demonstrate to me that one of these two tubes is more important that the other. You may, as I am sure you will, assume that although the two tubes are the same type, they may be slightly different. Your honest, direct answer is appreciated.

-- Wes K (, August 17, 2004.

To Wes Kinsler, Moderator of this Forum: Greetings from the Oracle. The Oracle appreciates your input and time devoted to this board. The Oracle has visited your web sites and viewed your work. You are a man who wears many hats and you are to be commended for your efforts.

You have not only laid a challenge to the Oracle, but you have confused Him as well. For the life of Me the Oracle cannot see where this would be of any importance to you or society. If this question is the one that burns particularly hot in your mind, your wife or significant other has My sympathies.

It is my understanding that you are considered an expert in the field of radio tubes. This is not sarcasm my friend, but a profound respect for your accomplishments. It has come to My understanding that you actually build these devices for others.

Your posting and the manner in which it was conveyed strongly suggests that you have already seen My logical progression to determine the equality between two entities and were eager to see first hand how it was applied. The Oracle must clearly state that He does not know the answer to your question. The Oracle is not the expert in this field, you are. The Oracle readily concedes your superiority over Him in this subject. Had you taken the time to make use of it in this instance? If so, what determination did you come up with. Hopefully you had not determined them to be equal. More than a few posters have already stated on other boards that no two entities are identical. If you had indeed arrived at the conclusion that both radio tubes are equal, perhaps you need to re-think your position and get on the same page as your other friends. It does not show solidarity when you go in one direction and the rest go another.

If you have already determined these two radio tubes to be equal, had you considered ALL of the shared characteristics? Perhaps you may have missed something. Just to throw a few ideas your way, and off the top of My head, had you taken into account that since electricity flows in one direction the first tube might have to bear an infinitesimal amount more power than the second. Based solely on this information being true, and the Oracle is not claiming that it is, the fact that more electricity passes through the first tube can make it superior to the other. Also, have you looked at resistance? The Oracle is certain that if you look close enough and consider ALL shared characteristics you will find that one of these tubes are more important than the other even if both are essential to work the radio. Again, the Oracle is not, nor does He claim to be an expert in this field. He is unable to provide you with a definitive answer to your question. You have received an as honest and as direct response as the Oracle could muster. The Oracle is looking forward to hearing from you soon.

-- Oracle (, August 18, 2004.

“You have not only laid a challenge to the Oracle, but you have confused Him as well. For the life of Me the Oracle cannot see where this would be of any importance to you or society. If this question is the one that burns particularly hot in your mind, your wife or significant other has My sympathies.”

-- Oracle (, August 18, 2004.

Challenging racist arguments, and racists like you, is very important to any society, if it is to remain healthy. It is the responsibility of all decent people to challenge the poisonous dogma you and other racists and supremacists promote. Do you expect everyone who is not Black to automatically goose-step with you? There are many good, ethical people in this world—like Henry David Thoreau, jailed for refusing to pay taxes in a slave-holding regime, who, when asked by his friend Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Henry, what are you doing in there?” replied, “What are YOU doing OUT THERE?” and whose words and deeds lived beyond his short life to inspire two great civil rights movements. Like the people who left the comfort of their homes, and their comfortable positions in the American racial/social hierarchy, to march with Martin Luther King, simply because it was the right thing to do. Like the foreign volunteers who streamed into Spain from around the world to offer their lives against fascism during the Spanish Civil War, even when their own nations didn’t care. These are the things that people of courage and conviction do, OraKKKle, something you wouldn’t know about, and indeed is likely to confuse you.

You wouldn’t understand what it is to do anything for someone else’s benefit, to be charitable, to be compassionate. All you seem to have are contempt, slurs, and insults for those who are different from you, or who don’t happen to agree with you.


-- Omaha Normandy (, August 20, 2004.

Hi, OraKKKle,

I see that you recognize that expertise in a particular field tends to give one more credibility in related questions, and wisely conceded Wes’s knowledge on this issue.

The question which comes to mind is: Since you have been so adamant in promoting your theory that Black people are intellectually inferior, I assume that you have some expertise in this area. Am I correct in assuming that you have as much expertise in genetics, neurology, behavioral science, geographic anthropology, language, history, social science, political science, educational science, statistics, and anthropology, as Wes has in electronics?

-- Omaha Normandy (, August 21, 2004.


-- Omaha Normandy (, August 22, 2004.

Psychology, environmental science, toxicology....

-- Omaha Normandy (, August 22, 2004.


This seems like an appropriate time to invite you to respond to one of my previous postings to you:

You consistently (mis)use the word unequal to describe things which are actually dissimilar (e.g., Democrats and Republicans) which suggests that you believe a hierarchy necessarily exists between all things dissimilar, e.g., that because Democrats and Republicans are dissimilar from each other, one group must necessarily be superior* or inferior to the other, and because humans and dogs are dissimilar to each other, one must necessarily be superior or inferior.

Well, as far as I can see, no two things in the universe are exactly identical, much less any two (or more) groups of things**, but I’ll indulge you by naming some “unequal” (dissimilar) things, and YOU may arrange them hierarchically, and tell me why one is superior or inferior to another. Let’s start with some “unequal” groups of animals.

  1. Dogs
  2. Cats
  3. Rats
  4. Echidna
  5. Liver Flukes
  6. Blue Whales
  7. Tubeworms 8. Hagfish
  8. Lamprey
  9. Blind Cave Bats
  10. Box Turtles
  11. Civet Cats
  12. River Otters
  13. Proboscis Monkeys
  14. Barbary Apes
  15. Ganges River Dolphin
  16. Bottlenose Dolphin
  17. Dung Beetles
  18. Ostriches
  19. Hyrax
  20. Kangaroo Mice
  21. axolotls
  22. Salamanders
  23. Regent Bowerbirds
  24. Wildebeests
  25. Red Uakari
  26. Nurse Sharks
  27. Poison Arrow Frogs
  28. Collies
  29. German Shepherds
  30. Weiner Dogs
  31. Australian Cattle Dogs
  32. Beagles
  33. Brittanys
  34. Chihuahuas
  35. Foamy retrovirus

Let me know if this hierarchical relationship applies only to political groups, “racial” groups, humans, and dogs, because I have a long list of fraternal groups, and professional associations for you to sort out; a VERY long list of numbers, letters, numbers & letters, as well as a very long list of fruits and vegetables. Feel free to include yourself at the top of the last list. And hurry! We're all dying to know if a chihuahua's better than a Ganges river dolphin, or if accountants are better than plumbers!

-- Omaha Normandy (, July 19, 2004.

Also, please feel free to defer to any reputable expert (i.e. one who is not recognized as racist by Hatewatch, the Southern Poverty Law Center, or the Institute for the Study of Academic Racism, as your Dr. Lynn is) in your ordering of the above.

Also, a couple more tests of your “logical” succession:

  1. Of the numbers 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 & 9, which number is the best one, and why? Which is second best, and why? Which is third?, etc.
  2. Which is superior: the veins, or the arteries, and why?
  3. Which is superior, the retina, or the optic nerve, and why?
  4. Which color is superior— red, green, or blue, and why?

*Also, I would like you to define your use of the expression “superior,” especially in terms of whether, when you use the expression, you mean greater in quantity or number, spatially higher, dimensionally larger, of larger numerical value—OR of higher rank, quality, or importance.

** You have still failed to provide two items that cannot be compared with each other since, as you so astutely pointed out, both “English language words with rhyme with orange” and “the number for Pi” can both be expressed in mathematical terms, among other associations.

“Your honest, direct answer is appreciated.”

-- Omaha Normandy (, August 27, 2004.

Hello, Oracle. I am going to do a bit of cut and paste to simplify this response.

The text of the Oracle will be in italics in this posting.

To Wes Kinsler, Moderator of this Forum: Greetings from the Oracle. The Oracle appreciates your input and time devoted to this board. The Oracle has visited your web sites and viewed your work. You are a man who wears many hats and you are to be commended for your efforts.

Thank You!!

You have not only laid a challenge to the Oracle, but you have confused Him as well. For the life of Me the Oracle cannot see where this would be of any importance to you or society. If this question is the one that burns particularly hot in your mind, your wife or significant other has My sympathies.

I am glad you brought that up. Issues such as this have been raging in the electronics world for several decades now, and can even include more trivial details than the parts actually used inside a piece of equipment.

Particularly strange and absurd are the claims of the audiophile, who will spend enormous amounts of time and money that will, in the end result, make no change in the performance as is detectable by the limitations of his own ears. This is of course, highly subjective.
This argument can be readily seen on the Usenet forums. The battle is waged between the vintage electronics collectors/restorers, and the vacuum tube orientated "audiophiles". Reading the writings of these two groups, an interesting fact can be gleaned: one group is very technically orientated, and understands the mechanics of how and why these devices work, the other group is armed with a superficial knowledge of how and why, and are easily led to buy overpriced products which may have no ultimate effect on their listening experience.

Case in point: The "hospital grade" outlet hype of a few years ago.
A magazine ad in a popular audiophile magazine had scores of audiophiles convinced that the outlet to which they plugged their equipment into was the one crucial key to realizing the ultimate sound.
I, like many of the more technically orientated people immediately saw this as yet another marketing hype to pry some cash from the gullible. Hospital grade outlets are not anything particularly special; they are just designed to hold plugs tighter after repeated plugging in and pulling out, something desirable in a hospital. But in a home, plugs are often not removed so frequently, and, there is no difference in amperage rating (both are available in 15A and 20A ratings). In addition, the magazine was selling these outlets (Hubbel brand, the best you can buy) for $50 each, representing a 5X mark-up from the same brand and model purchased at a Lowes or Home Depot.
Besides, what about all those other links in a home's electrical system? What about the wire going from the breaker to the outlet? Is it audiophile grade ultra pure copper, or just standard Romex? Or what about the breakers themselves? etc, etc. All these are things that would, unless you equipment were very sick and in bad shape, will not produce any noticeable or measurable difference in the sound.

At any rate, just because a superior product is utilized, does not mean that better results or performance will be realized. You will only have spent time and money fixing items which aren't broken.

It is my understanding that you are considered an expert in the field of radio tubes. This is not sarcasm my friend, but a profound respect for your accomplishments. It has come to My understanding that you actually build these devices for others. Your posting and the manner in which it was conveyed strongly suggests that you have already seen My logical progression to determine the equality between two entities and were eager to see first hand how it was applied.

Yes, exactly, especially to a field I am more familiar with. However, you logical progression relies heavily upon measurement, especially precise measures for its quantitative input. This may lead to some problems, such as in electronics, where tolerances are widely used and often to be expected. (and in a few cases, desired) A very often used tolerance in audio circuits is 5%, while more precise circuits may be 2% or 1%. I state very clearly here that I am not an expert or familiar with the proper use and application of the Logical Progression, nor do I make any claims as to knowledge of when its use is appropriate. (as far as comparing two like items) What I wish to learn is how the Logical Progression works when applied to items which are functionally identical, such as massed produced interchangeable parts. In this example, I have chosen radio tubes.

The Oracle must clearly state that He does not know the answer to your question. The Oracle is not the expert in this field, you are. The Oracle readily concedes your superiority over Him in this subject. Had you taken the time to make use of it in this instance? If so, what determination did you come up with. Hopefully you had not determined them to be equal.

Say I have two 12SK7 tubes, both from the same manufacturer. Hence, both tubes will share the same 12SK7 data sheet that the manufacturer prints in his tube manuals. You might, and very appropriately, say that these are design values and not absolutes. Hence no two 12SK7 tubes could ever be exactly the same, assuming we had very expensive equipment to tell us so. However, the ultimate test is its performance not in a test instrument, but in a circuit designed for that tube. I don't wish to get too detailed here, but below is a brief description of the stages of a radio. The ones required for this discussion are in bold.

A radio needs a few essential parts to function: an antenna to pick up radio waves and convert them to an alternating current, a selector to select an alternating current whose frequency is that of the station we want to hear, an amplifier that can amplify currents alternating at any of the radio frequencies carrying a station, a converter to change the frequency of the alternating current to a fixed frequency that is the same, regardless of  what we selected, and a high-gain amplifier to amplify the fixed frequency alternating current. From here the alternating current is rectified into a weak audio signal and amplified by an audio amplifier.

Now, I know it seemed very long, but it was as devoid of technical terms as I could render it. One of our 12SK7 tubes will be used as an amplifier that can amplify currents alternating at any of the radio frequencies carrying a station, known as the RF amplifier, and another will be use as a high-gain amplifier to amplify the fixed frequency alternating current, the IF amplifier. An oscilloscope will be connected across the terminals of the radio's speakers, as this is were any change would be important. A fixed test signal will be transmitted to the radio at some frequency the radio can pick up.

Now begins our test of which of two supposedly identical tubes is superior. The test will be conducted using two test instruments, an oscilloscope, and the human ear. Our two tubes, designated 12SK7-A and 12SK7-B are inserted with A in the RF amplifier position and B in the IF amplifier position. The radio is switched on. The oscilloscope shows us a waveform that is nearly identical to the original, with only 0.005% THD (total harmonic distortion) at this level, any difference between the original and reproduced signal would be indistinguishable to the human ear (the human ear cannot detect, it has been determined, THD below 1%). Switching the equipment of and reversing the position of the tubes (A in the IF and B in the RF), and then switching back on gives us a waveform of 0.006% THD. Obviously, then one of the tubes is not as good as the other, (probably tube B).

However, the problem exists that the equipment, though serviced and calibrated before use is now slightly off (very very slightly).  We allowed the circuitry of the radio to cool down between tests, and during the tests the circuitry was heating up, the different components were changing value, ever so slightly enough to cause slight changes in readings (in fact, by as much as plus or minus 2-5%, the tolerance ratings one would find in this type of circuit The mechanical jarring of the tubes during inserting and removing them is enough to create minute changes in their characteristics as well. So, we might "weight" our readings to compensate for these difficulties. But since the difference was only 0.001%, we can just say that the tubes are "matched", rather than identical. In reality, the manufacturer, the service technician, and even the home listener would probably not care much about the 0.001% difference in the two tubes, because functionally, they are performing as designed.

Now, it would be possible, with great care and expense in the manufacturing technique to make both tubes exactly equal to the point that all of our instruments would be not able to detect the difference in measurable characteristics, but would it be practical? Would it be functionally necessary? A cut-off point has to be set somewhere saying that for the given application these two tubes are intended, they are equal. (you might say assumed equal, I would say functionally equal)

This statement should hold true for any mass-produced interchangeable part, correct?

More than a few posters have already stated on other boards that no two entities are identical.

With anything, this would be nearly impossible, although, because of extensively extreme miniaturization of semiconductors for IC computer chips, we may see a day where no differences can be discerned all the way to the sub- atomic level.

If you had indeed arrived at the conclusion that both radio tubes are equal, perhaps you need to re-think your position and get on the same page as your other friends. It does not show solidarity when you go in one direction and the rest go another. If you have already determined these two radio tubes to be equal, had you considered ALL of the shared characteristics? Perhaps you may have missed something. Just to throw a few ideas your way, and off the top of My head, had you taken into account that since electricity flows in one direction the first tube might have to bear an infinitesimal amount more power than the second. Based solely on this information being true, and the Oracle is not claiming that it is, the fact that more electricity passes through the first tube can make it superior to the other. Also, have you looked at resistance? The Oracle is certain that if you look close enough and consider ALL shared characteristics you will find that one of these tubes are more important than the other even if both are essential to work the radio. Again, the Oracle is not, nor does He claim to be an expert in this field. He is unable to provide you with a definitive answer to your question. You have received an as honest and as direct response as the Oracle could muster.

Thank you, I really do appreciate that.

{The Oracle}... looking forward to hearing from you soon.


-- Wes Kinsler (, August 27, 2004.

Another test of your logical progression: I have a bucket full of sand. Please order them from the most superior grain to the most inferior.

-- Omaha Normandy (, September 03, 2004.

Previous challenge for OraKKKle.

-- Omaha Normandy (, September 03, 2004.

To Omaha Normandy: Greetings from the Oracle. The Oracle has returned. Again, He is faced with challenges posed to Him, while the challenges made by Him to others remain unmet and ignored. It appears the Oracle is always required to justify His beliefs, yet you believe you and your ilk are under no such obligation. You must remember, our discussion is not only centered about the justification of My beliefs, but yours as well. The Oracle sees no great need to continue to satisfy your curiosity concerning His correct point of view. He has provided enough fodder for discussion. It would be nice if you justified your position once in a while. The Oracle hopes that you have enough faith in your beliefs that they can withstand His scrutiny. Perhaps your fear of what you may learn prevents you from sharing your knowledge. Again, you are asked to provide evidence that supports your belief the races, as groups, are equal to one another.

The Oracle gives you the opportunity, using your example, to show the gentle readers how your belief of equality works. On one hand you claim there is no hierarchy. Nothing is better or worse than another in your world. To you a pile of dog droppings and a slice of sweet potato pie are of equal value. (You must not take it personally if the Oracle respectfully declines an invitation to share dinner at your home.)

On the other hand you claim the value of the item depends on the situation. This suggests you actually do believe in a hierarchy. The Oracle agrees with this assessment.

For equality to exist, every characteristic of the two compared entities must not only share the exact same values, but they must be equally valued in all situations as well. This is what true equality is all about. Remember, if you value one item more or less than another in any given situation, you can hardly consider them to be equal to one another, can you?

You imply that the individual grains of sand do not have a hierarchy. You imply that the individual grains of sand are of equal value. Your assignment is to disprove the Oracle’s logical progression of determining equality between two entities by proving that one bucket of sand is the same as any other bucket of sand. You must show the Oracle where these two buckets are indeed equal in all characteristics and there is no hierarchy. They must not just appear equal, but be truly equal. Each grain of sand in one bucket must be matched by an identical grain in the second. Feel free to set any conditions you desire. The only way your scenario could even be remotely accurate would be for you to take the extraordinary effort to specifically select identical grains of sand (equal in all characteristics) to fill each bucket. But keep this one small fact in mind at all times. Your act of specific selection will only prove the point the Oracle has previously made where only man’s intervention can create equality from something Nature has made unequal.

To make the most impact of your point of view, you are invited to acquire as much evidence as possible. To do that, you need to fill each bucket with the largest amount of identical sand grains as possible. The Oracle strongly suggests that you begin to go pound sand immediately.

-- Oracle (, September 03, 2004.

First of all, OraKKKle, you are a liar. I have responded to you on many occasions, have defended my positions as well, and will continue to do so. The curious can find many of our exchanges here: msg.tcl?msg_id=00C2TC

-- Omaha Normandy (, September 03, 2004.

To Omaha Normandy: Greetings from the Oracle. On August 20, 2004 you wrote concerning the Oracle:

All you seem to have are contempt, slurs, and insults for those who are different from you, or who don’t happen to agree with you.

Of course you have never engaged in this behavior when dealing with Me, have you? You obviously have never shown contempt for Me. You have never slurred nor insulted the good name of the Oracle with your intentional misspelling of His name? You have expressed nothing but charity and compassion toward Me and others who do not share your beliefs.

The Oracle laughs at your hypocrisy. You are guilty of the same actions you falsely accuse the Oracle of. And you have the nerve to call yourself a decent person. He was not aware that hypocrisy is a characteristic to be respected and admired among “decent” people. This is undoubtedly why you do not place the Oracle in this category.

You claim it is up to “decent” people to challenge My “poisonous dogma”. That is well. The Oracle welcomes this scrutiny. He not only expresses WHAT He believes, but also WHY He believes. He is fully capable of defending His beliefs. Unfortunately, you are unwilling to provide evidence of WHY you believe what you do. Again, what evidence do have in your possession that led you to the conclusion the races are equal to one another? Where are your scientific facts? We have waited long enough.

Notice how you use the words compassion and charity. This implies that the object to which the charity and compassion are directed is in need of these things from another object that is in a higher position and is therefore able to provide them. If the object were truly on an equal footing with another, charity and compassion would not be necessary. If the Negro and the white were truly equal to one another, the Negro would not be begging the white race for compassion and charity. You beg for these things only because you seek to attain the same level with the white man. If your race were already on our level you would not need our compassion and charity. You ask these things only because you know that without the white man’s constant influx of charity and compassion your race is destined for failure. If you were equal, you would already be standing on your own two feet and not bother us whenever you find yourselves in a predicament that you cannot get out of by yourselves. If you are equal, please stop your whining and complaining.

If you doubt My assessment, ask yourself the following questions. When was the last time you heard the white race pleading with the Negro for his compassion and charity? What compassion, what charity can the Negro give to comfort the white race that the white race does not already have? There is none. My friend, you need the white man more than he needs you. Keep that in the forefront of your mind at all times. My assessment is not born out of hatred for the Negro, but a careful analysis of what is. The Oracle cannot escape Reality. What is, is. He must face it, accept it and live life accordingly. When you, Omaha Normandy, face the fact that the Negro race is doomed without the white man and accept this as Reality, then, and only then, can you live your life accordingly. What you fail to realize is that you can still have a fulfilling life as a second-class citizen. There is nothing wrong in being second best at anything and there is no shame in coming up short of the mark either. The important thing is that you have given it your best shot to be among the elite and when that could not be accomplished, be satisfied with the silver medal instead of the gold.

-- Oracle (, September 03, 2004.

Hi, Wes!

I’ve been kicking this question around with my brother-in-law for a while now, and I wanted to get your take on it...

A large 1-gallon pickle jar is filled ¾ full of alternating (1”) layers of black sand, and white sand. The particles of sand are all of similar composition, shape, and size, differing only in color. If this jar is continuously shaken, in a random fashion, forever, (and the sand and the jar are affected only by shaking, gravity, do not wear away with time, are chemically nonreactive, do not develop static “cling,” etc.) will the sand ever return to its initial layered state?

My brother-in-law contends that any arrangement of the sand particles has an equal chance of occurring with random shaking: thus, over time, the sand particles will return to their initial layered state, and, indeed, every imaginable arrangement of sand particles will eventually occur.

My contention is that:

1.      Because of entropy, the distribution of the sand particles will proceed, with random shaking, from its initial state, towards a state of more uniform distribution.

2.      All imaginable arrangements of sand particles do not have an equal chance of occurring. With random shaking, arrangements that manifest more uniform distribution have a higher likelihood of occurring than those with less, over time.

3.      Because of this trend towards more uniform distribution over time, a return to the initial layered state actually becomes more unlikely over time. (I also believe that the only reason that it can’t be said that the sand will never return to its initial layered state, as a result of random shaking, is because we do not have eternity to prove that it will never happen. As it is, the probability of the sand returning to its initial layered state (or any significantly less uniform state) is so close to zero that the difference is hardly worth mentioning.

Does a derivative theorem, so to speak, exist, that states that “having approached to within (some small percentage) of maximum theoretical distribution (maximum entropy), there is a very high probability that it is impossible that the distribution will ever vary, over time, by more than a very small percentage, from that state.”?

I sent this question to an MIT professor, and the answer I got just raised further questions:

“More than a century ago, the French mathematical physicist Henri Poincare
proved his famous Recurrence Theorem for Hamiltonian systems.  It says that
your brother-in-law is right.  Do a google search on Poincare Recurrence
Theorem for more information.

So, if the universe is a closed system of particles, this would seem to guarantee that every state that ever existed would recur. Is the Poincare Recurrence theorem definitive proof of reincarnation, and, in fact, a guarantee that every state of the universe that ever existed repeats itself, exactly over time, forever? Or, are we talking about the paradox of infinity repeating itself?

-- Omaha Normandy (, September 06, 2004.

“The Oracle gives you the opportunity, using your example, to show the gentle readers how your belief of equality works. On one hand you claim there is no hierarchy. Nothing is better or worse than another in your world. To you a pile of dog droppings and a slice of sweet potato pie are of equal value.”

Oracle (, September 03, 2004.


Indeed not. I said that the notions of “inferior” and “superior” are opinion only, and vary from person to person. Like everyone else, I have my opinions. For instance, I don’t believe that the OraKKKle’s sophistry and a pile of dog droppings are of equal value—because the latter can at least be used as fertilizer.

-- Omaha Normandy (, September 06, 2004.

And in what way are *huh huh huh* black run nations superior to white ones?

-- Good Ol John Thomas (, September 06, 2004.

...or for the matter how are black run cities or black run anything, with a black majority equal??

-- Good Ol John Thomas (, September 07, 2004.

Omaha, The alternating layers of sand will mix and form a shade of grey. Because of the alternating manner in which the sand was place, this mixing will reach near completion very quickly (filling just half and half will take much longer). Past this point, further color blending will probably not take place, and the layers will not reappear.

However, as to the exact shade of grey:
Three possibilities exist, based on the number of layers exist,
The bottom most layer is the opposite of the top most.
Both the top most and bottom most layers are white.
Both the top most and bottom most layers are black.

For B(l)=W(l), it will be a perfect 50% grey.
For B(l)=W(l)+1, it will be a slightly lighter shade than the above.
For B(l)+1=W(l), then it will be a slighlty darker grey than the 50% grey.
I don't know what relevence that had, but it reminded me of my shading scales from Art class!!

-- Wes Kinsler (, September 07, 2004.

mumu mugu keep offfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

-- mmiri mumu (, October 19, 2004.

I've just read some pretty fucked up things yall say to each other about races and what not, and it really is a shame. the racist people, the blacks, asians, hispanics, sure youre all very good people in heart. yall oughta try and be kind sometimes, its really a rewarding feeling. god bless

-- brian (, October 19, 2004.

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