Chrome Lens Hoods for M Lenses : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Here we go again with black vs chrome lenses and bodies - however, as I am considering the purchase of a new M6 and several lenses, can anyone tell me if the chrome lenses come with chrome hoods - and, are they metal vs the black plastic ones you get with the black lenses.

-- Stephen Dominick (, December 01, 2001


Chrome lenses with built-in sliding hoods will have chrome hoods while detachable ones will have black hood except for the 50mm Elmar which will be chrome/chrome, black/black. Black paint lenses will have black paint hoods.

-- ray tai (, December 01, 2001.


As above, detachable lens hoods will be black (usually plastic), except for the 50/2.8 Elmar chrome, in which case the lens hood provided is chrome. For example, if you buy a 35/2.0 Summicron-ASPH in chrome finish, the lens hood will be the same black plastic affair that comes with the black version of this lens.

One thing you might want to consider in buying chrome lenses is that Leica has determined that the chrome finish works best when plated onto brass, rather than the usual lighter alloys. Therefore, all chrome lenses are made with a brass barrel. This might seem like a good thing (lenses are sturdier mechanically) but it has a downside. The brass makes the lens significantly heavier than the corresponding black versions. The same is true of the titanium finish lenses.

I would compare the black vs chrome lenses side by side before buying. Some people don't like the extra weight of the chrome versions, so see how they feel to you.

-- Eliot (, December 02, 2001.

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