cheap kitty litter? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Does anyone have any ideas on what to use for kitty litter instead of buying the bags from the grocery store?

We just have one house cat but we like to change the litter box frequently and the store bot cat litter can get quite expensive.

Thanks in advance for your help.

-- susan banks (, December 02, 2001


shredded newspaper

-- Elizabeth (, December 02, 2001.

What they used before kitty litter -- SAND!

-- Karen (, December 02, 2001.

saw dust,,clay oil dry,, needle and thread,,sew the cat closed

-- stan (, December 02, 2001.

Commercial garage floor sweeping compound. Can be found at most parts stores in fiftyish pound bags for about what you pay for 10 lbs of "cat" litter.

-- Willy Allen (, December 02, 2001.

Check your local farm supply stores. We pay about $1.60 per 25 pound bag of clay litter. For 1 cat that should last a while.

-- Trisha-MN (, December 02, 2001.


-- carol (, December 02, 2001.

Plain old dirt.

-- AyleeAnn (, December 02, 2001.

I've heard of people using small-pelleted stock food - say alfalfa. Buy in bulk. After use, just throw on a special compost heap.

-- Don Armstrong (, December 02, 2001.

I have 10 housecats and 4 litterboxes for them. As we are in the auto repair business, I occasionally buy the 50 lb. bags of oil dry for $6.50 per bag. Cat litter at my feed store is $5.00 for 50 lbs. Oil dry is convenient for me 'cause they deliver for us...but while at the feed store I will get it there. Ashes (cold!) or baking soda are excellent deodorizers!! Sprinkle about a half inch in the bottom of the litterbox before adding litter.

-- Marcia (, December 02, 2001.

Wiily Allen is right, at farm supply stores and at Sam's Clubs they sell "Oil Dry" in 50 pound bags for less than 5 dollars, it's simply kitty litter with no additives like perfume and dust retardents.

-- Annie Miller in SE OH (, December 02, 2001.

I get kitty litter at Wal Mart 25 lbs for $1.87 it is called "Special Kitty" works fine for us and much cheaper that other brands. Renie

-- Irene Burt (, December 02, 2001.

Wood pellets (plain type) for wood pellet stoves. They cost about $2.50-$4 for a 50 lb bag (depending on where you live). They are non- tracking, and the ones that get wet expand so that you can see 'where' to scoop. I use alfalfa rabbit pellets in my rabbit's litter box and that works very well too, but is more expensive ($7-10 for 50 lbs). Both have some help in odor control. The barn cat uses the dirt arena, so I've got to believe that keeping a garbage can of dry sand where it will not freeze for use during the winter months (if it freezes where you are, otherwise just to keep it dry) that would work too, however, if the cat is indoors (I assume) this is somewhat dirtier as it tracks.

-- julie f. (, December 02, 2001.

I had an idea- saw dust. Go to any saw mill and they will give the stuff away free, in many cases, at least the one here does. piney smell and free and wetness absorbing... hey, if I could just sew up some sawdust diapers, Id be in business!

-- Kevin in NC (, December 02, 2001.

A friend of mine who has an indoor cat uses sawdust which she reckons is the best stuff to use as catlitter. You'd probably be able to get it free from a sawmill or from someone who does woodturning.

-- Maryanne (, December 03, 2001.

Sawdust or shavings do work fine...for awhile. Then the ammonia from urine gets a little strong :-)! Also they get tracked around the house very easily. Sure wish I lived closer to Sam's Club!!

-- Marcia (, December 03, 2001.

I use the cheapest brand available,but I also add a product called Odor Sense - I get it at Kroger - it really helps with the smell so the litter lasts longer.

-- Linda Al-Sangar (, December 04, 2001.

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