a lens cap amibient light meter?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread


I had heard of a lens cap amibient light meter in Pop Photo about 2-3 years ago, but I can't locate one now. Basically it was a lens cap with a translucent part that supposedly turned your camera's built-in reflected light meter into an amibient light meter. It was very inexpensive, and seemed like a good idea.

Any thoughts? Lutz, you want to build one? :-)


-- David Carson (dave@davidcarson.com), December 03, 2001



I think it was called something like the "Williams expo-disk"; not exactly sure though... It could also be used for pre-exposing or pre- flashing film to stretch contrast. But of course this was practical only with cameras that permitted double-exposure.

-- Jack Flesher (jbflesher@msn.com), December 03, 2001.

Hi, Jack, you are correct it is the Williams expo-disk. It actually has a number of functions, from calibrating your meter to using it for incident readings as well as the pre flash readings. The web address for it is www.expo-disc.com. The inventor, Mr Williams, who was very active in photography passed away this past spring, but his company still produces the disc. Having owned a couple of leicas over the past couple of years I have to say this is a very informative and enjoyable list. Rob

-- Robert Steinberg (rstein@erols.com), December 03, 2001.


It's the Wallace Expo-Disc--> www.expodisc.com

-- David Cuningham (dcunningham@attglobal.net), December 03, 2001.

Well so much for hand eye coordination. Thanks for the correction.

-- Robert Steinberg (rstein@erols.com), December 03, 2001.

Hey guys, thanks for the answers, but er, I asked the question, not Lutz. I was just joking to Lutz that he should make one if none existed, as he is quite the invertor...

Don't want poor Lutz to be blamed for my questions!


-- David Carson (dave@davidcarson.com), December 03, 2001.

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