School Superintendent : LUSENET : San Francisco History : One Thread

Want to know where I can obtain information on a Willard KINGSBURY, who was superintendent of the San Francisco School in 1900.

-- FRANK VAN TASSEL (, December 03, 2001


The problem is this. I don't think your information is correct to begin with. Many years ago, I had a discussion with someone about the education system around 1900 in San Francisco and how some people at that time like Abraham Reuf become lawyers at a very early age like 21. Anyway, the guy spoke about the problems they had in around 1900 with kids not going to school when they were supposed to because there was no law that stated that they had to be in school and so the city then passed just such a law -- something like that. Anyway, the guy mentioned that the superintendant of public schools was responsible for helping to establish that law and the name he mentioned was not Kingsbury. I know the name was a common name and it finally came to me last night. The superintendant's name was Webster not Kingsbury. So it might help a little if you found out exactly what Kingsbury's job was though I suspect you will find very little on him.

-- Harry Murphy (, December 08, 2001.

Harry is correct-------

Reginald H Webster served as Superintendent of SF Schools from Dec 26, 1896 to Jan 8, 1903.

William H. Langdon served from Jan 8, 1903 to Jan 8, 1906.

Alfred Roncovieri served from Jan 8, 1906 until?


-- carolyn feroben (, December 27, 2001.

A William S. KINGSBURY was elected Surveyor General of SF in the election of 1910- per the SF Muni Report of that year.


-- carolyn feroben (, December 27, 2001.

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