Bias at CBS? : LUSENET : Unk's Troll-free Private Saloon : One Thread

Bernard Goldberg, a CBS correspondent for 28 years, calls CBS brass "a bunch of hypocrites" so consumed by liberal bias that they reflexively slant the news.

Howie Kurtz, Washington Post, 12/3/01

-- (, December 03, 2001


Gee, who knew?

-- (, December 03, 2001.

Frankly, I'm shocked. Do you think John Stossel will do an expose on this?

-- Jack Booted Thug (, December 04, 2001.

Exerpts from Playboy's fair and balanced interview with Fox News' Btit Hume.

-- (, December 04, 2001.

Freudian slip, Lars? ; )

-- Pammy (, December 04, 2001.

Pammy, was Freud a cross-dresser?

-- (, December 04, 2001.

Musta been if he had a slip. ; )

-- Pammy (, December 04, 2001.

Freud occasionally wore slips while researching the question "what do women want?"

-- (, December 04, 2001.

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