leica m loading

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

you can read a lot about the impossible task of loading a leica m, even the later models. of course leica fans say it can be done quite swiftly with a little practice. now my statement:


I just can't wait to finish a film.i even consider to switch to 24 or 12 exposures just for that reason. or maybe i stop taking pictures and only use my camera for the fun of loading it. that would come much cheaper anyway (no developing cost) it is a pleasure to unsrcew the baseplate and hinge up the back. from day one i didn't have any problems. it just works perfectly. if your finger diameter is less than 3cm you shouldn't have a problem. i can't do it one-handed yet, but i'll keep on practicing.

-- stefan randlkofer (geesbert@yahoo.com), December 04, 2001


For enhanced pleasure maybe you may switch to a M2 / M3 ? They have more loading features than the M6.

Or even LSM cameras as the ultimate challenge ...

-- Kai Blanke (kai.blanke@iname.com), December 04, 2001.

whatever butters your muffin... :-)

-- stephen jones (stephenjjones@btopenworld.com), December 04, 2001.

I fully agree with your findings. I enjoy it so much, I even tried deliberately misloading the film, so I would have to take it out and start again - but I can't! (Does anyone know how to misload an M6?)

-- Ray Moth (ray_moth@yahoo.com), December 04, 2001.

Ray, you are kidding, right?

If not, trust me, its quite possible to misload an M6 and have it jam. Happens frequently with my M6 classic, but never with my M6TTL. Strange.

-- Mani Sitaraman (bindumani@pacfic.net.sg), December 04, 2001.


Tips for misloading an M4/4-x/6:

1) Open the back at any time during the loading sequence.

2) Try and manually align film holes with sprockets.

3) Bend, fold or mutilate leader tip to make it catch take-up prongs. (this also make rewinding exciting as well.)

4) Start winding while the bottom is off.

If anyone wants I can post my patented step-by-step expansion of Andrew Nemeths excellent web-site instructions for how NOT to misload an M4+. Maybe he can post his link, too.

-- Andy Piper (apidens@denver.infi.net), December 04, 2001.

Ever tried rolling your own fag out on the horse with one hand?

-- Michael Kastner (kastner@zedat.fu-berlin.de), December 04, 2001.

I have to say I used to load my M6 the wrong way for 10 years (align film in sprocket holes, advance with bottom and back door open) and I never misloaded a single time. After having read I did al wrong I tried loading the correct way, I must say that it's much easier to just drop it in like shown on the diagram, close and advance two frames. I tried it numerous times and no misloads.

-- Bert Keuken (bkkn@wanadoo.nl), December 04, 2001.



(sheepishly) just what is the "right" way. I used to follow the instructions perfectly and often had irregular frame spaces (tho' never overlapping). When I spoke to Leica UK they told me to ignore the instructions, to wind on twice with the back open and to manually align the film sprockets since when I've never had a problem. Still, I'd stuggle with my method if I had a horse between my chaps - maybe it's time somone learnt me up about the best way...Be gentle with me, it's hard to admit to this level of ignorance. Any advice?

-- stephen jones (stephenjjones@btopenworld.com), December 04, 2001.

Later cameras have a square edge on the upper film gate. This catches the edge of the film as you load. Earlier cameras have a nice rounded edge that seldom causes any trouble. I have had several M cameras with absolutely no loading problems but my new TTL will misload every time unless I open the back and guide the film over the gate edge.

For absolutely fool proof loading in the dark (theaters and such), just trim your leaders long just like the you do for the LTM cameras.

-- John Collier (jbcollier@powersurfr.com), December 04, 2001.


One word: Fetish.

-- jeff voorhees (debontekou@yahoo.com), December 04, 2001.

John Collier: Sounds like Leica has continued to "improve" the M design.

Why I love my M4-2/Ps: Reason No. 11.....no sharp film gate.

-- Andy Piper (apidens@denver.infi.net), December 04, 2001.

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