Hey BART (Dominickwb@dot.state.sc.us), How are the Twins?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

How about a update on the twins Bart.

Congratulations again.

-- Kenneth in N.C. (wizardsplace13@hotmail.com), December 04, 2001


Hello again everyone,

Thanks to all who e-mailed me, all who tried and all who thought of us in your hears. Some of you may have tried, but were unsuccessful. Our server at work has been down a few days.

The twins are doing great. They have gone through the usual lose of birth weight and are gaining back. Andrew, who weighed 4-1 at birth, now weighs 4-3. Rebekah, who weighed 4-10 at birth, now weighs 4-5. Rebekah is taking a bottle at every feeding and Andrew is taking one at every other feeding (tube feeding in between). By tomorrow, he should be on all bottles. They are getting mom's milk (or liquid gold as my wife calls it) everyday and I think that will speed up their time in the NICU. Thanks again.


-- Bart (Dominickwb@dot.state.sc.us), December 05, 2001.

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