goat packing

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Does anybody have any info on how to build a goat pack? I have never seen one except for in a catalogue. There seems to be a wooden "saddle" piece that goes over the back and holds the packs off the goat distributing the weight. I could sew some packs but need a picture or plans of the saddle to show hubby. Also if anyone has any tips on training. All my goats are very tame and most will lead ok until I walk past the apple tree. I use soft neck collars and leads, but have been tempted to try a dogs muzzle harness for packing (the kind that leads from the head, with correction given around the muzzle). I am hoping for a buck kid I can fix and start to train this spring and if I am prepared enough for a little buck then maybe I'll have all does. I requested a goat packing book at my library, but there doesn't appear to be one in the system and my goat husbandry books only give rudimentary advice that it can be done. Thanks for any help!

-- Terri in NS (terri@tallships.ca), December 04, 2001


There was a book by Jim Corbett, who died last year, about using goats as pack animals. He lived in Arizona and had a very colorful life -- interesting guy. Anyway, I think the book was published about ten years ago. It was about living a self sufficient life in the "wilderness" with goats as your primary source of transportation and their milk as your food. Don't remember the title, but it was something about goats. Maybe, Goat Packing -- I kinda remember it was a short title. Good luck.

-- Joe (CactusJoe001@AOL.com), December 04, 2001.

Go to caprinesupply.com; it has the aforementioned book plus another one on the subject of goat packing. Look under "working goats" header. We find a sheep halter works best for leading goats.

-- Walt K. (kraterkrew@lcsys.net), December 04, 2001.

Check the archives under " goats general: there is a thread from a few weeks ago concerning this very topic " renting goats ". It had lots of good info and i had included a great book title about goat packing


-- Ken in Maine (kenjan@nh.adelphia.net), December 04, 2001.

Northwest Packgoat Supply is a great place to get goat packing saddles. They have a do it yourself 'kit' for about 50.00 The saddle is lightly asembled and you have to take it apart (use it for a pattern if you want?) sand and stain it. It comes with all the rigging also. They are really great people and the made me one for my miniature horse.

-- miller (smillers@snowcrest.net), December 05, 2001.

oops forgot to give the web address.... LOL www.northwestpackgoats.com

-- miller (smillers@snowcrest.net), December 05, 2001.

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