working of locomotive : LUSENET : Southern Railway : One Thread

dear friend/Sir, i am keen to know one thing about locomotives and that is: whether the locomotives run directly with cylinders (piston movement) OR first electricity is generated within the engine and then an automatic motor regulates the wheel motion. thankyou in anticipation. waiting for a reply Manish Sharma

-- Manish Sharma (, December 04, 2001


Most modern diesel locomotives use the piston movement of their diesel engines ('prime movers') to turn a shaft connected to an electrical generating device (alternator) that produces electricity that is sent to 'traction motors' on each wheel axle, thus turning the axle and wheels. This is a very simplified explanation...there are web sites that can give you greater details as well as diagrams about locomotive operation.

-- Greg Hodges (, December 05, 2001.

sir,i want to know about the working of locomotives based on the electricity. as soon as the trac touches the upper portion then train moves. how? plese tell me

-- sagar c hiswankar (, July 06, 2004.

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