LPL ? does it make difference : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Film & Processing : One Thread

What is the difference between an LPL enlarger & an normal one? Thinks in advance

-- Samer Kaspo (, December 05, 2001


lpl is a brand of enlarger. it would depend on what model you were comparing it to and what model of lpl you were thinking of. overall, more info is needed.

-- joe rizzuto (, December 06, 2001.

LPL enlargers are Japanese-made, distributed under the Saunders brand name in the US. Calumet has a full line from 35mm to 4x5. Search their website for "Saunders enlargers" and you'll get them.

I use a Saunders LPL 4550XLG. It has a variable contrast head, which can quickly be switched out with a regular Black and White head or a dichroic head. It has been a joy to use.

-- Don Welch (, December 06, 2001.

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