cheap xmas toy : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Just came from toys r us and bought a neat thing. It is a nestle quick milk shake maker, takes no batterys[ YEA} Just put in icecrem add powder and plunge head up and down. It is 9 dollars.I wonder if you could use it to make butter? Does it matter if it is agitated up and down rather then side to side for butter? Just thought I would mention it.

-- kathy h (, December 06, 2001


Response to cheap xmass toy

The old time butter churns made of crock whith a paddle agitated up and down.

-- ruby (, December 06, 2001.

Response to cheap xmass toy

My favorite cheap toy was a box of Executive Kindling (mill ends). Only about $3 a box and when the kids were tired of them we used them for their original purpose - kindling!

-- Bonnie (, December 06, 2001.

Response to cheap xmass toy

Around here we have a snooty neighborhood called "Mill Creek." At the edge of that neighborhood is a 1960's rambler with a sign in the front yard. The sign says, "Mill End." I just love that!

-- Laura Rae Jensen (, December 07, 2001.

Etch-A-Sketch! Keeps my three year old occupied for quite a while.

-- j.r. guerra (, December 07, 2001.

Hey that it would work for butter. I still need to get a couple small things for youngest (grandma gives me money to pick stuff out for him) and I sure like the idea of a gift that could retire to a good use in my kitchen!! Thanks for the tip!!

-- Jenny (, December 07, 2001.

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