had to share (daughter accepted at college of choice)

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Just had to share the good news. Found out this morning that the youngest has just been accepted to the University of Oregon at Eugene!

This is the only one she applied to. She wants to major in environmental studies and maybe minor in biology or genetics. I called the school and left a message with the guidance councellor. They said they would tell her. Wish I could have seen her face, I am sure she screamed.

Exciting for a parent to see their childs dreams come true. The oldest is taking her doctorate, the son is doing what we loves, the youngest will be leaving home and we are going back to the country. What better holiday gifts could there be!

Thanks for listening.

-- Cordy (ckaylegian@aol.com), December 07, 2001


Response to had to share

Congratulations! Looks like a really good holiday at your house!

-- Sandie in Maine (peqbear@maine.rr.com), December 07, 2001.

Congratulations to you both, and an especial personal congratulations and appreciation from me for her having chosen environmental studies! Makes me very happy to hear of those who choose such programs. :-)

-- Joy F (S.Central Wisc) (CatFlunky@excite.com), December 07, 2001.

Hip Hip Hooray!!! for Cordy and family.

-- TomK(mich) (tjk@cac.net), December 07, 2001.

Great news! Congratulations to her and to you, too.

-- Gary in Indiana (gk6854@aol.com), December 07, 2001.

Congratulations to you and yours. UofO is a good school! My grandson spent 2 years in college in China learning Chinese, and he just informed us he is now going to college in Palestine to learn Arabic. Rest of family hit the ceiling. I said "Go for it". I agree it is excpting to see the ambition they have making their dreams come true.

-- Duffy (hazelm@tenforward.com), December 08, 2001.

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