Trays or Drum processors? : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

What are the pro's and con's when using the Jobo drum processors or since im new at this should I just stay with trays for developing my prints? Thanks

-- Mark (, December 08, 2001



Go to the bottom of the current threads in the film and processing forum and search the archives. There are several fairly recent threads addressing the use of rotary drum processing. Look over those first because there is a wealth of info provided. To provide a short answer, you can get identical results with either depending on developer and film used. however, some processes such as extreme dilutions, and N- development work best in trays. I use both, probably 75% JOBO 25% trays for large format.

-- James Chinn (, December 09, 2001.

Maybe I am not reading the question correctly, but Mark seems to be asking about prints, not film. Drum processors are frequently used in color printing because they should be processed in total darkness. Since B&W printing can be done with a safelight, most people find trays to be more convenient.

-- Michael Feldman (, December 09, 2001.

Oops, sorry. I think you will find that it is far easier to use trays for prints if you are printing from B&W negs. It is very time consuming using the processor for prints as you need to stop and clean the drum every time between prints to make sure the next batch of developer is not contaminated.

-- James Chinn (, December 10, 2001.

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