"Thrifty Gifts"

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Made my usual Sunday stop at the local Goodwill Store (Sunday is dollar day, nothing like getting a brand new-or almost new-pair of jeans or whatever for a buck!) Anyway, the place was loaded with 'new old stock' from Target, the salesperson told me that Target donated 250K units of merch to be distributed to Goodwill Stores around the NY area. Picked up some great Xmas presents! Gift baskets of bath oil,scented soap,candle,sponge were $3.99. A set of 4 Master locks, $2.99. Various ornaments,$.99. Hat's off to Target for making such a generous contribution, and saving me $eriou$ greenbacks!

-- Kathy (catfish201@hotmail.com), December 09, 2001


When I have some venison made up into sausage, I usually give out two or three 1 pound packages out to friends; they sure appreciate it. I get a grin over their looks when AFTER they eat it, I let them know it was deer meat.

-- j.r. guerra (jrguerra@boultinghousesimpson.com), December 10, 2001.

I am making a set of "gardening chaps" for my sister. About shorts length, they have assorted pockets, lobster claw clips, and other doo- dads, with a detachable net bag that hooks across the front for holding produce. Look so useful, I think I'll make myself a set!

-- Soni (thomkilroy@hotmail.com), December 10, 2001.

I am giving my friend a microphone for his computer. [and the ensuing compter work to get it going]. Then he can talk to me and others for free via various message programs. Making him a couple of rice bags. Giving him some of Darryl's stevia seeds.

Wish I had a good recipe for sugar free hard candies. He has waxed poetic about these in the past. Anybody have a recipe?

-- pc (jasper2@doglover.com), December 10, 2001.

Score!! Great find, Kathy! I usually give homemade gifts for Christmas ~ wild mustang grape jelly, pecan pies made with pecans from my trees, trellises made from cedar/juniper branches and copper wire, etc. Next year I hope to start earlier and have ornamental peppers big enough that they're fruiting to give away.

-- Wingnut (wingnut@moment.net), December 11, 2001.

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