Original drawings by Lambertsongreenspun.com : LUSENET : Art Deco Society of Washington : One Thread |
I found two original, mint, signed drawings by Lambertson and they look very art deco to me. they are very stylized of a man and a woman. I would like to know information about this artist and if they are valuable.
-- Lori Hertzan (lozan@aol.com), December 10, 2001
I have had 2 large watercolors by Lambertson for years, each of a woman, one with a gazelle, and one a greyhoud. But I know nothing of him. Have you found out anything?. Meanwhile, I am ready to sell mine for lack of space.
-- robert bryan (bryan@nytimes.com), June 11, 2003.
What is this Lambertson's first name? One of our customers has paintings by an artist called Lambertson and she is looking for some information about him/her and trying to find out what the paintings are worth. We aren't having much luck so far.
-- sydney mason (sydney.mason@fvrl.bc.ca), February 11, 2005.