Do I need a 0.58 body? : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread |
Dear All,My M lenses are Tri-Elmar, 50/1.4 'lux and 90/2.8 Elmarit. I currently have a 0.72 M6TTL body, which works OK with each of these lenses but is a bit of a compromise.
I have ordered the 1.25x magnifier, so I can turn my 0.72 camera into a 0.9 when using the 90 Elmarit and the 50 'lux, both of which are pretty critical regarding focus accuracy the way I tend to use them - close up and wide open. It will also make for easier composition, because the 90 frameline on the 0.72 is rather too small for my liking.
However, since I wear glasses, the 0.72 is not very convenient with the Tri-Elmar since the 28mm frameline is very difficult to see. So, I'm thinking of getting an additional M6TTL body, a 0.58, for use exclusively with the Tri-Elmar. I would then leave the 1.25x magnifier permanently on the 0.72 and use it only for the 50 'lux and 90 Elmarit.
If the 0.58 body breaks down, I can still use the 0.72 for the Tri-Elmar (without magnifier). Conversely, if the 0.72 body breaks down, I can attach the magnifier to the 0.58 for use with the 50 and 90. This all seems sensible enough to me (as I suppose it would
). Problem is, the only way I can try out a .58 is to order one from my friendly local dealer here in Jakarta, since he doesn't have one in stock. He won't go to that much trouble just for me to try it out and possibly not buy it from him. So, I would welcome opinions from people with experience, as to whether it's worth it or not.
Regards, Ray
-- Ray Moth (, December 12, 2001
Ray do you mean need, or want? I did about the same thing but the first body is my beloved M3 and the second was a Konica RF with their 28. I finally decided I liked a wider wide and sold the RF. i could have conducted this experiment at less cost by just buying a Voigtlander 28mm finder instead of a whole camera, (and a noisy one at that) but i like doing things the hard way!....
-- david kelly (, December 12, 2001.
Arugments like these persuaded me to buy my second Leica M body, a .85TTL.My wife has never let me live it down since, announcing to anyone who might know what a Leica is-"he has TWO Leica cameras".
Repeat after me. I will buy the .58, I will buy the .58, I will buy the .58...
How about a 28mm finder instead? The brightlines are even more practical with the wide angle lenses you know, since focusing is not a super-critical task, needing tending all the time...
-- Mani Sitaraman (, December 12, 2001.
Need - want - need ! David is right, it is rather a question of will than a question of necessarity. I just got another M2 to have a distinct body for BW and slides, but since then I realized that I never take both and rather finish a BW film than changing in between to slides. Though a second M body doesn't hurt (anything but my account balance) ...Wether it should be an .58 is another question - though this is better with the tri-elmar. But then maybe you also might want a .85 for the 90 ? Appetite comes along with eating !
-- Kai Blanke (, December 12, 2001.
Being an old collector of proverbs, and seeing Kai's>> Appetite comes along with eating !
I just couldn't resist. How about: "Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Of somebody else?"
-- Michael Kastner (, December 12, 2001.
I think you are looking for an alibi:You absolutely need to buy this .58 body. You will feel your life is worthless if you don't get it. Go for it. It's Christmas time anyway.
-- Xavier (, December 12, 2001.
There are so many 'go for that new piece of equipment' on this newsgroup, one might even feel urged to buy Leica shares (they have to go up, even if we are their only customers) ... someone has to profit from our recommendations, why not we ourselves ?
-- Kai Blanke (, December 12, 2001.
Ray, if you do not like the 0.58x, you can give it to me no questions asked...
-- John Collier (, December 12, 2001.
Ah yes, you have got it bad, I understand.The subtle hint is the breakdown strategy, a sure sign of rationalization.
Consider the axiom that one should never sell a good piece of Leica gear, else they will later regret the sale. Then consider that the 0.58 would indeed be a better body for the the 3E at both 28mm and 35mm. Then consider that the 0.85 would be a better choice than the 0.72+magnifier (no appendage or spare part to get lost). The 0.85+magnifier would be the best for the 90mm and the 135mm (yes, you will have that someday). However the 0.58+0.85 fails your breakdown strategy at the 28mm focal length because is simply has no 28mm framelines. Thus, the 28mm external fincer may be a good accessory for you to consider. However, the foregoing strategy leaves no place for the 0.72 that you presently have. Selling the 0.72 to buy the 0.58 and 0.85 seems sensible, yes, but this violates the aforementioned axiom. This, then, is your real conundrum.
-- Dan Brown (, December 12, 2001.
Ray, I´m not alowed to make any coments now.... there must be a powerful reason to buy the .58, it is a matter of find it and convince your wife... you can start by telling her about how beautiful a Leica M is, and it´s tradition, and if you can get her to take an entire roll of film, well there is always the risk that she likes it so much that you end up sharing your toys man...
-- r watson (, December 12, 2001.
Ray, I believe the .58 body was divinely inspired. It provides the perfect platform for the 3E, and also is the perfect finder for use with a 35mm lens. It' my favourite body, hands down. On my way out the door that's the camera I grab, either with the 3E or the 35. It's as close to perfection as a Leica body can be, given Leica's suitability for wide-angle lenses. And that's a totally objective opinion :-)You NEED this body. It will revolutionize your photography, make you more attractive to the opposite sex, and help you learn German in your sleep. Don't worry about trying it first, just buy it. Trust me...
Actually, hyperbole aside, I do believe this is the very best body for use with a 3E, and if you buy one - even for that lens alone - you won't regret it.
-- Paul Chefurka (, December 12, 2001.
Ray, one thing to be aware of when buying a camera body to use specifically with certain focal lengths:MURPHY'S LAW, CORROLLARY # 1,679:
>> The camera dedicated to the lens you want to use, will never have the right kind of film in it for the shot. <<
-----If it has any film at all.
Just something I leaned from experience.
-- Bob Fleischman (, December 12, 2001.
Thanks to everyone for your responses, including the light-hearted ones. Yes, I must admit I was fishing for excuses but I didn't realize my motive was so transparent!Anyway, from the comments I've read, on this and 4 other fora to which I posted this question, I plan to go ahead with a 0.58. Tri- Elmar users, in particular, say they like the combination of 0.58 & 3E.
Regards, Ray
-- Ray Moth (, December 12, 2001.
Ray you're right but oh boy so is Bob. The trouble with the 0.58 is that it's not really up to using a 90 in my experience ... and I end up carrying 2 bodies with me as a result (the other a .85) ... but the 1.25 is a nice work around (if you can get hold of one). FWIW, I tried the magnifier at a leica day and felt that it significantly reduced the contrast of the r/f patch - I didn't get to play with it for long - it may have been "finger marked". Anyway, it sure is light. In the end, I'd agree that the 0.72 is a compromise (especially for us glasses wearers) but if I did it again, I'd probably just get 2 or 3 of the standard bodies rather than attempting the dedicated body-lens route that I sort of went for (the new magnifier not withstanding).
-- steve jones (, December 13, 2001.