Leica M6G

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

About 5 years ago a store was selling a Leica M6G body. I asked for information about this model and he said that it was a very low special edition of -I think- 100 pieces with a gold instead of red Leica dot. The camera was sold when I called again. All these years I never found any information about this special edition. ok, maybe only one saying that such a model probably exists and was built for the Swiss Leica dealer. Anybody ever saw one? Any photo or information about it?
Just curious...

-- Jordan Koussis (jordan@koussis.com), December 13, 2001


Ther is one in Nakamura's "Leica Collection"

-- Lucien (lucien_vd@yahoo.fr), December 13, 2001.

In the last batch of M6G, Leica delivered them in Titanium body so these M6G Tis are even rarer. I know one owner.

-- Dajie (dajielin@yahoo.com), December 13, 2001.

According to J. Eastlands Leica M compendium:

100 Leica M6G's were produced for the Leica Photographic Center of Zurich, Switserland, during the Wetzlar period. These camera's were engraved with the schematic optical plan of the 50 mm Elmar f/2.8 on the top plate and numbered on the base of the shutter crate in addition to the standard production serial number on the accessory shoe. The Leitz red disc logo was replaced with a gold plated one. Silver and black chrome versions of this model were available

In the book there's a B/W picture of the M6G.

-- Bert Keuken (bkkn@wanadoo.nl), December 13, 2001.

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