First hail today! : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

The first hail of the year for my corner of the universe happened today. Pretty neat, I think. I like hail. It amazes me that I can pick up and have in my hand, for a little while anyhow, something that has been tossed and held by a cloud. A few days ago was the first snow. It happened in the night while I was sleeping so I woke up to it. 2 inches or so, beautiful and perfect. (Well until the dogs and I wrestled in it. :) ) It was gone at my place by the time I got home from work, but it stuck in the mountains. A large group of us went up and played in it and several people cut Christmas trees. I'm so grateful for my friends' children. Had an absolutely delightful time dumping snow on anyone I could catch, which was pretty much everybody. You know, a couple of weeks ago I was kind of bummed about the whole winter thing. (Probably about the time I was fixing fence in the rain in a hurry to get to work after the horses had broken down a corner just for the halibut. (Yes, a corner. I though it was impressive too.) Anyway, I was feeling overwhelmed and etc. but today I am SO glad that I live in a region that has seasons. Excellent.

-- Leslie Coray (, December 15, 2001


Leslie, where are you? Please folks, when you do your posts..please, please, please let us all know where in the country you talking about. Thanks!

-- karen (, December 15, 2001.

Karen, sorry about the delay, my computer was down. :( I live in Oregon, at the south-eastern end of the Willamette valley, on the S. side and top of a mountain "saddle", aprox. 1300 ft. elevation. Hope you get this... Les

-- Leslie C. in MW Oregon (, December 21, 2001.

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