Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 : LUSENET : Everything About Teaching and Learning the Piano : One Thread

I am currently studying an extremely difficult piece called Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 by Franz Liszt. Can anyone please give me some helpful tips about this piece?

-- Juman (, December 15, 2001


Juman; I, too, have tried many, many, many times to play this piece. It's very difficult and requires A LOT of practice. I would reccommend the Hanon Virtuoso Technique books. They provide excellent practice in the chromatic scales. I wish you the best of luck. -Rick P.

-- Rick Peterson (, August 29, 2004.

have my dad teach you, he taught me.

-- Pyronaut (, October 08, 2004.

I find that, for me (I am currently learning this piece as well), one month's work of practice and study is equal to a one hour lesson with a proffesional teacher. If you live around or near the Portland, Oregon, USA area then I would recommend a teacher (who may not be able to take any more students, but he is excellent) named Don Lehman. He is a descendant student of Beethoven (through Czerny, Leshertisky, and then Mr. Rob) and he is extremely profficient at the piano and giving very helpful technique advice.

-- Corey Morrow (, February 12, 2005.

Practice in 15 min. chunks...especially all the candenza's. I am a high school senior and I'm playing it for contest in three weeks. Its almost memorized. Wish me luck!

-- Mandie (, March 01, 2005.

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