Alternative to class presentations : LUSENET : Middle School Science : One Thread

Great idea for those of you who want to do something other than presentations for projects that your students have done. I like to call it the "museum tour". All you need to do is have the students quickly hang their posters or place their projects anywhere there is space. Then, armed with post-it notes, the kids walk around enjoying their classmates' work. They use the post-it notes to attach positive comments to the poster/project. The notes can also be used to write down questions that they may have. After the students feel like they have seen enough (about 20-25 minutes), have them go back to their project to collect the notes that they received. You can then give each student a minute or two to answer any questions that were left on their project. I found this to be a great success and have heard very positive comments from other teachers who have tried it. Let us all know how it works for you...........

-- Justine Papierski (, December 17, 2001


The museum tour is very effective and there's no pressure or punitive feelings about the questions or comments offered to any of the works presented. The authors' responses to questions or comments would make good materials for their portfolios in scien

-- Melody Winsted (, August 24, 2002.

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