I have a old bred nanny who is making sounds like a baby kidgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
You all know I have these goats I got to clear campmeeting grounds.Well when I got these some were bred,I saw this one was bred and has now milk in her bag but not really full yet.Well all morning she has gone around sounding like a baby goat voice,what is going on please help me there is no babies around there at all,I am hearing it over the sound system?You all no I know nothing what so ever about goats lol.Thanks so much.
-- Pastor Hughes (hbchurch@brightok.net), December 18, 2001
Hi Pastor Hughes. I have been raising goats for several years. I've never had one make noises like a baby goat. I, too, use an intercom system for listening to barn sounds. Check every one's tail for bloody discharge. Sounds like you may have a kid somewhere. They like to go under hay managers or someplace where they feel protected. Of course if you're sure that the sound is from your old nanny I have no clue as to why she is making the noises. Linda
-- Linda (awesomegodchristianministries@yahoo,.com), December 18, 2001.
Does when they cry for their babies, talk to their babies, make a definte sound, and it could be mistaken for an infant. I don't know how old your doe is, but my older doe will be having kids on her 12th birthday. She could eaisly fool a new person. She steals other goats kids, lets them nurse and everything, but she obviously hasn't kidded. Go spend some time out in the barn and see what is going on. Vicki
-- Vicki McGaugh TX (vickilonesomedoe@hotmail.com), December 18, 2001.
Does she have any discharge? If she were mine I would worry that she was in labor, maybe having trouble, assuming she hasn't hidden her kids somewhere, those kids can be hidden so well you can walk right by them! Is she eating and drinking all right?
-- Rebekah (daniel1@itss.net), December 18, 2001.
Yep she is eating and drinking.no hidden kid's she is not bleeding.,I will keep an eye on her see if she does any thing diffrent she lays around a lot.But doesn't see m like she is hurting. she has been for a few days leaking nothing serious or a lot but you can tell,I see where it has crusted on the spilt just leakage only.thanks all.
-- Pastor Hughes (hbchurch@brightok.net), December 18, 2001.
My alpine doe starts to "talk" to her babies the day before she kids. Makes it easy to tell when to camp in the barn.
-- miller (smillers@snowcrest.net), December 18, 2001.