Feel the power of the Lux!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I just got back from a street shooting session in downtown T.O. Around 4:30 pm I was at the skating rink shooting couples with the 75 Lux and Ektachrome 400. No flash. 1/125. After two rolls a rink attendant came up to me and said "too bad you forgot your flash, but its always nice to pretend right?". Evidently he thought that there was no film in the camera.

What a rush! I've never been able to capture (knock on wood) so many natural expressions before because I've never been this stealthy... disarming. I hope some of my 1.4 shots come out because it certainly was an afternoon to enjoy. Hmmmm. Got me thinking about a Noctilux now.


-- John Chan (ouroboros_2001@yahoo.com), December 18, 2001


good luck on the focus....let us know how they come out....maybe u could post a few...

-- grant (g4lamos@yahoo.com), December 18, 2001.

I've been considering getting a noctilux or a 75 lux before the year is out but am having a hell of a time deciding which one to get....The 75 would compliment the 35 1.4asph and focus close and and have extreamly beautiful image quality and bokeh...but so does my dual range 50mm and ... the noctilux is just plain different looking and weird...could be inspiring....I'm edging towards the noctilux though with the 75mm later maybe.hmmmm

-- Emile de Leon (knightpeople@msn.com), December 19, 2001.


I'm not one to recommend or denegrate anything but you already have a 50. Still, it does take some time getting use to the 75 framelines, hell, ever since I picked up the 90 Tele I've had a hell of a time getting use to the "minimalist" framelines in both my M bodies. I've also entertained the idea of getting a Noctilux but I first want to see what can be produced with my Summicron and fast film.


-- John Chan (ouroboros_2001@yahoo.com), December 19, 2001.

Emile, I too can't say anything good or bad about a 75 'lux which I haven't already said a dozen times, but... I have always thought that if I were to start all over again, and could have only two (2.00) lenses, the best bet might be a 35 and a 75, both 'luxs.

-- Michael Kastner (kastner@zedat.fu-berlin.de), December 19, 2001.


if you're seeing too much framelines it is time to switch to the 'real' Ms: M2 and M3 ;-) Unfortunately they do not offer the 75 framelines, but in a thread some weeks ago someone pointed out that it wouldn't be a problem to black out the 50's frameline. Who needs a 50 anyway (besides me and thousands of other people) ?


-- Kai Blanke (kai.blanke@iname.com), December 19, 2001.

I concur with Michael. So much so that after buying, trying and selling Leica lenses of different focal lengths and speeds, I have settled on the 75 Lux and a just pre-ASPH 35 lux. I love this combo so much that I just bought a used M6-TTL .85 to go with the 75. No more switching lenses for me. In my book (or bag) this IS the combo of choice. BTW, I had no trouble focusing/framing the 75 Lux with my M6-TTL .72. I just want the ability to shoot an event without having to switch lenses and possibley miss a moment.

-- David Cunningham (dcunningham@attglobal.net), December 19, 2001.

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