CB550 Big Bore Kitsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : CB550 : One Thread |
I just pick up a "Rocky Big Bore Kit" for my '76 CB550F. Has anybody ever heard of this company? It's suppose to be a 605 cc. kit. Is there anything I should watch out for when it's time to put it together?Thanks,
-- Steve Gooder (s3steve@hotmail.com), December 19, 2001
g'day steve from australia.with a little work you can fit a 650 crank, rods barrels & head on the 550 cases if you are intrested in doing ths i can tell every thing you need to know.i run this set up in a road racing side-car and i have nearley completed the same set up in solo and it fits ok about 7mm clearance between frame and breather box this mod will give you 626cc and you can buy a kit that will take engine size to 718cc.should go realy quick.
-- ted hayes (thayes@gil.com.au), February 07, 2002.