The popes last lie : LUSENET : (Keeping Track) : One Thread

The pope is joining all the false religions together, and all who follow him and this antichrist prayer shall suffer the wrath of God( Revelations 17) In January he will be asking Satan to bring peace to Isreal, peace and safety then sudden destruction, watch and see! In Jesus name may God open your eyes in your minds to understand truth! All will be forced great and small to recieve the mark of the beast whose name aren't in the lambs book os life.

-- Jesus is peace (, December 19, 2001


ALL the sons of Abraham are becoming a real pain in the ass. Nuff to make a fella a Hindu.

-- Carlos (, December 22, 2001.

"In January he will be asking Satan to bring peace to Israel..."

Satan? Please explain.

-- Lady Vi (, December 25, 2001.

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