Vanessa/cats/free puppy : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Hey, I wanted to once again thank all of the kind hearted people who donated the cash to fix the cats. They are doing fine. Now, I have a little puppy that was abandoned at a grocery store parking lot. She is very tiny and brown. She is probably a pomeranian mix or chiuahua mix from her features and size. She doesn't seem to be able to bark, but she can cry. She can't eat solid food yet. She may possibly be deaf. But she is great with kids. I can't figure out why she can't bark. Any ideas? My kids want the dog, but there daddy says no. I am looking for a good home in my area for her. West Tennessee area, if anyone is interested. Thanks.

-- Vanessa (, December 19, 2001



I'm glad to hear the cats are doing fine. I was one of the donaters and it made me feel real good. Nice idea, Ken!

There is a dog breed called a Basenji that doesn't bark. They have a curly tail, short fur, and are relatively small, I think. Maybe this dog has all or some Basenji in him??

-- Cat (, December 20, 2001.

Thanks for the update Vanessa. I'm glad to hear that the cats are doing well.

-- Murray in ME (, December 20, 2001.

Try a classified ad in the local paper to the effect "Small breed, affectionate puppy looking for a good home."

-- Ken S. in WC TN (, December 20, 2001.

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