SB23 : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

I red a lot of good things about the Nikon SB23 flash. I couldn't find (yet)out if the SB23 is compatible for the NikonF-801s. I hope someone will answer my question.

-- odile lemstra (, December 20, 2001


Yes it is. It is actually very nice for when I only want to carry one body, one lens and one small flash. The price should be around $75US on the used market.

-- Ed Farmer (, December 20, 2001.

Ed, Thank you for your responce, Somebody offers a SB23 for less than the price you mentioned in your e-mail, and thanks to you I know that is not only compatible with my camera but even a great deal. Odile

-- odile lemstra (, December 20, 2001.

Lieve Odile,

Kwam bij het "afstropen" van het www op dit platform terecht: ik weet niets over camera's maar beperk me tot het opstuwen van je site.



-- jan schouten (, February 08, 2002.

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