I need instuctions for my camera

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Canon FD : One Thread

I lost my instructions for my 35mm Canon Camera and now I want to know what do I do?I need to know what botton mean what?

-- Meridith Mertz (Meridith524@aol.com), December 27, 2001


I just ordered a copy of instructions for an old Cannon F-1 from a wedsite. I will look up the site and get back to you.

-- Dan Bocinski (DanB@VSP.com), December 28, 2001.

which one? Canon produced tons of 35mm cameras.. (In fact I think apart from digital ones and very early cameras in late 40's, Canon only made 35mm cameras.) try www.kjsl.com/canon-fd There is a link to a guy who posted bunch of manuals for A-series (FD system) cameras.

-- pil (gjoo@po-box.mcgill.ca), December 29, 2001.

Besides, you can almost always find manuals online for any cameras that have been popular in the past. Try www.google.com if you haven't.

-- pil (gjoo@po-box.mcgill.ca), December 29, 2001.


Try the following site fior manuals:




-- NikB (ndb_letters@yahoo.com), January 03, 2002.


Check out the following site. He may have what you are looking for. http://www.craigcamera.com/

Regards, Garry

-- Garry (grmedhat@hotmail.com), January 05, 2002.

try a shop called oldtime camera, not sure of the address

-- dean oneil (deanjunioruk@yahoo.co.uk), January 11, 2002.

Also try www.mir.com. A Malaysian site with cracking FD info. The best Canon site I've found, and certainly has F-1N manual. Wishes Steve

-- Steve Phillipps (steve@redvixen.freeserve.co.uk), January 28, 2002.

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