Small part needed - Kodak 8x10 camera : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

I am looking for the knob that tightens down the rear swings on a Kodak 2D 8x10. If anyone has an extra off a junked camera, or can make one, or knows of a readily available substitute from a hardware store, the information would be appreciated.

Without the knob, the entire back is rather shaky... thanks!


-- Eric Mims (, December 29, 2001


It should be easy enough to determine the thread pitch and shaft diameter and thereby acquire an appropriate sized wing-nut. Not elegant, but effective.

Otherwise, Steve Shuart in Kane, PA is a source for quite a few odds and ends inthe parts dept.

-- Sean yates (, December 30, 2001.

Hi Eric, for this very same problem, I got a brass wing nut at the local hardware store. That may not be all that is making the back unstable, look at the metal that grips the rail to see if it is snug. Best, David

-- david clark (, December 30, 2001.

If you have a good old fashioned hardware store close by, they will probably have something that will work. Take the camera in with you and just show it to the kindly older gentleman behind the counter. Beats the hell out of Loew's and Home Depot stores where the help won't even understand what you are trying to do ... You also might want to check out A great scource for hard to find small parts!!!

-- Dave Richhart (, December 30, 2001.

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