Santy Claus was good to me. : LUSENET : MATH Plus One : One Thread

What'd ya get? What'd ya get?

-- Anonymous, December 30, 2001


Wayell, ah got me a concert ticket to see Down From the Mountain in At-lanna, Georgie. Ah'm raht proud of it, too, bein as ah'm sorta Down from the Mountain muhsef. Mah girl give it to me. Ain't she a good'un?

-- Anonymous, December 30, 2001

This was my best Christmas ever. The junk count was low and the gifts that I received were really me. Perfume - Design and Beautiful, great black boots, great black sandals for summer, a cranberry-colored sweater and a lovely scarve. Gift certificate for a pedicure and black leather pants. Yes, black leather pants. I am old, but damn, I love those pants. Having a 26 year old sister is a good thing.

Christmas 2001 - The best ever. Who'd a thought?

-- Anonymous, December 30, 2001

That's it.I've made up my mind and nothing anyone says can change it. Next year I'm going to celebrate Christmas.It doesn't matter that I'm Jewish. I just can NOT stand sitting here drooling while the rest of you wave presents at my face!Not to mention trees and decorations .It's just not working for me, and green is definitely not,repeat,not my color. So that's that. Have a happy New Year y'all.I mean it.We need it.

-- Anonymous, December 30, 2001

JoLo, she is a good'n. That's better than the sweater and Clinique goody box I got for my sweet mom.

And Ev, think of it as a Solstice celebration and pretend that every time someone says "Christmas" they mean "Candlemas". Everyone should celebrate the solstice.

I got the Crane journal I obviously drooled over in front of Partner, oodles of beautiful stationery, a dvd player, and loads of other goodies - too much. Mom and I are going for our post holiday massage on Wednesday and the goal for the day is to try to release all the horror of 2001.

-- Anonymous, December 30, 2001

See, I know I bitch about my parents to no end, but they got me a really nice point-and-shoot camera, a George Foreman grill, AND a fondue set. I felt completely spoiled.

Luckily I splurged on them this year -- cigars for my dad and a Coach purse (thanks for the help; I ended up getting my roommate to drive me to the Outlet Mall From Yankee Hell) for my mom.

The boy gave me Pelikan pens. I want to marry him.

-- Anonymous, December 30, 2001

Y'all, I got three. Count 'em, THREE depressing maternity outfits. Not one of them had black leather pants. In fact the ass of any of the pants would fit nicely around the bumper of my car -- and they're SMALLS. If I can fit in ANY of these before it's all over, I may have to hurt myself.

My cousins both got me regular-people sweaters that unzip like cardigans, God bless 'em.

-- Anonymous, December 31, 2001

After whining shamelessly the way I did,I found a christmas present in my rl mailbox. My friend Philip put our entire correspondence on a disk ,and I'm talking 7 years of intensive emailing back and forth.Now not only is it all there,even the letters I like to pretend I've never written,but it's all in threads. It's true that he couldn't wrap a gift if his life depended on it,which is something I'm going to have to work on with him.I am orthodoxly religious when it comes to wrapping gifts.I do not,repeat,not care what is in the box,as long as it's ravishingly wrapped.I'm cheap that way.

Robyn:a Solstice celebration is good,as long as I'm allowed to get a tree and hang things on it.It's the tree that turns me green.Now if I can only have that in writing..(in your own time)

-- Anonymous, December 31, 2001

My big present was cash, just the way I like it. Who doesn't need $400?

I also got the stupidest present of all time, and I am refusing to watch it until tonight when everyone is inebriated and may enjoy it... a movie titled "The Bogus Witch Project" with the Hollywood Heart throb Pauly Shore. *sigh*

Oh well, its the thought that counts isn't it? ISN'T IT?!?

-- Anonymous, December 31, 2001

From my boss: A Burberry bag and a Nikon CoolPix digital camera.

From my parents: A computerized blender with over 400 recipes in it, an Italian wool sweater from the Gap, a really cool silver bracelet, a gift certificate to Pier 1

From my brother: The stainless steel crock pot that we wanted to match the silver appliances in our kitchen, a big waffle maker, coaster the exact shade of maple as my hardwood floors

From the SO: The robe I wanted from Victoria's Secret, a great pair of super soft slippers from Victoria's Secret, a coat, hat & scarf that I wanted from American Eagle

There was more and it all made for an extremely cool Christmas. I received practically nothing that I didn't LOVE, so that's always good.

-- Anonymous, December 31, 2001

Damn, Missy. Can I have your boss for Christmas?

I got the two things I wished for: a Handspring and a Tivo. Now I never have to forget what I want to watch on TV again!

-- Anonymous, December 31, 2001

Damn, Missy. Can I have your boss for Christmas? I got the two things I wished for: a Handspring and a Tivo. Now I never have to forget what I want to watch on TV again!

For real, AB. The guy is amazing! I'll never leave my job for the Christmas gifts alone.

A TiVo? I am so jealous. Does it work as good as it sounds? Do you pay the monthly service fee or just the lifetime fee up front? Is it worth the investment? I am so tempted....

-- Anonymous, December 31, 2001

My husband and i set a limit on the presents this year - $80. Neither of us went over it. Technically. Because it was the dog that bought me the lovely little classical guitar that I then got to take back to the guitar store in order to get the most gorgeous steel stringed lover of a Support My Inner Rock Star folk rock acoustic guitar. I pick her up on Thursday. I think her name is Lucy. She is stained a deep blue. Best present, ever. And lessons.

I also got a lot of DVDs - and some computer stuff. Best Xmas presents, ever. I was very surprised and happy.

-- Anonymous, December 31, 2001

Well...I got my engagement ring for Christmas, so that alone would have made it a great holiday, but I also got a photo-quality printer and the blender/food processor combo that I wanted, AND a pair of teeny diamond earrings that I adore. Definately the best Christmas on record.

-- Anonymous, December 31, 2001

Santa and I apparently had an off year this year.

It was the first time I didn't do the Christmas Morning bullshit that I did for the past.. five or six years at my dad's house, because he moved to North Carolina.

Wait, I have to backup. I didn't get Christmas presents until I was 8 or 9. (It's a Jehovah's Witness thing. I'm done with that now.) About five or six years ago, my sister and I started going out to my dad's on Xmas eve, and doing the "get up while wearing pajamas and open presents at 7am" business. It was kind of nice to do that as an adult because I never got to do that shit as a kid.

But now that's gone, and my dad, who is usually good for a few CDs of music he knows I'll like (he's very good about that), and some cheesy but useful stuff, got me pajamas, a candle, caramel corn and $150. It feels so impersonal. I don't even like caramel corn. I have never liked caramel corn, not ever, not in my entire life.

I'm a little bitter, can you tell? It's not even the gifts, it's the fact that it was impersonal, and I only got to see my dad for a total of about an hour this holiday season. I sure hope he likes his new job.

-- Anonymous, December 31, 2001

"get up while wearing pajamas"

Oh, I meant that we'd get up and open gifts while wearing pajamas. Dammit.

-- Anonymous, December 31, 2001

Ev, nothing would be more appropriate for a Solstice Celebration than a big beautiful tree with ribbons and lights. And lots of holiday liquor. Never forget the liquor. Hell, what CAN'T you celebrate with a tree and some liquor?

Emily, I'm so sorry your Christmas morning was lame. Tack that on to the world of disappointment and unhappiness that was 2001. You know what will make you feel better, Em? A trip into Lion Country, that's what. A big fat juicy beer at the Sports Cafe with me, outside so we can make fun of all the Britney Clones torn between dressing for the weather and exposing the belly ring they got for Christmas.

Plus, you can come visit my lab, and I'll give you a beaker. I think I know where they keep them.

-- Anonymous, January 01, 2002

Robyn, I might have to do that. I'll check my schedule and see when and how I could get there.. people from Piznitt are always going to SC. I bet I could catch a ride.

-- Anonymous, January 01, 2002

Eh. My Christmas 2001 can be dubbed the Practical Christmas. I got a 350 bill paid earlier in the month, new brake pads (to the tune of a couple hundred dollars), some underwear, a cell phone I desperately needed for my long car trips and on-call shifts at the hospital, a cute scarf and hat, a couple sweaters and lil bit o' cash and some other, small gifts from extended family. It was a big haul when I think about it, but none of it was a surprise, so I think that's what's bumming me out.

This Christmas, more than ever, has convinced me that when I'm a mom, I will have mad traditions set up for my kids and family. It's been such a tumultuous year and seeing some of our (already kinda lame) family traditions crumble was a LOT disheartening. So that's my vow for the future.

-- Anonymous, January 02, 2002

A computerized blender with over 400 recipes in it...

I got the same blender! And I got a Smart Pot, and my Sheer Tiffany perfume, and several cookooks, and a chafing dish.

-- Anonymous, January 02, 2002

I got lots of nice stuff. The Tiffany ring I've been wanting from my dad, DVDs, books, gift cards to the movies AND Blockbuster and money that I used to buy tires for my car (and they sure did come in handy over the 2,000 miles I drove this holiday - and when I say I drove you realize I mean the 2,000 miles I sat in my passenger seat) and a Handspring.


-- Anonymous, January 02, 2002

Three new pajama sets which make me so so so happy because pajamas are the perfect clothes. And socks which I asked for and love because who doesn't love socks with patterns?

My adorable husband got me three great DVDs - Moulin Rouge, Pratical Magic, Almost Famous bootleg. And Super Bust a Move for my Game Boy Advance. And the above mentioned pajamas and socks.

My brother and his wife got me the best dessert cookbook I've ever seen. It's over 400 pages and easily 2/3s are in depth about what tools are and aren't worth spending money on, discussions of ingrediants, ingrediant pairings/substitutions, just everything you need to know to create or modify recipes.

My sister got my 3 bottles of lotion from Bath and Bodyworks. Which made me laugh because we had a "get what we want for each other" conspiracy and she remembered my "anything from B&BW except the lotion" completely ass backwards. I took it back and got shower gel and body spray in Warm Vanilla Syrup and Cotton Blossom.

And a quilt my grandma made. And a giant musical snowglobe with a victorian Christmas-decorated house in it. And a Tupperware chopper. It was a good Christmas.

-- Anonymous, January 03, 2002

Ok, I may be an idiot, but what the heck is a Handspring?

Santa was good to me this year, for the most part. I was sick on Christmas Eve and Day though, so maybe I was delirious? I got a leather coat from my bf, some gift certificates to Caribou Coffee from him (he hates it that I get my coffee from the BP Station on the way to work...but its SO cheap!), a quilt from my parents that's made from old high school and college t-shirts (a really cool idea if you ask me), some lotion, Origins bath stuff, books, cds, etc. My stocking stuff, the little things, is always my favorite though.

-- Anonymous, January 03, 2002

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