Instructions for Saf-Gard pasteurizer? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I recently bought a used 5 quart Saf-Gard pasteurizer on Ebay. it is complete but without instructions. Anyone know how to use it? I am pretty sure that to do the milk I just plug it in and run it, I am unsure of when the water goes in for the "vacuum cooling" or how that works.

-- Cris Waller (, December 31, 2001


Hi Cris,

Can you give me the ebay item #, and I'll look at the photo to make sure it's the same one that I have and I'll mail you a copy of my instruction booklet.


-- Charleen in WNY (, December 31, 2001.

Cris, there should be a hose with it that you attach to the sink faucet and then run cold water into the pasturizer and it comes out the other tube. (it will be obvious when you see it) It usually takes about a half hour to cool it good. I would, when I first got it, and did my first batch of milk, check the temperature of the milk and be sure that it got up to 165 degrees before the alarm went off. If not, there is an adjustment that can be made. I have my instructions and will send copy if the other person doesn't have hers.

-- diane (, December 31, 2001.

Can I please also have a copy of the insturctions? We have only used ours a couple of times since we weren't getting much milk and found using the double boiler method easier but this next spring we may try the larger pasteurizer again. Thank you.

-- Trisha-MN (, December 31, 2001.

I have the instruction book that covers the Saf-Guard P-3000 & P-5000 models. The booklet also includes a parts list for ordering any missing pieces. If anyone else would like a copy, please e-mail me personally with your postal mailing address and I'll be happy to send you one. Please have "pasteurizer" in the subject line, so I don't automatically delete your mail.

Happy New Year! Charleen

-- Charleen in WNY (, December 31, 2001.


Due to the weather, I was unable to get back to work as expected, so the instructions were not mailed out until today. 1/7/02. Sorry for the delay. Charleen

-- Charleen in WNY (, January 07, 2002.

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