long shutter speed gadget

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I seem to remember seeing a device that would go into the shutter release - like a cable - that would accurately time long exposures (over 1 sec) with the camera in "bulb." Do any of you know of such a thing?

-- Frank Miller (fmiller4@buffalo.edu), December 31, 2001


It's made by Prontor. Sells for $600(!) new from HP Marketing, and goes for about $20 on eBay. Works well.

-- (bmitch@home.com), December 31, 2001.

Super-accurate timing of long exposures is unnecessary. On a 10 second exposure, you can miss by more than a full second and still be within a third of a stop.

-- Jay (infinitydt@aol.com), December 31, 2001.

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