M3 and black 50mm summicrongreenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread |
I recently purchased an M3 at a photo flea market in Montreal. It had a black 50mm summicron.
-- Martin (amloft@yahoo.com), January 01, 2002
Hi, Martin:Congratulations ! ! !
And friendly best wishes for this 2002
-- Iván Barrientos M (ingenieria@simltda.tie.cl), January 01, 2002.
Congratulations! Now what was the question? If you posted the serial numbers, I'm sure someone could tell you when the items were made.
-- Phil Stiles (Stiles@metrocast.net), January 01, 2002.
Sorry for this posting. I'm new to this board. Please feel free to crop this one. : )
-- Martin (amloft@yahoo.com), January 02, 2002.