Limitations Act and 6 year : LUSENET : Repossession : One Thread |
What happens if you are initially contacted after repossession in 1991, I say I can't pay then don't hear anymore? June last year, I am contacted again. This time I tell them it has been too long and that they should abide by Councils agreement. They (Bradford and Bingley) then claim that they are entitled to follow debt as they had already made initial contact within time scales. Is this correct?
-- (, January 03, 2002
Unfortunatly they are correct. I had my house repossesed in 1992 and have just recently gone to court and lost. the judge says they have 12 years to chase this type of debt.Sorry, i can only say im gutted too! Regards, Daren.
-- Daren Otsay (, January 03, 2002.