After 7 WEEKS my doe kidded!! : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Well, hopefully you all remember. But after bagging up 7 weeks ago (on 12/23/01) my doe dropped two bucklings, I should've known she would give me two males! The males are up for sale! Lamancha/Pygmy crosses, very active and lively would make companion/ pets! I live in Northwestern Minnesota near Theif River Falls!
-- Chandler in Minnesota (, January 03, 2002
Wow, that sure caught my eye, thought you meant after 7 weeks bred. Good luck and hope you sell those kids:):)
-- Bernice (, January 03, 2002.
Write this down for next year, as she is likely to follow that same routine! Congrats on the kids! Vicki
-- Vicki McGaugh TX (, January 03, 2002.
This doe sounds like one of those contrary ones who would rather write the book than read it! Congrats on the kids!
-- Sheryl in Me (, January 05, 2002.