M3 as second bodygreenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread |
Is M3 the best second body to M6 TTL? I was offered a M3 with S/N over 1mm at $1100 in good condition rated 9-10. I would like to get a second backup body. Should I proceed with this deal??
-- Tim Tan (kctan18@yahoo.com), January 03, 2002
Do you care if there is no built-in meter? If not, the M3 is a great camera....I don't know how good the deal is, though. Sounds a little steep to me. Has the thing been CLA'd recently?
-- Steve Hoffman (shoffman2@socal.rr.con), January 03, 2002.
If the camera truly is a 9+ and a high serial number, $1,100 doesn't appear too steep to me. Of course that assumes it works perfectly.I know I'd never sell my M3 for that price.
-- Bud (budcook@attglobal.net), January 03, 2002.
The M3 is a good choice of a second body if the 90mm and 135mm lenses are important. Exposure readings can be transferred from your M6; or just use a good hand-held meter. $1100 sounds too much. I wouldn't go over $800 to $900. Shop around--the deals are out there if you're patient. I just picked up a very decent M3 for $475.00.
-- Bob Fleischman (RFXMAIL@prodigy.net), January 03, 2002.
My M6 needed a CLA so I bought a 'beater' M3 to use while the M6 was being serviced. I'm not sure if I'll ever use the 50mm lens on the M6 again. The view finder on the M3 will ruin you. Go for the M3.
-- Doug Ford (dford@san.rr.com), January 03, 2002.
One thing you should be aware of Tim is that the M6 TTL's shutter speed dial turns the "wrong" way with respect to previous incarnations of the M series. Although the M3 does not have a light meter this can still be bothersome at times if your working quick and are use to a standardized way of doing things with the M kit. Another thing to consider is that the film loading system of the M3 is "pre-M4"... that is to say it has a removable loading spool and is quite a bit slower to load.These points are only a concern if your working very quickly with your kit... otherwise, if your taking pictures at a more leisurely pace the M3 might be a good addition.... certainly, the feeling of QUALITY is there!
-- John (ouroboros_2001@yahoo.com), January 04, 2002.
Recognize also that you won't be able to use any lens shorter than 50mm on the M3 without an accessory finder or a special version with clumsy "goggles". There is no doubt that the M3 was a landmark camera and remains a favorite of many users. But since the question was what's the *best* second body to an M6TTL, my answer is "another M6TTL", for all the reasons John has stated, plus the fact that it has a meter, and plus the fact that for not that much more money you get a brand-new camera with a full warranty.
-- Jay (infinitydt@aol.com), January 04, 2002.
As Jay says switching to another M6 from your TTL would be the perfect ideal but if you prefer a cheaper option why not an M4-2 or M4-P. A good user camera should be available for around $500 - $600. Like me, many of the users here prefer them to the M6's.The M3 would be a perfect third body! Or an M2 - IMO the best camera Leica ever made.
-- Giles Poilu (giles@monpoilu.icom43.net), January 04, 2002.
For some interesting and important attitutes -- for which I myself am still very thankful -- concerning your question, see my question "What is your favourite body alongside an M6?"
http://www.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=006q hd
-- Michael Kastner (kastner@zedat.fu-berlin.de), January 04, 2002.