Goat Milk, Product Receipesgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
This is one of the more fascinating web sites I have happened upon in a long time! I love the wealth of information provided here, and the quick responses. I posted a question about my billy goat and birthing does, and got such good advice! (By the way, birthing is over and I ended up with three little does and a buck!)My next question -- Does any one know of any good sites that have receipes for goats milk? I would like information on food stuff and products. Again, thanks in advance.
-- JoAnn Young (younguno@bellsouth.net), January 05, 2002
JoAnn,I jsut sent you a fe wrecipie files I have on making chese, lotion, soap and i think fudge. Hope this helps. Here are a few good websites as well: http://biology.clc.uc.edu/Fankhauser/Cheese/Cheese.html
http://www.one-n-udders.com/recipes/quickmozzarella.htm Hope this ehlps.
-- Bernice (geminigoats@yahoo.com), January 05, 2002.
Thanks so much, I'll check them out! JoAnn
-- JoAnn Young (younguno@bellsouth.net), January 05, 2002.
I stumbled on this website while I was searching for information about a goat's milk product referred to as "sitaka." This is commonly found in Greece and is a product derived from goat's milk butter. It is brown in color and has a slightly tangy flavor, but quite appealing. It apparently is made from butter that is cooked until it reaches this stage. It is used as a cheese for topping pasta and in sweet pastries. Any thoughts about where and how to get this product?Thanks
-- emanuel vergis (verge@pitt.edu), January 13, 2002.