Ademco (???) Dry mount press parts : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I find myself the proud owner of an unitintified 16"x20" dry mount press (name plate is gone). It works great (at the moment), but I'd like to be able get parts, when that time comes.

I think it's an Ademco press, the platen is oriented for vertically framed prints, in contrast to the usual horizontal orientation of the Seal and Bogen presses. It also features a couple of cams on the top to adjust the clamping pressure.

Can anyone identify it from such a sketcy description, and where might spare parts be available?

Thanks a bunch...

-- Reinhold Schable (, January 07, 2002


I also have an Ademco Press but mine is the big steering wheel type. Anyway I was checking around for parts and I found a place called Seal

-- Michael McBlane (, January 09, 2002.

I also have an Ademco Press but mine is the big steering wheel type. Anyway I was checking around for parts and I found a place called Seal It 21-23 Albert Road Levenshulme Manchester England M19 2EQ Phone 011 44 161 248-8600 Fax 011 44 161 248-8601

I never did find anyone in the US or Canada that had the parts.

Hope this helps,

Michael McBlane

-- Michael McBlane (, January 09, 2002.

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