Measuring : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I used up all my yeast and now have a problem. I buy Fleishmann's instant yeast in a one pound package. I did have a measuring chart that gave me measurments to equal one package or one cake of yeast. I have somehow lost these measurments. I thought I remembered but was wrong. After two batches of bad bread, I took a break. Can anyone help me measure my yeast accurately? Thanks!
-- Joanie (, January 07, 2002
I buy my yeast in bulk. The directions say 1 packet equals 1 tablespoon. I have good luck with it so they must be right.
-- Mary Zastowny (, January 07, 2002.
I do the same as Mary, buy in bulk and use 1 TBS. for a package. Works great for me. Happy baking!
-- cowgirlone (, January 07, 2002.
My bread machine equls 4 tsp to 1 package.
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, January 07, 2002.