Chew/ Play Toy For Chihuahua? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Would anyone have any suggestions on a Chew or Play toy for a Chihuahua or other small dog? After reading back posts on pets, I am interested in other peoples opinions about good toys. Thanks! -Lizabeth

-- Lizabeth (, January 07, 2002


They are so tiny you will have to carefull of trhe toy size.I also think soft rubber would be best .Cow hoofs and rawhide are always favorites too.

-- Patty {NY State} (, January 07, 2002.

How about raw veggie sticks. My dogs are partial to raw sweet potato. Maybe yours would enjoy it too.

-- Soni (, January 07, 2002.

Our chihuahua has a small teddy bear its his child, although it appears sometimes the child has been very bad. kenny our dog won't go to bed without it. Ronda

-- ronda (, January 07, 2002.

My mother in law has a maltese (about 6 lbs.), and she loves the beanie baby miniatures that come from McDonalds. I saved her one from the last garage sale, and she carries it everywhere!

I also made stuffed toys for all the family dogs one year, it's so easy! Take an old sock, stuff it full up to about where your ankle would be, then gather it up and stitch it closed, or put a good strong rubber band around the top tightly. Fold the leg part down and stitch around the edges so it looks like a stocking cap, and then draw a face on it. You can also wrap (stitch) thread around to make a head or around to make legs, arms, etc. The dogs seem to love them!

-- Christine in OK (, January 07, 2002.

Beef Jerkey

-- westbrook (, January 08, 2002.

Hi Lizabeth,,I get baby toys for mine,,the teething toys made of terry cloth are a favorite of my tiny dogs, also make tug-a-war toys with old socks,tie them in knots, they will chew, shake and play tug- a-war,,they love them. Also old, small vitamin bottles are safe,,they roll them around, chase and chew. A lot of interesting ideas here,,I enjoyed reading them..Enjoy your blessings,,,Patsy

-- Patsy, MT (, January 18, 2002.

No, no - wording is wrong. Chihoohahs should BE chew toys. Perhaps Chihoohahs could try using Great Dane's legs as chew toys - that should produce satisfactory result.

-- Don Armstrong (, January 19, 2002.

Thank everyone for the GOOD responses, I'm going to try alot of them on my Chihuahua, Mickey Mouse. Thanks again! -Lizabeth

-- Lizabeth (, January 19, 2002.

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