Rescued English Springer Spaniel : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I know some regular visitors to this forum are very active in animal rescue, so I'm hoping someone can help. I was contacted today by the "foster" parent to an English Springer Spaniel. He is trying to place this gentle pup and hoped I could take him. While I totally fell in love, our home is full with our two kids and three GWP's.

This male is only 11 months, has had some obedience training, and is AKC registered. His owners are overwhelmed with medical problems, and are unable to spend time with him. Thus he does need some more work.

I've tried to find contacts to ESS rescue groups, but the ones I've found seem to only work with field bred dogs. Not sure what his background is, but doubt that it's field bred. Background aside, this pup still needs a home. Anyone have any ideas?

-- Mary (, January 07, 2002


Where is the pup now? My parents used to breed them though it's not something I wanted to take up. We've taken on the odd rescue for Springers, even if it's just as a temporary foster home. If he's near Eastern Ontario I'l shake a few trees. Doubt I could convince my wife we need three of them in the house, even if mine is getting a little old.

-- Ross (, January 07, 2002.

Mary, Where are you located?

-- rw (, January 07, 2002.

Oops, sorry! We live in Northeast Pa. about 20 min from the NY border. Right now the Scamp is about five minutes from here, but I'm not sure how long he can stay there.

-- Mary (, January 08, 2002.

Just spoke with the foster dad and they are growing attached. Looks like Scamp may have his home! Thanks to those who replied and emailed.

-- Mary (, January 08, 2002.

Glad to hear it! I gotta admit the pup crossed my mind a few times today!

-- Ross (, January 08, 2002.

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