1945 Strikers Plus

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

How this game is running? Is normal or very slow? Need to have 256mb to run it or work in a k6-II 500 MHz with 128 as well?? I need to know before download it... :(

-- INNUENDO (funit@bol.com.br), January 08, 2002


With 128MB of RAM, s1945p will take some time (around 10 minutes) to decrypt the graphics ROMs, but once that is done it should play fine, but it should be noted that it is rather jerky at times (fault of the emulation) rather than a constant slowdown as the arcade verson would do (although I've never actually played the arcade version).

Another option would be to use Kawaks which not only seems to run s1945p a bit better than MAME, but also has an option to save the decrypted graphics ROMs, so that you avoid the long loading time on 128MB of RAM. Upgrading to 256MB of RAM will certainly speed up the decryption process greatly (should only take a few seconds).

-- Barry Rodewald (bsr@hnpl.net), January 08, 2002.

I have upgraded my PC (it now has 320 Mb of ram [256 + 64]), and s1945p works great... it just takes about 10 seconds to decrypt the gfx. I use Kawaks, since MAME's speed sucks in the latest versions, as everybody knows. My advice is to download the decrypted set and play it with Kawaks, since the encrypted one is 74 Mb, while the decrypted is just 35 Mb or so.

-- Vaz (mrvaz@inwind.it), January 10, 2002.

Someone please tell me were i can download kawaks and s1945, e-mail me please...thnx.

-- Ryan Smith (accelsnowboarder@yahoo.com), April 23, 2004.

hey some one plz email me where to download 1945 plus~ PLLLZZZ thanks~

-- sungjoon (sungjoon90@hotmail.com), July 31, 2004.

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