Selling M2 and lenses : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I am looking to sell a 1959 M2 chrome body #967893 with a Summicron f/2 50mm lens #1571701 and also an Elmar f/4 90mm #1767436 lens. The camera is in it's original case which is slightly worn. There is a small nick and slight scuff marks on the top and 2 small pieces of leather missing from the back plate. Does anybody know how much the camera body and individual lenses go for? And is anybody interested in buying? My e-mail address is T

-- clyde lynds (, January 08, 2002


Search eBay's completed auctions to get an idea of current pricing.

-- John Collier (, January 08, 2002.

Has anyone noticed ebay now has only very limited items in the "completed auctions" section--only those that ended within the week are listed now.

-- Andrew Schank (, January 08, 2002.

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