New alpine buck has one floppy ear : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

One of my alpine does just had a single baby 4 days ago! The first couple of days he had two upright ears but yesterday one started to droop. Is this normal, cause for alarm, permanent, temporary? I don't plan on showing him so that doesn't matter.

I'm eagerly awaiting more babies from the other three does!

-- GaryMorstadt (, January 10, 2002


This isn't unusual and should fix it self. I seem to have it happen more with buck kids than does. Just makes you wonder for a few days......

-- Tana McCarter (, January 10, 2002.

Its normal. last yr I about died, I had several kids come out with their ears folded or they would flop after a day or so. But in the end, they straightened out and were fine. I about panicked because we breed for show and show.

-- Bernice (, January 10, 2002.

Ditto as to what Tana and Bernice said!! I've had the same problem with the occasional buck, but since most of my bucks are either castrated or sold as problem! I tend to "fret" more over the does' ears :-)!!

-- Marcia (, January 10, 2002.

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