Hidden Identity?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Art Deco Society of Washington : One Thread

I own a five piece Deco Bedroom which does not bear any sort of maker's mark.

It came direct from a dealer in London, and has curved faces on all exterior cabinets, drawers, and the three door wardrobe. It is finished in burled walnut veneer over mahogany. The drawer pulls appear to be a circular white bakelite, with a resin "tortoise shell" appearing vertical strip attached at the center of the circle. The vanity has swing out doors in the lowered center with three vertical drawers on either side. The nightstands assemble with the headboard to form a complete unit, including footboard. Each nightstand has a swing out door and a single drawer. The wardrobe is divided into two sections - one features pull out shelves and drawers on the right (although not curve faced) and the left side has space for hanging garments on a metal rod, below a wooden shelf. The interior door features a full length mirror. The unit is lockable using a small "skeleton" key.

All the woodwork appears to have been done by hand, although the drawer's dovetailing looks to have been cut using a pattern jig.

Under one of the vanity's mirrors I found the word "HILLS" written in pencil.

Does anyone have an idea who's work this is? I can supply a photo if need be.

Thanks very much -


-- Mike Sheffer (msheffer@jpc.com), January 10, 2002

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