Print drums : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I'm looking for a way to make 16x20 prints in my tiny, tiny darkroom. I think that a 16x20 print developing drum might be the answer. If anyone has one for sale please let me know.

-- jeff schraeder (, January 11, 2002


check out ebay. they show up all the time. Another option is to get a tray ladder and work vertically, Porter's had them at one time.

-- Ann C lancy (, January 11, 2002.

Nova makes slot processors for paper processing up to the size of 20x24. They aren't cheap but cheaper than Boston standard office rent for the required footprint area difference for the life of the slot.

I use 12x16 slots for 11x14 paper and smaller. Speedy and clean processing.

-- Ryuji Suzuki (, January 11, 2002.

I have see an item on eBay called a "rocker tray," both plastic and stainless steel. They come in various sizes, including 16x20. They are trays curved to be shaped like the rockers on a rocking chair, and have a drain hole for draining chemicals. You start with the developer, pour and and rinse, then the stop bath, etc. One tray processing in a convenient vessel.

-- Jim Rock (, January 12, 2002.

I use to use a single tray to process 16x20 prints in my old darkroom. I works fine, but be sure that the tray is study and does not tend to bend when loaded with processing solutions. The first one I got was rather hard to handle and I spilled a lot of chemistry. I set up three 11x14 trays with developer, stop and fixer. It was fast and easy to pour back and forth using trays, rather than bottles.

-- Gene Crumpler (, January 14, 2002.

If this is only space issue, than tray ladder works great. It allows put one tray atop another and 3 trays take almost the same space as one. I have 2 ladders by Leedhal(not sure spelling) and use them for B&W. B&H sells them. Otherwise Jobo CPA or CPP work well, delivering consistency. They are good for color prints.

-- Boris Krivoruk (, January 14, 2002.

As I recall, Calumet I think, had a tray rack that would hold 3 trays. One on top (developer), the second a bit forward would be stop bath and the last one which came out a bit further to slide the print into fixer. It took up a little more than the foot print of a 16x20. In theory not a bad idea...

-- Scott Walton (, January 18, 2002.

Call Jobo Products which can be found over the net, look for a beselar or unicolor drum and motor base although you don't need the motor base if doin g small numbers of prints.

-- bigmac (, January 22, 2002.

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